The sky was feeling my pain. It cried all day long. It felt my pain from yesterday. I don't know if I calculated so that even mother earth felt my pain. It was real. It wasn't a dream. It was something that I hadn't thought about in a long time. This is only about the second real time where something brought me to tears without it being from something I saw. It just came from the heart. This pain and suffering has finally caught up to me once again.
The rain keeps falling because I still feel blue. I know that this sounds silly, but if you knew my past and knew what happened to me before you'd understand the way I am today. You'd understand why I'm not one that trusts people right away. Those that betray me are my worse enemies. Those that use people even more make me crazy.
Those that actually know me from my past are the ones that truly understand me. There is one person who knows what a terrible time I went through and I'm glad he's my friend. There are two others as well and I'd like to thank them as well. Without you three I don't think I've had made it this far. I know this sounds preachy and all, but it's the truth. I give props to them once again. Almost two years since I've had to deal with all this. I will remember those times where you all listened to me and helped me. Thank you.
Horoscope: Your imagination feels like it's running dry. Give yourself a mental vacation.
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