OK, the pictures I promised are up. It's on the left hand side under pictures. I finally put some up only because of Birdy. Some stuff I found along the way while walking around the neighborhood. Enjoy them!
I actually cleaned today! I also killed a fly today! Ok enough about my day. Look at pictures!
Site of the day: Grammer Spork
Watching: Giants VS. Rockies
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Time for bed...
Yes it's bed time. The thing I plan to do today is whatever I didn't finish the other day. Yes, I will have pictures of the bird that was in the house. Someone said why didn't you keep it? No cage, no bird seed, and the bird is loud. There are you reasons. If you would like the video of my trying to coax the bird down and out e-mail me.
OK now that my list is made on paper I can now go to sleep.
Horoscope: A fire needs oxygen to breathe. Don't let mundane responsibilities stifle your spirit.
Watching: ABC Wolrd News This Morning
Listening to:
Thinking about: Sleep! -.-
OK now that my list is made on paper I can now go to sleep.
Horoscope: A fire needs oxygen to breathe. Don't let mundane responsibilities stifle your spirit.
Watching: ABC Wolrd News This Morning
Listening to:
Thinking about: Sleep! -.-
I've got a bird brain?!?
At about 6.39 p.m. I freed the bird. OK I have to give some credit to Pringles because once you pop you can't stop or something like that. I had the Pringle crumbs to get the bird to eat them. Good plan right? As soon as I notice it wasn't there I thought maybe the bird went to go eat. Ah ha! I was crorrect. Then I just shood the bird near the gate and in crashed roughly three to four times before it escaped from the bottom. Moran of the story: birds do know how to escape on their own (dad said that) BUT they must have food to do so. That was me and my logical thinking that helped it escape or it would have crapped on everyone's shoes.
Lesson here: be glad that Pringle crumbs can get a bird out of your house and that you had the smarts to think of it.
MOTD (Message of the day):iPH J00 C@N REYD THIS, YOU'R3 4 FUC| Site of the day: Queen of Wands
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Lesson here: be glad that Pringle crumbs can get a bird out of your house and that you had the smarts to think of it.
MOTD (Message of the day):iPH J00 C@N REYD THIS, YOU'R3 4 FUC|
Listening to:
Thinking about:
What a day...
I wake up when my stereo tunes into the Giants game only for the first 10 minutes of the actual game. After that I passed out and went back to sleep. I woke up again at nearly 2.00 p.m. in the afternoon. I think I did catch the wrap up of what happened and listened to comments by Kuip, Kruk, Miller, and Wright? Mohr should be in right field and Ledee who was there I think cost us the game. I can't say that for sure because I didn't watch it and I don't know what happened.
I then make myself some lunch. Not bad so far and then I head to the post office. I mail the book and was hoping that I could buy a couple of hair claws at Walgreens. Now my last post is making some sense right? After going part way to the post office I realised I didn't even have the letters that I had to mail. I thought no big deal I'll just mail it when I get home. I also bought bananas, though the house already had some. (I know I must be blind and stupid.) I get home to discover a bird in the stairway area. Yes, really a bird. I have pictures along with video to prove it. It's just stuck going back and forth and doesn't know how to get out. This is the second time I know this happeneds except a bird never got this far stuck before. I don't think it's a bright bird but maybe it'll get out? I almost coxed it out, but I was told to stop. So you can imagine the enormous comedy factor in all of this.
Anyway, it's almost 5.00 p.m. and I just wonder how much longer the bird will be there. I did get a picture of the lime green color house. I didn't get the car with the bumper sticker though.
Watching: Armed Reaction and the bird.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Poor bird.
I then make myself some lunch. Not bad so far and then I head to the post office. I mail the book and was hoping that I could buy a couple of hair claws at Walgreens. Now my last post is making some sense right? After going part way to the post office I realised I didn't even have the letters that I had to mail. I thought no big deal I'll just mail it when I get home. I also bought bananas, though the house already had some. (I know I must be blind and stupid.) I get home to discover a bird in the stairway area. Yes, really a bird. I have pictures along with video to prove it. It's just stuck going back and forth and doesn't know how to get out. This is the second time I know this happeneds except a bird never got this far stuck before. I don't think it's a bright bird but maybe it'll get out? I almost coxed it out, but I was told to stop. So you can imagine the enormous comedy factor in all of this.
Anyway, it's almost 5.00 p.m. and I just wonder how much longer the bird will be there. I did get a picture of the lime green color house. I didn't get the car with the bumper sticker though.
Watching: Armed Reaction and the bird.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Poor bird.
What to do today...
- Go to post office.
- Go to Walgreens.
- Go have a tapioca milk tea? (Maybe.)
- Get started on bows. (Hopefully.)
- Catch the Giants game in 5 hours? (Wishful thinking here..)
- Get some exercise and take some pictures of the lime green house and pink or was it yellow house. (Yes if I have my camera with me.)
- Get a picture of this: on a car.
That's what I plan on doing. Will I get them done? A few, but hopefully everything will get done.
Horoscope: The hurdle may seem high, but if you get a running start, you'll clear it easily.
Watching: ABC 7 news
Listening to:
Thinking about: Giants game in less than 5 hours. Oh no!
- Go to Walgreens.
- Go have a tapioca milk tea? (Maybe.)
- Get started on bows. (Hopefully.)
- Catch the Giants game in 5 hours? (Wishful thinking here..)
- Get some exercise and take some pictures of the lime green house and pink or was it yellow house. (Yes if I have my camera with me.)
- Get a picture of this:
That's what I plan on doing. Will I get them done? A few, but hopefully everything will get done.
Horoscope: The hurdle may seem high, but if you get a running start, you'll clear it easily.
Watching: ABC 7 news
Listening to:
Thinking about: Giants game in less than 5 hours. Oh no!
Go Giants!
One great night for baseball. Yes, you know it because Barry knows how to show it. Ok my poor attempt at writing a rhyme. There was history made tonight. The great Hank Aaron was at the park where Barry Bonds was making history himself. While Aaron was talking in the booth Bonds hit number 695. That's just five away from 700. But wait there's more. He also would hit number 696 at the park too. I'm telling you this now he will hit 700 at SBC. Get your tickets now!
On to other news, Armed Reaction IV is good. I'm so hooked on that. It has to be one of my favorite police stories. If they made a part five I would have to watch it too. I got to work on some rebates and it was such a pain. I had to figure out what was what and what belonged with what. It definitely takes some creative thinking except when it was really trying on me.
I am glad that the Olympics are finally over. I mean they're fun to watch and all, but people talk to much. The coverage is bad because it jumps from sport to sport. Alright, I guess it's just me then I guess that it annoys.
Horoscope: Even the most meticulous map won't help you today. Let your intuition lead the way.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Go Giants!
On to other news, Armed Reaction IV is good. I'm so hooked on that. It has to be one of my favorite police stories. If they made a part five I would have to watch it too. I got to work on some rebates and it was such a pain. I had to figure out what was what and what belonged with what. It definitely takes some creative thinking except when it was really trying on me.
I am glad that the Olympics are finally over. I mean they're fun to watch and all, but people talk to much. The coverage is bad because it jumps from sport to sport. Alright, I guess it's just me then I guess that it annoys.
Horoscope: Even the most meticulous map won't help you today. Let your intuition lead the way.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Go Giants!
It's 6.30 a.m. already !?!
Well the only way I knew it was 6.30 a.m. was by looking at the clock. I only did that because I did see some bright light coming from the blinds. I had no idea because I spent so many hours working on the bows by putting them on hangers and to cold iron them straight. Plus I was also readying the Giants fan forum. Time really does fly.
I then set the alarm to wake me up for the Giants game. I was tired and didn't want to listen to the Fox guys because they're horrible and just stuck with the radio. So the radio is on and I'm listening to the game while semi-awake. I know that Tucker and Fonzie were hit with the ball. I also knew that Tucker's was a strike and he couldn't take the base because of that. This is where I probably have to read the baseball 101 to find out more about baseball.
