The report of what I did today:
I left the house about 11.00 p.m. to pick up my friend to go to CompUSA. After we drove to the downtown CompUSA. I dropped her off and then I went to find parking. Well it was almost the same thing since I found a parking spot right away. It took me a couple of tries and the cops had to wonder what is she doing? After I park the car I go ahead and join her. It was strange seeing a bunch of teenagers or college students who don't really speak English in line waiting for the store to open. We set up a game plan while in line. We were near the Sketchers store (to give you an idea how long the line was). Then the hour arrived. They let in some people in at a time. It was in shifts and even then it was hard because the store was filled with people, but not to the point where you can't move. They only had one door open and it was the Market street side. The O'Farrell side was closed. Ok it was more than a couple, but seeing the ad and knowing what to get helped. Also knowing the layout is very helpful. The plan was this: split up and look for certain items. We would meet back up and switch items and leave the store. Time entered into the store: 12.12-12.15 a.m.
I ran into my former roommate and she helped me find the USB drive. Then next I was off to find the wireless stuff. I went my way and my friend went the other way. Her job/mission was to find the router that she needed and other items that I didn't need. I found a router (it was the wrong one) and then I asked for help to find the USB and the PC card. The girl was helpful and helped me find the items I needed. So I had the USB drive, the PC cards, and the USB adaptors. I meet back up with my friend and we tried to find the router (it took a little while with more asking) and found that. The next item was a mouse. We had to ask about that too. Over all the store personal was helpful. Except the cashier. Had NO CLUE! Probably why he's a cashier.
When everything was found we waited in line. Then I saw the SD card. I thought not a bad price for one. $29.99 AR. I need another one since the one that I'm using isn't working out too well. It's having problems reading and plus I could always do more video with a larger card. I got that too.
The items I bought were: 2 USB wireless adaptors , 2 PC cards (for wireless internet), a 512 MB SD card, and a 512 MB USB drive.
Total spent AR without tax: $ 51.94.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 265.76.
Time on receipt for check out: 12.37 a.m.
Time spent in store: 20 minutes (roughly)
After paying and leaving the store I dropped off my friend and then I headed home. I got home and was tired. I didn't have too many bags, but I couldn't believe I got most of the shopping done already. I didn't sleep until two something, which isn't wise, but that's me. I set my alarm to wake me up at 4.30 a.m. so I could be at Mervyn's when they opened at 5.00 a.m. I went to sleep or to take a nap. I woke up and I really didn't want to get out of bed. I proceed to get changed and have a quick breakfast (one small pineapple cake) and then left. The strange part was when I was getting ready I heard noise outside. My father was sitting in the living room watching TV. It was 4 something in the morning. No one is up that early. He asked me where I was heading. I thought it was obvious. Day after Thanksgiving. Taking a couple of bags to be returned. He didn't think so. I said I'm going shopping. He didn't believe me, but oh well.
I drove there and as I was getting out of the car this guy said that he was in and out in 5 minutes. I was still disoriented and just let it go. I went and got my monkey blanket, socks, and jeans. That was enough to get the $10.00 rewards card. OK it was enough for two. The amount of money I spent was over $100.00. The deal is every $50.00 you spend you get $10.00 back. Then I dropped off the stuff into the car to return the items I bought on Wednesday. Then I went back and thought, I should get some shoes. I bought two pairs and that was enough to get another $10.00. After buying the shoes I went back to the car and returned another items. I almost forgot the $10.00 card because I was heading off to the next location.
The items I bought were: shoes, jeans, socks, and monkey fleece.
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A
Actual total spent with tax: $ 181.28.
Time spent: estimate at least 1.5 hours
I did run into my aunt which was strange. 6.30 a.m. and I run into my aunt at Mervyn's. It was time for the second store. I headed over to Office Max. I parked in the garage and then proceeded to get in line. Yes, in line for the store to open. They also made you take the stairs. Nice right?
I knew two items that I wanted to get. I would end up getting four. I got the FAR 6 plug in power strip and the 64 CD case holder. I looked over the ad and thought the hard drive is kind of cheap. I picked up a 200 gig hard drive. This one person tried to trick me into getting something else. BITCH! Then I saw that they had SD cards on sale too. It was a 512 for $19.99 AR. I thought that's a better deal than the one I picked up at CompUSA. So I got that too.
