Good bye Mr. Eyre. You made it. You were one of the two Scotts on the team that we loved. I'll miss you. You were laid back and nice. I'm glad I got to meet you at the picnic. You have made this past season a joy to watch. Even though we didn't do so well, you were the light that guided us until the end.
We will miss you greatly. I enjoyed your song at the park. It made me remember my roots in rock music. It bring tears to my eyes right now thinking you'll no longer be a Giant, but that you're a Cub now. You were a Giant with a "Giant" heart. I'm sorry we let you get away, but we understand that your boys mean a lot to you. Good luck in the windy city and if you see A.J. there don't forget to give him a kick in the ASS if he's pompous to you about the World Series.
Scottie Hottie...I bid you farewell and godspeed. (No I'm not religious.)
Horoscope: Whittle down some of your responsibilities and free up some time for a recharge. Is friendship really all there is between you and that certain someone you've known for what seems like forever? If you're not sure, investigating the options now wouldn't be a bad idea.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02