I finally do wake up at 2.30 p.m. I was just tired. I had a bad feeling about the game but what can you do about it? I had something to eat and then just sat in front of my computer watching Armed Reaction IV. It is good! I mean it made me laugh, but then again I'm so brain dead now-a-days that almost anything will make me laugh.
On a side note the lottery for the state tonight was at least $100 million dollars. I'm hoping no one won so I have another chance on Wednesday. And I had most of this written out until my computer decided to freeze on me. =(
Horoscope: I had no milk tea so it was somewhat off.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
I then set the alarm to wake me up for the Giants game. I was tired and didn't want to listen to the Fox guys because they're horrible and just stuck with the radio. So the radio is on and I'm listening to the game while semi-awake. I know that Tucker and Fonzie were hit with the ball. I also knew that Tucker's was a strike and he couldn't take the base because of that. This is where I probably have to read the baseball 101 to find out more about baseball.
I finally do wake up at 2.30 p.m. I was just tired. I had a bad feeling about the game but what can you do about it? I had something to eat and then just sat in front of my computer watching Armed Reaction IV. It is good! I mean it made me laugh, but then again I'm so brain dead now-a-days that almost anything will make me laugh.
On a side note the lottery for the state tonight was at least $100 million dollars. I'm hoping no one won so I have another chance on Wednesday. And I had most of this written out until my computer decided to freeze on me. =(
Horoscope: I had no milk tea so it was somewhat off.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Giants fan forum...
Can birng you hours (maybe that's too much) but every once in a while bring you to a chuckle or even laughing out loud. I have learned there is a troublemaker, people from other teams come to bash your for not reading and can't spell, and part-time fans (cheer or praise someone when they do good and bash and dislike when they do some little mistake.) Yes I know I sound like the typical white american male who sits in front of a computer reading forums and comping up with reasons to pick on people, but in reality I'm trying to understand the game a little.
Update on the bows: about five to six done. That is untied and not ironed yet, but hopefully that will be later today or early tomorrow.
Watching: I Love the 80s
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Update on the bows: about five to six done. That is untied and not ironed yet, but hopefully that will be later today or early tomorrow.
Watching: I Love the 80s
Listening to:
Thinking about:
You know you're not getting enough sleep when...
- When you can't remember where you put your clip on sunglasses two or three times within 15 minutes.
When you can't find the lottery ticket form that you filled out and put somewhere else because it made sense at the time.
- When you check for the lottery numbers on a FRIDAY when the drawing is on SATURDAY.
- When you think you lost your phone but really it's in a corner of the bag that you can't reach.
- When you bring a discman and the earphones, but don't have batteries in the discman.
- When you argue about the difference between stamina and endurance. (It's the same thing right?)
- When you think that you're right about what happened in an anime when you were actually wrong. (I know had to have a third party settle it because I didn't have a brain.)
- When you make a list and only get 40% done and should have done at least half, but just kept on sitting in front of the computer.
Pretty much that's how my day went and with the Giants losing (I feel I let them down by not watching because it was "donuts" for the first five innings.) I also went deaf for a moment because I accidentally made the volume louder and didn't bother checking before I turned it on. I also noticed I had dead batteries in the walkman when I turned it on and nothing happened.
Horoscope: You need a small change, not a radical shift. Try a different brand of coffee.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Getting started on ironing the ribbons. I will! I shall get a few done today!
When you can't find the lottery ticket form that you filled out and put somewhere else because it made sense at the time.
- When you check for the lottery numbers on a FRIDAY when the drawing is on SATURDAY.
- When you think you lost your phone but really it's in a corner of the bag that you can't reach.
- When you bring a discman and the earphones, but don't have batteries in the discman.
- When you argue about the difference between stamina and endurance. (It's the same thing right?)
- When you think that you're right about what happened in an anime when you were actually wrong. (I know had to have a third party settle it because I didn't have a brain.)
- When you make a list and only get 40% done and should have done at least half, but just kept on sitting in front of the computer.
Pretty much that's how my day went and with the Giants losing (I feel I let them down by not watching because it was "donuts" for the first five innings.) I also went deaf for a moment because I accidentally made the volume louder and didn't bother checking before I turned it on. I also noticed I had dead batteries in the walkman when I turned it on and nothing happened.
Horoscope: You need a small change, not a radical shift. Try a different brand of coffee.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Getting started on ironing the ribbons. I will! I shall get a few done today!
List of things actually done...
Hmm...here's a recap in case you're too lazy to scroll down.
The list of things to do is as follows:
1. Copy VCDs for people.
2. Wrap a book for shipping.
3. Iron bows that I should have started last week when I got them.
4. Take out recycling from my room.
5. Watch items on my hard drive to clear it for nothing else.
6. Read G.T.O.
7. Mail the book at the post office.
8. Buy bubbled envelopes.
9. Cheer on the Giants. Go Giants!
10. Hand wash clothes that's been lying around a while. (I know kind of gross, but I have an air purifier sort of to keep the stank gone.)
11. If this is something to do it won't get done.
Done things:
1. DONE.
2. DONE.
3. Not done yet.
4. Not done yet.
5. Not done yet.
6. Not at all. But I did watch it, but I don't think that counts.
7. DONE.
8. DONE.
9. Kind of, but I forgot to wear earrings. (A little supersticious. It worked the last two game but we lost the first with the fish. =( )
10. Not at all.
Almost all done. At least I'm going to start on the bows now. Don't tell the bride I haven't started or she might freak out. Well actually her fiance could put out the "fire". Heh heh.
Horoscope: Was dead on today. WoW.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
The list of things to do is as follows:
1. Copy VCDs for people.
2. Wrap a book for shipping.
3. Iron bows that I should have started last week when I got them.
4. Take out recycling from my room.
5. Watch items on my hard drive to clear it for nothing else.
6. Read G.T.O.
7. Mail the book at the post office.
8. Buy bubbled envelopes.
9. Cheer on the Giants. Go Giants!
10. Hand wash clothes that's been lying around a while. (I know kind of gross, but I have an air purifier sort of to keep the stank gone.)
11. If this is something to do it won't get done.
Done things:
1. DONE.
2. DONE.
3. Not done yet.
4. Not done yet.
5. Not done yet.
6. Not at all. But I did watch it, but I don't think that counts.
7. DONE.
8. DONE.
9. Kind of, but I forgot to wear earrings. (A little supersticious. It worked the last two game but we lost the first with the fish. =( )
10. Not at all.
Almost all done. At least I'm going to start on the bows now. Don't tell the bride I haven't started or she might freak out. Well actually her fiance could put out the "fire". Heh heh.
Horoscope: Was dead on today. WoW.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
You'll Be My Love - Bob Gleaves
My love, till you are near
I long for your touch
you are the only one, with you
I know I'll find love that I need
Love for a life time
So please believe it's true
Our love will see us thru
For one heart share by two
We'll always stand, now and forever
Thru the sun, or all thru the rain
And for all time
You'll always be my love
So please believe it's true
Our love will see us thru
For one heart share by two
We'll always stand, now and forever
Thru the sun, and all thru the rain
And for all time
You'll always be my love
Thru the sun, and all thru the rain
You'll always be my love,
or all thru the rain
And for all time
You'll always be to be my love
my love to you i need
i long for your touch
you are the only one
with you i know i´ll find love that i need
love for a life time
so please, please believe it´s true
our love will see us through
for one heart, shared by two
will always stand now and forever
through the sun and gone through the rain
and for all time, you´ll always be my love
so please, please believe it´s true
our love will see us through
for one heart, shared by two
will always stand now and forever
through the sun and gone through the rain
for all time, you´ll always be my love
through the sun and gone through the rain
you´ll always be my love
gone through the rain
for all time
you´ll always be
you´ll be my love
I long for your touch
you are the only one, with you
I know I'll find love that I need
Love for a life time
So please believe it's true
Our love will see us thru
For one heart share by two
We'll always stand, now and forever
Thru the sun, or all thru the rain
And for all time
You'll always be my love
So please believe it's true
Our love will see us thru
For one heart share by two
We'll always stand, now and forever
Thru the sun, and all thru the rain
And for all time
You'll always be my love
Thru the sun, and all thru the rain
You'll always be my love,
or all thru the rain
And for all time
You'll always be to be my love
my love to you i need
i long for your touch
you are the only one
with you i know i´ll find love that i need
love for a life time
so please, please believe it´s true
our love will see us through
for one heart, shared by two
will always stand now and forever
through the sun and gone through the rain
and for all time, you´ll always be my love
so please, please believe it´s true
our love will see us through
for one heart, shared by two
will always stand now and forever
through the sun and gone through the rain
for all time, you´ll always be my love
through the sun and gone through the rain
you´ll always be my love
gone through the rain
for all time
you´ll always be
you´ll be my love
Today's plans...
