Tomko did a smashing job. He was great. The time of the game was one hour and 46 minutes. The shortest game in about 20 years or so. I know I saw a few good moves, but I'm glad I didn't see the Pirate scoring. That would have killed me. Well, not really, but you know.
I need to sleep early. Honestly, it's terrible how I'm up so late. I need to head to bed before the midnight replay. It's terrible if I don't. Should I go to tomorrow's game? Yes or no? It'll be a little over a week before I can go to another game.
The weather going home was crazy, but what else is new? It was sunny, but started to rain a little. Oh well. I forgot to see if there's a rainbow. Boo.
Life is so strange at times.
Horoscope: Let the others be flighty -- your feet are on the ground and moving fast.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: Happy. Two in a row.
Your $0.02