It was after work and I was standing at the corner waiting for a ride home. I notices these flashes of light and thought maybe it was the cable where the buses run, but then thought better when I saw some more. I thought back to when I was younger (elementary school) and saw a bunch when I was on my way to school. I only wish I had a camera when I was that young. I love seeing lightning. I know it's dangerous, but it's different and unique.
On the drive home there were a couple more times when the lightning hit. The only reason why I knew was because the radio had a little bad reception. I saw some and wonder how much more there would be. If I could just stare at that a lot I would.
I miss the simple days where I could just hang out and just stare at the sky. Looking up at the clouds trying to find people and animals. I like taking pictures of clouds too. Sounds silly, but that's something fun to do. Take picture of clouds.
Horoscope: You're still feeling exhilarated and enthusiastic when it comes to spending money, but you really need to be careful about it -- and this isn't something anyone ordinarily needs to tell you. Your smart attitude about money qualifies you to give friends some wise advice.
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Your $0.02