The list of things to do is as follows:
1. Copy VCDs for people.
2. Wrap a book for shipping.
3. Iron bows that I should have started last week when I got them.
4. Take out recycling from my room.
5. Watch items on my hard drive to clear it for nothing else.
6. Read G.T.O.
7. Mail the book at the post office.
8. Buy bubbled envelopes.
9. Cheer on the Giants. Go Giants!
10. Hand wash clothes that's been lying around a while. (I know kind of gross, but I have an air purifier sort of to keep the stank gone.)
11. If this is something to do it won't get done.
Time for me to start on item one. Hopefully everything will be done.
Horoscope: No trick will get you out of this task. Roll up your sleeves and get started.
Watching: WNN
Listening to:
Thinking about: Things to do. That's a lot!
1. Copy VCDs for people.
2. Wrap a book for shipping.
3. Iron bows that I should have started last week when I got them.
4. Take out recycling from my room.
5. Watch items on my hard drive to clear it for nothing else.
6. Read G.T.O.
7. Mail the book at the post office.
8. Buy bubbled envelopes.
9. Cheer on the Giants. Go Giants!
10. Hand wash clothes that's been lying around a while. (I know kind of gross, but I have an air purifier sort of to keep the stank gone.)
11. If this is something to do it won't get done.
Time for me to start on item one. Hopefully everything will be done.
Horoscope: No trick will get you out of this task. Roll up your sleeves and get started.
Watching: WNN
Listening to:
Thinking about: Things to do. That's a lot!
You can't please everyone...
Oh how I rant a rave now more than ever. I know it's not becoming of a girl, but girls have to do it too from time to time. If you put something on eBay or half.com and you see a picture of it and still unsure of course you're going to ask questions before you buy. But if you ask and then buy it before the person has time to respond to you then you're just out of luck. Then when the person replies back to you and says they want it you're thinking is this person for real? Well whenever I buy something and I'm unsure of a product I ask so I know what I'm getting and not disappointed.
Well let me tell you what happened. I put a book for sale at half.com and the person said that she didn't pay $12.00 for the book plus shipping. Yeah, and I had a picture of the book and a description of the book to go along. It was her fault for not reading everything before buying. Sorry, but that's how life is and it's not like she's going to keep the book forever. What person would want to keep a book anyway? I mean I had everything there and it's usually the buyer's to check out the item they're getting.
Ok enough with the ranting. On a high not the Giants win! With Tomko at the mound. Wow. I mean I had been following the games, but never realized who pitched was important until I was reading the fan forums. Boy do they help me out a lot. I mean there are the negative people on the board and trollers who just go to other boards to talk trash. At least I learn on the boards and sometimes I don't agree with them, but at least they help me learn the game.
This was taken from the newsletter out every fortnight or so but this is from the most recent issue..
On the team plane, do you guys have any specific order or sections you sit in? -- Josh C., Shingle Spings
Matt Herges: Barry (Bonds) is in the 25th row on the left side. That's his row. Front office and the coaches sit in the front in first class. Then you have the broadcasters, sitting right behind them. And then you have the players. The back row, left, is J.T. (Snow), then Robb Nen and Jason Christiansen. Then me, then Hermie (Dustin Hermanson); we all basically sit in the same row every time.
When new guys come aboard -- that was my first question when I got traded over here: "Where should I sit?" You ask a guy who's been around, and they give you an idea. In September, when everybody comes up, they'll probably be a little closer to the front, and if there's not enough seats, then they'll probably have to double up with the rookies. But it's a pecking order. The guys who have been in the big leagues the longest usually get their choice.
Horoscope: Throw your list of chores out the window. Especially if it's nice outside.
Reading: G.T.O. Great Teacher Onizuka
Listening to: Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
Thinking about: too much if I'm never in bed before 4.00 a.m.
Well let me tell you what happened. I put a book for sale at half.com and the person said that she didn't pay $12.00 for the book plus shipping. Yeah, and I had a picture of the book and a description of the book to go along. It was her fault for not reading everything before buying. Sorry, but that's how life is and it's not like she's going to keep the book forever. What person would want to keep a book anyway? I mean I had everything there and it's usually the buyer's to check out the item they're getting.
Ok enough with the ranting. On a high not the Giants win! With Tomko at the mound. Wow. I mean I had been following the games, but never realized who pitched was important until I was reading the fan forums. Boy do they help me out a lot. I mean there are the negative people on the board and trollers who just go to other boards to talk trash. At least I learn on the boards and sometimes I don't agree with them, but at least they help me learn the game.
This was taken from the newsletter out every fortnight or so but this is from the most recent issue..
On the team plane, do you guys have any specific order or sections you sit in? -- Josh C., Shingle Spings
Matt Herges: Barry (Bonds) is in the 25th row on the left side. That's his row. Front office and the coaches sit in the front in first class. Then you have the broadcasters, sitting right behind them. And then you have the players. The back row, left, is J.T. (Snow), then Robb Nen and Jason Christiansen. Then me, then Hermie (Dustin Hermanson); we all basically sit in the same row every time.
When new guys come aboard -- that was my first question when I got traded over here: "Where should I sit?" You ask a guy who's been around, and they give you an idea. In September, when everybody comes up, they'll probably be a little closer to the front, and if there's not enough seats, then they'll probably have to double up with the rookies. But it's a pecking order. The guys who have been in the big leagues the longest usually get their choice.
Horoscope: Throw your list of chores out the window. Especially if it's nice outside.
Reading: G.T.O. Great Teacher Onizuka
Listening to: Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
Thinking about: too much if I'm never in bed before 4.00 a.m.
Be careful while crossing the street...
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Pedestrian killed by hit-run driver in 19th Ave. intersection
He's 6th person in 3 years to be killed on busy boulevard
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Chronicle Staff Writer
A 26-year-old San Francisco man was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver early Wednesday as he crossed 19th Avenue at the southern entrance to Golden Gate Park.
Tu Tran was found on 19th Avenue near Lincoln Way at 12:30 a.m. He is believed to have been hit as he was walking west in a crosswalk. Evidence suggests the driver was headed north on 19th, but police don't have any witnesses.
Nineteenth Avenue is an especially dangerous street; Tran is at least the sixth person to be killed trying to cross the six-lane boulevard since 2001.
Earlier this year, Assemblyman Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, introduced a bill that would double fines for speeding and other traffic offenses along a 5.1-mile stretch of Highway 1, a 35-mph zone that includes 19th Avenue and Park Presidio Blvd.
The legislation has since been combined with proposals to focus on two other dangerous traffic areas and is pending before the state Senate. This is the last scheduled week of the session, and the bill will die if not acted on.
"With yet another unfortunate incident last night,'' said Adam Keigwin, Yee's spokesman, "we are pushing for the Senate to approve it.''