The items I bought were: 512 SD card, 200 gig hard drive, 64 CD case wallet, and power stripe.
Total spent AR without tax: $ 79.98.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 193.65.
Next stop Walgreens. You have to be wondering, you've been up since about four something and here it is after 7.00 a.m. and you've still got energy? Yes, I do. I had to pick up some laundry detergent and a couple of DVD's. Granted the only thing for me was the DVD's, but I couldn't let my aunt carry the detergent. They were open already and everyone was grabbing stuff. I got two bottles of detergent and then I looked for the DVD's. I need to get Harry Potter and one other one. I was hoping for Runaway Bride. I was going to get About A Boy, but I thought I had it. The deal with the DVD's.
The items I bought were: 2 bottles of 50 oz. detergent and 2 DVD's.
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 15.16.
Next stop was ACE hardware. You're thinking what can you possibly get at ACE? OK I figured it would be open at 7.00 a.m. and all I'd have to do is get in and get out. I was going to get the free items. I saw a line and thought, OK maybe they're limiting the number of people going in. It is a small store. Nope they were not going to be open until 8.00 a.m. I'm standing in the rain and wind waiting for the store to open. I see a young girl with a shirt that says, "Daddy's Girl" and she's wearing a tiara. That's crazy shit there. I did get one of the two items. One was a power sander and the other was something for a screw driver. No more power sanders but they had the other thing. I bought that and left.
The items I bought were: a pack of guiding screw driver drives.
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 8.66.
I went to get a cinnamon roll. It was good. While in line at ACE I realize I lost my earphone. Now I'm ticked off. I call up the places I might have dropped it and nothing. I even go back to Mervyn's. I left my phone number hoping to have it returned. I can expect it not to be EVER.
I then tried to get what I needed from the hospital since I was near there anyways. No luck. They were CLOSED TOO! They had a sign that said they were only going to be closed on THURSDAY. Today is FRIDAY! Whatever.
Next location was Circuit City. Or was it Office Depot? Never the less I went to both. I went to Circuit City first to get some DVD's. It wasn't worth my time to dig through the pile they had. And then lines were even longer. I left. I went back to Office Depot and thought about getting the battery back up. I didn't have a newspaper and I wasn't sure. Then I notice the front of the store had one. I looked to make sure that was the one I needed. I got the last one they had on the shelf. That sucker was heavy. I also went to Sportsmart, but there wasn't anything I wanted.
The items I bought were: battery back up.
Total spent AR without tax: $ 14.99.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 65.09.
Then I went to Target. Since I failed to get the better deal at Circuit City I went to Target to get the Family Guy DVD. I got that and found a couple that I wanted too. Ok the price had something to do with it.
The items I bought were: Family Guy Vol. 2, Shrek 2, A Shark's Tale, Meet the Fockers
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 38.66.
It was back to Mervyn's to return on last item. I also had to get a present for the company dinner. I had no idea what to get. I thought about it when I was at the Mervyn's in San Francisco, but now it's for real. I just got something that I thought was cute and useful. Something that could be enjoyed. I'm not going to put down what it was because I never know who's reading this and if they'll know who I got. I also got something else that was cute. I'm not going to say what either because I'll spoil the surprise. The lines were long. I saw them and got scared. I wanted to pass, but I didn't. All I had to do was hunt down a shorter line and pay. I also don't like the fact they don't have scanners to check the prices. Annoying if you ask me.
The items I bought were: can't say.
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 36.00.
The things I failed to mention are: I was almost in an accident TWICE. Once was heading over to Mervyn's to try to find my earphone. The other was at Serramonte. The sky was dark and there was rain. If it's hard to see you have to have on headlights. But this old lady didn't think so. I had on my lights so she could see me. I think safety first. I was really ticked off. Oh I was so fumed about the old lady I forgot to lock the doors. I got lucky that the car wasn't stolen and nothing was stolen. Second time this week.
I did get home about 12.30 p.m. I think. I'm not even sure. If anyone actually totals how much was spent, I think it's at least $600.00. That's just too crazy.
Horoscope: As you get more excited about that big purchase, don't skip the research! You can absolutely trust the promises made to you now, even if they arrive from far away. You'll be just as adamant about keeping your own word, too. Respect and responsibility are in the air.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02