Tran's sister, Betty Tran, said her brother had come to this country as a young child from Vietnam. He had been washing dishes at a restaurant in the Mission, but had personal problems recently and had been out of touch with his family, she said.
She asked that anyone who saw the accident come forward.
"I know he had a tough time, but he was someone who was wanted and loved by us all," she said. "He didn't have it easy. . . . None of us did.
"We just all hoped he would be OK," she said. "Now to have this, it's pretty devastating.''
Pedestrian killed by hit-run driver in 19th Ave. intersection
He's 6th person in 3 years to be killed on busy boulevard
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Chronicle Staff Writer
A 26-year-old San Francisco man was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver early Wednesday as he crossed 19th Avenue at the southern entrance to Golden Gate Park.
Tu Tran was found on 19th Avenue near Lincoln Way at 12:30 a.m. He is believed to have been hit as he was walking west in a crosswalk. Evidence suggests the driver was headed north on 19th, but police don't have any witnesses.
Nineteenth Avenue is an especially dangerous street; Tran is at least the sixth person to be killed trying to cross the six-lane boulevard since 2001.
Earlier this year, Assemblyman Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, introduced a bill that would double fines for speeding and other traffic offenses along a 5.1-mile stretch of Highway 1, a 35-mph zone that includes 19th Avenue and Park Presidio Blvd.
The legislation has since been combined with proposals to focus on two other dangerous traffic areas and is pending before the state Senate. This is the last scheduled week of the session, and the bill will die if not acted on.
"With yet another unfortunate incident last night,'' said Adam Keigwin, Yee's spokesman, "we are pushing for the Senate to approve it.''
Tran's sister, Betty Tran, said her brother had come to this country as a young child from Vietnam. He had been washing dishes at a restaurant in the Mission, but had personal problems recently and had been out of touch with his family, she said.
She asked that anyone who saw the accident come forward.
"I know he had a tough time, but he was someone who was wanted and loved by us all," she said. "He didn't have it easy. . . . None of us did.
"We just all hoped he would be OK," she said. "Now to have this, it's pretty devastating.''
News items that are interesting...
August 19, 2004
Hong Kong police are trying to flush out thieves who have been stealing fixtures and fittings from public toilets(AFP/file)
August 19, 2004
Undated images showing the front and back of the world's first disposable digital camera. U.S. pharmacy chain CVS Corp. said August 19, 2004 it would offer the world's first disposable digital camera with a bright color viewing screen that allows consumers to instantly preview pictures. The new camera, priced at $19.99, marks an evolution from the first generation of one-time-use digital cameras sold in U.S. retail chains, including Walgreen's, for the past year. This older line had no ability to instantly review photos. The camera comes with a 1.4-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) screen that allows users to preview pictures, delete poor images, and reshoot them to obtain the best shots possible. REUTERS/CVS Corp. (Reuters - Handout)
August 20, 2004
A work of origami, or paper folding, is shown on display during the origami convention in Tokyo, Friday, Aug. 20, 2004. Showcasing a renaissance in the ancient Japanese art of origami, some of the best paper-folders in the world descended on Tokyo on Friday for a three-day competition and convention to celebrate the artistic possibilities of origami, which is believed to have been used to create sacred ornaments at the Grand Shrines of Ise, the center of Japan's native shinto religion. (AP Photo/Junji Kurokawa)
Augst 21, 2004
Lightning strikes near the Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada during a monsoon storm, August 20, 2004. The horizontal line below is created by lights from a passing aircraft in this 20-second camera exposure. REUTERS/Ethan Miller
August 24, 2004
This combo picture shows Japanese auto giant Honda Motor's prototype model of a scooter powered by fuel cell battery in Tokyo.(AFP/HO-Honda)
Hong Kong police are trying to flush out thieves who have been stealing fixtures and fittings from public toilets(AFP/file)
August 19, 2004
Undated images showing the front and back of the world's first disposable digital camera. U.S. pharmacy chain CVS Corp. said August 19, 2004 it would offer the world's first disposable digital camera with a bright color viewing screen that allows consumers to instantly preview pictures. The new camera, priced at $19.99, marks an evolution from the first generation of one-time-use digital cameras sold in U.S. retail chains, including Walgreen's, for the past year. This older line had no ability to instantly review photos. The camera comes with a 1.4-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) screen that allows users to preview pictures, delete poor images, and reshoot them to obtain the best shots possible. REUTERS/CVS Corp. (Reuters - Handout)
August 20, 2004
A work of origami, or paper folding, is shown on display during the origami convention in Tokyo, Friday, Aug. 20, 2004. Showcasing a renaissance in the ancient Japanese art of origami, some of the best paper-folders in the world descended on Tokyo on Friday for a three-day competition and convention to celebrate the artistic possibilities of origami, which is believed to have been used to create sacred ornaments at the Grand Shrines of Ise, the center of Japan's native shinto religion. (AP Photo/Junji Kurokawa)
Augst 21, 2004
Lightning strikes near the Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada during a monsoon storm, August 20, 2004. The horizontal line below is created by lights from a passing aircraft in this 20-second camera exposure. REUTERS/Ethan Miller
August 24, 2004
This combo picture shows Japanese auto giant Honda Motor's prototype model of a scooter powered by fuel cell battery in Tokyo.(AFP/HO-Honda)
3G Virtual Girlfriend
ASIA : Hong Kong based Artificial Life, Inc. (OTC: ALIF) a leading provider of intelligent agent based mobile and Internet technology and applications today announced the upcoming release of its new 3G game and product line: Virtual Girlfriend.
The Virtual Girlfriend is a very innovative mobile game that is based on intelligent animated 3-D characters (avatars) that live in a virtual mobile world. The virtual girls can be contacted and seen using a 3G phone at any time. However, the characters will be involved in different activities during the day, for example, the girlfriend may be in her virtual home or at her virtual workplace or in a virtual bar or restaurant or just shopping with another virtual friend in a virtual shopping mall. The user can watch the characters during these activities and interact with them via the mobile phone. The characters and the game follow a certain daily and weekly schedule which will continuously change and progress over time.
Users can interact with the game characters on their mobile phones by sending SMS and MMS messages or chat with them in real time through a J2ME client. Several interactive game icons are available as well. Users even have the option to interact with the Virtual Girlfriend by sending her virtual gifts which can elevate the user to different, more sophisticated game levels. A Virtual Boyfriend version of the game is scheduled for release in February 2005.
The new 3G game supports all major 3G handsets currently on the market. Furthermore, 2G users can access a limited version via a WAP interface. The 2G counterpart will not have any autonomous behavior and visual content will be down sampled to make up for limited bandwidth.
The Virtual Girlfriend product line is scheduled for launch on December 1, 2004 and will be presented to the public and a broad audience during an invited speech by Artificial Life's Chairman and CEO at the upcoming 3G World Conference to be held in Hong Kong on November 15, 2004.
"We are very proud of this new product line. It combines in a unique way our Smart Engine Mobile Platform?, proprietary artificial intelligence technology, human like behavior of the game characters, natural language processing in several languages including English, German, Chinese, Korean and Japanese, uses text to speech voices, high quality and realistic 3-D animations, a sophisticated and innovative game logic with a continuously evolving and always progressing story and user specific content delivery. For our corporate partners we offer a new and innovative way of advertisement: virtual product placements as part of the game. The Virtual Girlfriend is a lot of fun to play and the game sets new and high standards for future 3G mobile games" said Eberhard Schoeneburg, CEO of Artificial Life, Inc.
Here is another article with how much it'll cost you to have a "virtual girlfriend".
Dinner and a missed movie...
Let's see there was a semi-family dinner. It's with someone who I don't know I know but they're family. Yes, this is typical of Chinese or Asian families. You know you're this person's cousin of a cousin's cousin. What? Yes, that's what everyone's reaction is when they find out that someone younger than you can be higher rank than you. How is this possible? Well let me explain what I do know. If your grandparents have siblings and or older siblings and they have children they might be higher rank than you.
Anyway, I'm stuck at a dinner when I know that the Giants are tied at five a piece with the Marlins. I'm thinking great this is just what I wanted. Lucky I had my extremely ghetto walkman that's huge (it's about the size of three cell phones combined together side by side) to find out what goes on. I turn it on and off to find out from time to time. Honestly the restaurant was too loud for me to even really hear the game, but I managed to find out that the Giants won. I was pretty stoked about that.
Dinner was good. I didn't think it would be, but then again I was hungry because I didn't eat anything all day and I don't think that tapioca pearls count. So when the food arrived I was starving. When dinner was done I was full. Great place and only place in Chinatown I think that has good food.
Horoscope: Like a long-distance runner, you need to warm up before you can tackle the race.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Procrastination..or at least writing a parody of Anticipation
Anyway, I'm stuck at a dinner when I know that the Giants are tied at five a piece with the Marlins. I'm thinking great this is just what I wanted. Lucky I had my extremely ghetto walkman that's huge (it's about the size of three cell phones combined together side by side) to find out what goes on. I turn it on and off to find out from time to time. Honestly the restaurant was too loud for me to even really hear the game, but I managed to find out that the Giants won. I was pretty stoked about that.
Dinner was good. I didn't think it would be, but then again I was hungry because I didn't eat anything all day and I don't think that tapioca pearls count. So when the food arrived I was starving. When dinner was done I was full. Great place and only place in Chinatown I think that has good food.
Horoscope: Like a long-distance runner, you need to warm up before you can tackle the race.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Procrastination..or at least writing a parody of Anticipation
First it was a rain delay. Then it was just the game itself. We should have just prayed for the rain to keep on going. I was horrified at the fact we couldn't do anything to save the game. The one run was looking like a rally, but sadly it wasn't. Today wasn't the day the Giants were going to take over the Marlins.
On to other news regarding my helping my cousin. Nothing done. Yes and the reason why is that I haven't been motivated to do so. At least I had my QEftSG to cheer me up today. Also, knowing that next month I will get two new episodes of QEftSG will be good.
Nothing else to report but I might start blogging in the morning before bed. I can't remember to do it before the day is done, but I'll do my best.
Horoscope: Today you may find yourself running faster and faster just to stay in place.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
On to other news regarding my helping my cousin. Nothing done. Yes and the reason why is that I haven't been motivated to do so. At least I had my QEftSG to cheer me up today. Also, knowing that next month I will get two new episodes of QEftSG will be good.
Nothing else to report but I might start blogging in the morning before bed. I can't remember to do it before the day is done, but I'll do my best.
Horoscope: Today you may find yourself running faster and faster just to stay in place.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Late start...
Ok not really, but I did wake up in the evening. I was wiped out. I had to wake up early on Sunday for Office Max as I think I've mentioned. Today was my day to just sleep it away. I mean after all it is an "off" day for the Giants and if there isn't a game on then why bother getting up?
Well today was just sitting around and reading the forums. I know what you're thinking and it might be get a life or get a job. Well I saw the news and although there are more tech jobs there are just as many people looking for work. Tomorrow I might head out for a walk to Jamba Juice since they should be open. That will be an adventure for me.
Horoscope: Blueprints won't help anymore. You need to start building a framework.
Listening to: Evergreen - Westlife
Thinking about:
Well today was just sitting around and reading the forums. I know what you're thinking and it might be get a life or get a job. Well I saw the news and although there are more tech jobs there are just as many people looking for work. Tomorrow I might head out for a walk to Jamba Juice since they should be open. That will be an adventure for me.
Horoscope: Blueprints won't help anymore. You need to start building a framework.
Listening to: Evergreen - Westlife
Thinking about:
I'm thinking about posting before I go to sleep...
While reading the Giants forum and making me pretty depressed because all other fans do is bash one another and or players or the manager. Some want to be positive and others just think someone is a "jinx" on the team or is the reason why the Giants aren't producing. I would have to disagree. It's when the formula is perfect or just right, and that is when the results will be shown. Humans make errors and they shouldn't be praised one minute and then shunned the next.
Today I couldn't sleep. I woke up after about five hours of sleep. I know I must have been insane or something. Yes kind of because I had to go to Office Max to buy paper. I know I don't do that as much as I used to, but it wasn't that hard to get up. I know I rant too much about what goes on in baseball, but it's its highs and lows. I know that today's game will be good.
It was actually boring and the only highlight was the cute baby. Awww isn't he adorable? I know what most of you are thinking what is she talking about? Well the camera focused on this baby boy who's maybe two or three and he was wearing his Giants uniform and had a bat. He was playing with the chickens that people brought. He was adorable! All Krukow could say was that someone's going to get shin burgers because of the bat he was carrying. Then they had this one adult who tried to get in on the action and Kurkow took the white pen thing and scratched him out.
I will follow baseball no matter what. I want to learn the game and understand it. It's something I'll have to work on. Go Giants!
Horoscope: Recognize others' strength. Everyone trusts you. These are the best gifts of all.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: how it's possible to find more white hair after finding one a couple days ago..hmm...
Today I couldn't sleep. I woke up after about five hours of sleep. I know I must have been insane or something. Yes kind of because I had to go to Office Max to buy paper. I know I don't do that as much as I used to, but it wasn't that hard to get up. I know I rant too much about what goes on in baseball, but it's its highs and lows. I know that today's game will be good.
It was actually boring and the only highlight was the cute baby. Awww isn't he adorable? I know what most of you are thinking what is she talking about? Well the camera focused on this baby boy who's maybe two or three and he was wearing his Giants uniform and had a bat. He was playing with the chickens that people brought. He was adorable! All Krukow could say was that someone's going to get shin burgers because of the bat he was carrying. Then they had this one adult who tried to get in on the action and Kurkow took the white pen thing and scratched him out.
I will follow baseball no matter what. I want to learn the game and understand it. It's something I'll have to work on. Go Giants!
Horoscope: Recognize others' strength. Everyone trusts you. These are the best gifts of all.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: how it's possible to find more white hair after finding one a couple days ago..hmm...
Giants fan forum...
I have beef with those people. They praise someone when they're good and when they make one mistake they tear them apart. I think people have nothing better to do. It's like just because Mohr made one mistake of dropping the ball when it really needed to be caught they blame him. When he's good it's like he should get more playing time. I guess those being hypocrites is just human nature.
It's like everyone finds someone to blame and everyone thinks its easy to catch the ball in the sun even with sunglasses on. I mean no one seemed to notice that Barry Bonds has the same sort of situation but everyone blames Mohr. The pitching was just as bad. Correia did some wild pitching high and even to the point where someone could steal a base. Why isn't anyone giving some beef about that? I know I am. Just because I'm a fan of Dustan Mohr I don't blame him for dropping the ball, but after he threw the ball in, why did it go into a monkey in the middle play? Why didn't it go home to stop the runs from coming in? I know they were unearned, but still. This was a game that had its ups and downs.
They couldn't have said it was a nature element? Human error is bound to happen. There are two kinds of Giants fans. Those that HATE when we lose and those that LOVE when we win. There aren't those that are neutral when it counts. This is my rant a rave of the day. Thank you and good night.
Also, who hates those FOX sports announcers. They're so annoying. Thom Brenneman and Steve Lyons are such distractions when it comes to game talking to the Mets pitcher Leiter. Less chat and more focus on the game. If anyone is to be blamed for the game is the sports announcers and the bloke they were talking to. JINX!
Horoscope: Accept an upgrade. Use your gift wisely. The right people will knock on the door.
Listening to:
Thinking about: the Giants game
Mood: stressed
It's like everyone finds someone to blame and everyone thinks its easy to catch the ball in the sun even with sunglasses on. I mean no one seemed to notice that Barry Bonds has the same sort of situation but everyone blames Mohr. The pitching was just as bad. Correia did some wild pitching high and even to the point where someone could steal a base. Why isn't anyone giving some beef about that? I know I am. Just because I'm a fan of Dustan Mohr I don't blame him for dropping the ball, but after he threw the ball in, why did it go into a monkey in the middle play? Why didn't it go home to stop the runs from coming in? I know they were unearned, but still. This was a game that had its ups and downs.
They couldn't have said it was a nature element? Human error is bound to happen. There are two kinds of Giants fans. Those that HATE when we lose and those that LOVE when we win. There aren't those that are neutral when it counts. This is my rant a rave of the day. Thank you and good night.
Also, who hates those FOX sports announcers. They're so annoying. Thom Brenneman and Steve Lyons are such distractions when it comes to game talking to the Mets pitcher Leiter. Less chat and more focus on the game. If anyone is to be blamed for the game is the sports announcers and the bloke they were talking to. JINX!
Horoscope: Accept an upgrade. Use your gift wisely. The right people will knock on the door.
Listening to:
Thinking about: the Giants game
Mood: stressed
She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain, oh
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
And She will be loved
And She will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
She will be loved (repeated)
Please don't try so hard to say good bye.
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore
It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want
I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain, oh
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
And She will be loved
And She will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
She will be loved (repeated)
Please don't try so hard to say good bye.
No milk tea...
Alright I'll admit I didn't have any today. Big mistake on my part. I have a headache. I wonder if that's because I'm used to caffeine? Anyway what did I do today? Here's a quick recap of almost everything that I did after I woke up.
- Woke up. (Duh!)
- Tried to figure out what there was to eat for lunch that only required heating. (Yes success with steam buns.)
- Figured out what I needed to pack up to bring with me for the trip to the post office.
- CD found on what type of music I would listen to, pick up slip for the package at the post office, wallet with I.D., and water to hydrate myself from the mile plus I would walk.
- Stopped by the Walgreens near my house somewhat to check to see if they had a help wanted sign. (No luck.)
- Headed down to Irving to Sunset Supermarket to check out the new flyer to see what was on sale. (Got the ad and then left.)
- Went into the fabric store to check out yarn. (I know why do I need yarn? To knit a scarf of course!)
- Went into S&V Collectables to check out the items they had there. (I was hoping for some miracle they would have some monkey related item. Yes the monkey attraction continues thanks to Aeropostale.)
- Went into the post office to wait in line to pick up the package. (I almost couldn't because my friend the "genius" didn't use my name and or changed the last name. However, in the end I did get a package.)
- Was tempted to get tapioca, but decided not to since I already had one earlier in the week.
- Walked home and nothing speical happened except the fact the neighbor was still washing his car, but only thing was he was drying it. (I was gone for at least an hour so he's either got a thing for detail or just took his time.)
And that was pretty much my day. Then there was the Giants game which ROCKED! I thought it was great that Fonzie hit a home run after a slight drought. Then Mr. Lincoln (Pedro Feliz) hit two out of the park. There was a disscussion about his shadow on the forums. They won thanks to Mr. Lowry. I see great things for the Giants. They won the game which was great. Also finding out that Gagne (here he's known as Gag-me) blew a save, but some how they ended winning the game in extra innings. Well the true highlight was Mr. Bonds hitting the ball with a shift and I believe the second baseman attempted first to catch the ball, but missed diving right. Then it was the first baseman trying to catch the ball, but then he missed diving left. The person who did end up with it was the right fielder.
Go Giants!
Site of the day: Dodgers Suck
Horoscope: Small adventures are all you need. Recharge your batteries. Come back stronger.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep and how long I personlly will procrastinate with ironing ribbons...hmm...
- Woke up. (Duh!)
- Tried to figure out what there was to eat for lunch that only required heating. (Yes success with steam buns.)
- Figured out what I needed to pack up to bring with me for the trip to the post office.
- CD found on what type of music I would listen to, pick up slip for the package at the post office, wallet with I.D., and water to hydrate myself from the mile plus I would walk.
- Stopped by the Walgreens near my house somewhat to check to see if they had a help wanted sign. (No luck.)
- Headed down to Irving to Sunset Supermarket to check out the new flyer to see what was on sale. (Got the ad and then left.)
- Went into the fabric store to check out yarn. (I know why do I need yarn? To knit a scarf of course!)
- Went into S&V Collectables to check out the items they had there. (I was hoping for some miracle they would have some monkey related item. Yes the monkey attraction continues thanks to Aeropostale.)
- Went into the post office to wait in line to pick up the package. (I almost couldn't because my friend the "genius" didn't use my name and or changed the last name. However, in the end I did get a package.)
- Was tempted to get tapioca, but decided not to since I already had one earlier in the week.
- Walked home and nothing speical happened except the fact the neighbor was still washing his car, but only thing was he was drying it. (I was gone for at least an hour so he's either got a thing for detail or just took his time.)
And that was pretty much my day. Then there was the Giants game which ROCKED! I thought it was great that Fonzie hit a home run after a slight drought. Then Mr. Lincoln (Pedro Feliz) hit two out of the park. There was a disscussion about his shadow on the forums. They won thanks to Mr. Lowry. I see great things for the Giants. They won the game which was great. Also finding out that Gagne (here he's known as Gag-me) blew a save, but some how they ended winning the game in extra innings. Well the true highlight was Mr. Bonds hitting the ball with a shift and I believe the second baseman attempted first to catch the ball, but missed diving right. Then it was the first baseman trying to catch the ball, but then he missed diving left. The person who did end up with it was the right fielder.
Go Giants!
Site of the day: Dodgers Suck
Horoscope: Small adventures are all you need. Recharge your batteries. Come back stronger.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep and how long I personlly will procrastinate with ironing ribbons...hmm...
A lazy day...
I get my assignment to work on bows. Ok maybe I should start over. Sometime this week or last week I e-mailed my cousin to ask if she needed help with her wedding. Since I'm unemployed and have late nights with nothing to do but watch TV I thought maybe I could help her out. That's where the bows come in. They're all wrinkled and stuff so I have to iron them.
Let me say I'm not a person that knows how to iron. If I can manage to do a decent job then you're lucky. However when it's ribbon that needs to be straight then no problem because it's just a straight line. This is where I'm probably going to regret saying that because it might not be. I also find out that I get to be the person that sits at a scrapbook table. I don't know whether I should be honored or stressed about it.
It took me an hour or so to undo all of them. Now I just have to iron them all. Oh if you're a guy and want a girl to iron your shirts and slacks make sure she knows how first or you'll have one funky looking outfit. I don't really know how to iron so I'm not one you should run to. Sew something I think I can but iron is not me. I can't even really iron a skirt. This shows my flaws and the lack of talent I have of ironing.
Site of the day: How attractive are you? BTW I'm 52%
Listening to:
Thinking about: Ironing... *headache*
Let me say I'm not a person that knows how to iron. If I can manage to do a decent job then you're lucky. However when it's ribbon that needs to be straight then no problem because it's just a straight line. This is where I'm probably going to regret saying that because it might not be. I also find out that I get to be the person that sits at a scrapbook table. I don't know whether I should be honored or stressed about it.
It took me an hour or so to undo all of them. Now I just have to iron them all. Oh if you're a guy and want a girl to iron your shirts and slacks make sure she knows how first or you'll have one funky looking outfit. I don't really know how to iron so I'm not one you should run to. Sew something I think I can but iron is not me. I can't even really iron a skirt. This shows my flaws and the lack of talent I have of ironing.
Site of the day: How attractive are you? BTW I'm 52%
Listening to:
Thinking about: Ironing... *headache*
News items that are interesting...
August 17, 2004
Felix, a short hair kitten, waits for food at the opening of the Meow Mix cafe for cats in New York City, August 17, 2004. The cafe, which will be open for five days, is an experimental concept that features a new line of cat food. REUTERS/Jeff Christensen
August 17, 2004
Yu Zhenhuan waits for an interview beside his hospital bed in Shanghai August 13, 2004. Yu, who is China's hairiest man, has 96 percent of his body covered with hair. The current Guinness record holders -- a pair of Mexican brothers -- have a record of 98 percent hair cover. Yu underwent ear surgery in Shanghai last week to remove hair that caused him to lose part of his hearing. The hirsute 26-year-old Yu, who uses the name 'woolboy' for his email, has hair all over his body, save the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet. He has an average of 41 hairs per 1 sq cm (.16 sq inch), a condition doctors term 'atavism'. TO MATCH FEATURE LIFE CHINA HAIRBOY REUTERS/Claro Cortes IV
August 19, 2004
A black bear has been found passed out at a campground in Washington state after guzzling down three dozen cans of a local beer, a campground worker says. This file photo pictures a black bear. REUTERS/Mike Cassese
Felix, a short hair kitten, waits for food at the opening of the Meow Mix cafe for cats in New York City, August 17, 2004. The cafe, which will be open for five days, is an experimental concept that features a new line of cat food. REUTERS/Jeff Christensen
August 17, 2004
Yu Zhenhuan waits for an interview beside his hospital bed in Shanghai August 13, 2004. Yu, who is China's hairiest man, has 96 percent of his body covered with hair. The current Guinness record holders -- a pair of Mexican brothers -- have a record of 98 percent hair cover. Yu underwent ear surgery in Shanghai last week to remove hair that caused him to lose part of his hearing. The hirsute 26-year-old Yu, who uses the name 'woolboy' for his email, has hair all over his body, save the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet. He has an average of 41 hairs per 1 sq cm (.16 sq inch), a condition doctors term 'atavism'. TO MATCH FEATURE LIFE CHINA HAIRBOY REUTERS/Claro Cortes IV
August 19, 2004
A black bear has been found passed out at a campground in Washington state after guzzling down three dozen cans of a local beer, a campground worker says. This file photo pictures a black bear. REUTERS/Mike Cassese
Great second game...
While the first game was on I didn't watch most of it, but I have it on tape. I know Dustan Mohr made a huge mistake, but he made up for it in the second game. Yes his home run was sweet and the person who went to get the ball was hilarious. Then he did a nice thing and gave the ball to a little boy who was adorable.
The other highlight of the game was in the first one or second one I can't remember but the ball was hit near Lou Seal and his had not a clue where it went. That was cute too. I'm all about cuteness? *shrug* I just thought those were pretty good highlights and that's why they probably wouldn't let people like me pick highlights to show during the news. They also showed the invasion of the seagulls attacking the bleechers or the upperdeck.
I did get to walking around the neighborhood kind of. I saw a lime or somewhat fluorescent green house. I will have to take a picture of it next time. Then I saw a yellow house and I wonder why are people painting it so bright? Easy to spot in the day time? Who knows.
Watching: Giants VS. Expos game one on tape
Listening to:
Thinking about:
The other highlight of the game was in the first one or second one I can't remember but the ball was hit near Lou Seal and his had not a clue where it went. That was cute too. I'm all about cuteness? *shrug* I just thought those were pretty good highlights and that's why they probably wouldn't let people like me pick highlights to show during the news. They also showed the invasion of the seagulls attacking the bleechers or the upperdeck.
I did get to walking around the neighborhood kind of. I saw a lime or somewhat fluorescent green house. I will have to take a picture of it next time. Then I saw a yellow house and I wonder why are people painting it so bright? Easy to spot in the day time? Who knows.
Watching: Giants VS. Expos game one on tape
Listening to:
Thinking about:
New item at Costco to die for
August 18, 2004
By Jody Genessy
Deseret Morning News
Costco shopping lists everywhere could soon include a 36-roll package of toilet paper, a 360-piece plastic cutlery set, a 50-pound bag of enriched rice, a box of 60 pizza-flavored Bagel Bites and an 18-gauge steel, Neapolitan-blue-colored casket.
Call it morbid or masterful, but Costco Wholesale Corp. began test-marketing caskets at two Chicago warehouses this week ? a move that should add even greater depth to the firm's reputation for carrying sundry items with savings to die for.
It only remains to be seen if selling loved ones' final resting places in the same store where they market masses of meatballs, movies and mattresses is an idea that will end up 6 feet under or find eternal life at its 324 locations.
And, if you're wondering, no, the caskets don't come in 12-packs. This is one Costco product that won't be sold in bulk. Card-carrying members can choose from six Universal Casket Co. medium-weight models, priced at $799.99 with a 48-hour delivery time. They can be purchased in advance, too.
Salt Lake City Costco warehouse manager Louie Silveira isn't sure when or if the service will be available in Utah's six stores, but Silveira said the company will be "sensitive and respectful" in this endeavor.
"Honestly, we feel any time we can have a value for our members, we have an obligation to our membership," he said. "Without testing it, you never know how it's going to be received. . . . You're either the imitator or the innovator."
Admittedly biased, Silveira said he'd buy his casket from the warehouse "in a heartbeat."
Wendell Giles of Bountiful never thought Costco would offer mortuary services, but he said he'd "consider it" if the price and quality was right because funerals have become overpriced.
Sherilyn Mills of Taylorsville is among those who think extending membership benefits into the afterlife is "a little weird," she said. "I wouldn't buy one here."
Nor would Jean Bird, who was shopping ? but not for caskets ? Tuesday. "It seems a little strange to me," she said. "I don't think Costco is the place to do it." Her husband, Vernon Bird, joked that a pine box would be good enough for him, then added he'd "rather go through a funeral home."
Lance Larkin, president of Salt Lake City's Larkin Mortuary, remembers seeing caskets in a Sears catalog
decades ago, so he isn't surprised by a new casket vendor. He also recalls a discount casket business in Sugar House only lasting about six months in the 1990s.
"Where's the dignity in the whole thing?" he asked. "You can buy a box anywhere. There's a value to what we do."
Larkin warns of higher funeral costs ? in services, vaults, etc. ? if patrons go casket-shopping at places like Costco, which advertises potential savings of more than 30 percent. Caskets range in price at funeral homes from $300 to $20,000.
"There's plenty of ways to skin the cat," Larkin said. "You have to have a profit to stay in business."
Costco will counter that by referring buyers to participating mortuaries.
But at least one warehouse member doesn't plan on being buried in a Costco casket. A middle-aged man told his son he wants to be cremated.
Perhaps by then, Costco will sell urns, too.
By Jody Genessy
Deseret Morning News
Costco shopping lists everywhere could soon include a 36-roll package of toilet paper, a 360-piece plastic cutlery set, a 50-pound bag of enriched rice, a box of 60 pizza-flavored Bagel Bites and an 18-gauge steel, Neapolitan-blue-colored casket.
Call it morbid or masterful, but Costco Wholesale Corp. began test-marketing caskets at two Chicago warehouses this week ? a move that should add even greater depth to the firm's reputation for carrying sundry items with savings to die for.
It only remains to be seen if selling loved ones' final resting places in the same store where they market masses of meatballs, movies and mattresses is an idea that will end up 6 feet under or find eternal life at its 324 locations.
And, if you're wondering, no, the caskets don't come in 12-packs. This is one Costco product that won't be sold in bulk. Card-carrying members can choose from six Universal Casket Co. medium-weight models, priced at $799.99 with a 48-hour delivery time. They can be purchased in advance, too.
Salt Lake City Costco warehouse manager Louie Silveira isn't sure when or if the service will be available in Utah's six stores, but Silveira said the company will be "sensitive and respectful" in this endeavor.
"Honestly, we feel any time we can have a value for our members, we have an obligation to our membership," he said. "Without testing it, you never know how it's going to be received. . . . You're either the imitator or the innovator."
Admittedly biased, Silveira said he'd buy his casket from the warehouse "in a heartbeat."
Wendell Giles of Bountiful never thought Costco would offer mortuary services, but he said he'd "consider it" if the price and quality was right because funerals have become overpriced.
Sherilyn Mills of Taylorsville is among those who think extending membership benefits into the afterlife is "a little weird," she said. "I wouldn't buy one here."
Nor would Jean Bird, who was shopping ? but not for caskets ? Tuesday. "It seems a little strange to me," she said. "I don't think Costco is the place to do it." Her husband, Vernon Bird, joked that a pine box would be good enough for him, then added he'd "rather go through a funeral home."
Lance Larkin, president of Salt Lake City's Larkin Mortuary, remembers seeing caskets in a Sears catalog
decades ago, so he isn't surprised by a new casket vendor. He also recalls a discount casket business in Sugar House only lasting about six months in the 1990s.
"Where's the dignity in the whole thing?" he asked. "You can buy a box anywhere. There's a value to what we do."
Larkin warns of higher funeral costs ? in services, vaults, etc. ? if patrons go casket-shopping at places like Costco, which advertises potential savings of more than 30 percent. Caskets range in price at funeral homes from $300 to $20,000.
"There's plenty of ways to skin the cat," Larkin said. "You have to have a profit to stay in business."
Costco will counter that by referring buyers to participating mortuaries.
But at least one warehouse member doesn't plan on being buried in a Costco casket. A middle-aged man told his son he wants to be cremated.
Perhaps by then, Costco will sell urns, too.
I couldn't sleep at all...
I just was tossing and turning this morning. It was either stay up until the game started (which I could have done but my eyes would disagree with you) or sleep for at least five hours. I did the second one and at least I have some sleep. The game will be definately a nail bitter and the second one.
I guess I can thank the Giants for motivating me to get up early today. I lack sleep, but I don't lack the Giants spirit. Go Giants! By the way if anyone happens to know how the second game will be played please e-mail me! Thanks!
Horoscope: The facts are on your side. Gently convince others. You could charm anyone now.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Giants
Mood: tired, but I'll get over it
I guess I can thank the Giants for motivating me to get up early today. I lack sleep, but I don't lack the Giants spirit. Go Giants! By the way if anyone happens to know how the second game will be played please e-mail me! Thanks!
Horoscope: The facts are on your side. Gently convince others. You could charm anyone now.
Listening to:
Thinking about: Giants
Mood: tired, but I'll get over it
The results are in...
The Giants are on a streak, I'm lacking sleep, and I look like a panda. Ok so two out of three is correct, but still when you get the dark circles around your eyes you know it's defiantly time you went to sleep. In my case is when the light starts coming in you have to go to sleep. It's 4.57 a.m. and I'm still awake. This is not the best situation for me.
Maybe I should make it a habit to sleep early and wake up early to go do the morning exercise thing. Nope I can't see that happening anytime soon. With any luck after I finish this I will be heading off to sleep until the start of the first pitch which more or less should wake me up and get my day started. If I don't work out now I'll do it later when I head on over to the post office.
It's 5.00 a.m. and I just thought about taking an online quiz. On second thought I pass on it. Although, I'm not tired now once I get into bed I'm almost certain I can sleep in 10 minutes. My quest continues for a job. I might have to add a job counter or something to the left side to show how many days I have been without a job. While I do that I should put up the cost of war since it is an insane amount.
Horoscope: You'll feel at ease everywhere and will be perfectly right to believe in your good star. Your love life will be peaceful and relaxing. Resist your desires to throw the dice or to bet on some old worn-out hack. Your dealings for finding new lodgings will be very positive. Excesses of all kinds must be avoided; remember that your health depends a lot on yourself, from a physical as well as mental point of view. ~ Monkey
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep and then off to the post office
Maybe I should make it a habit to sleep early and wake up early to go do the morning exercise thing. Nope I can't see that happening anytime soon. With any luck after I finish this I will be heading off to sleep until the start of the first pitch which more or less should wake me up and get my day started. If I don't work out now I'll do it later when I head on over to the post office.
It's 5.00 a.m. and I just thought about taking an online quiz. On second thought I pass on it. Although, I'm not tired now once I get into bed I'm almost certain I can sleep in 10 minutes. My quest continues for a job. I might have to add a job counter or something to the left side to show how many days I have been without a job. While I do that I should put up the cost of war since it is an insane amount.
Horoscope: You'll feel at ease everywhere and will be perfectly right to believe in your good star. Your love life will be peaceful and relaxing. Resist your desires to throw the dice or to bet on some old worn-out hack. Your dealings for finding new lodgings will be very positive. Excesses of all kinds must be avoided; remember that your health depends a lot on yourself, from a physical as well as mental point of view. ~ Monkey
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep and then off to the post office
Eight hours of sleep anytime?!
What I learned this morning while trying to sleep before 6.30 a.m. It was bright but I could have adjusted the blinds to my favor, but I didn't. I still went on to sleep for about eight hours. I like that. I didn't like the fact that the power went out and I don't know if it was a "rolliing" one or just a freak one. I didn't catch the report on it if there was one.
While unable to sleep and tired of watching WNN (it's my no cable version of CNN) I was surfing the internet I stumbled upon a good site. Well I thought about what she said about how it's hard for Chinese in America and that we're a little more materialistic. The article can be read here and here for part two. Some of it is true and while in Hong Kong it's hard to be because you lack the space.

Hella asian 100%
How azn are u?
Which monkey are you?
Another pointless diversion from Bijouriel
Horoscope: You're in your element. You serve a purpose. You take pleasure in a job well-done.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
While unable to sleep and tired of watching WNN (it's my no cable version of CNN) I was surfing the internet I stumbled upon a good site. Well I thought about what she said about how it's hard for Chinese in America and that we're a little more materialistic. The article can be read here and here for part two. Some of it is true and while in Hong Kong it's hard to be because you lack the space.
Hella asian 100%
How azn are u?
Which monkey are you?
Another pointless diversion from Bijouriel
Horoscope: You're in your element. You serve a purpose. You take pleasure in a job well-done.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Love Song For No One - John Mayer
Stay at home alone on a Friday
Flat on my floor looking back
On old love
Or lack thereof
After all the crushes have faded
And all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded
I hate it
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
Get here..
Searching all my days just to find you
Not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know it
When I see you
Till then, I'll hide in my bedroom
Just staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I'm so tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
Oh no away
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
You'll be so good
You'll be so good for meStay at home alone on a Friday
Flat on my floor looking back
On old love
Or lack thereof
After all the crushes have faded
And all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded
I hate it
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
Get here..
Searching all my days just to find you
Not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know it
When I see you
Till then, I'll hide in my bedroom
Just staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I'm so tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
Oh no away
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
You'll be so good
You'll be so good for me
Ohh you?ll be so good
Flat on my floor looking back
On old love
Or lack thereof
After all the crushes have faded
And all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded
I hate it
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
Get here..
Searching all my days just to find you
Not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know it
When I see you
Till then, I'll hide in my bedroom
Just staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I'm so tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
Oh no away
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
You'll be so good
You'll be so good for meStay at home alone on a Friday
Flat on my floor looking back
On old love
Or lack thereof
After all the crushes have faded
And all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded
I hate it
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
Get here..
Searching all my days just to find you
Not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know it
When I see you
Till then, I'll hide in my bedroom
Just staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I'm so tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
Oh no away
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
You'll be so good
You'll be so good for me
Ohh you?ll be so good
I've got an average I.Q.
Yeah I know that should be a given, but sometimes I just wished I was a little above average. I think I am, but not too many more points up there. How did I draw this conclusion? Well back in March there was the Test the Nation: What Is Your I.Q.? and I taped it, but just didn't get around to taking the test. I'm average for my age and average overall I suppose. The fact that I learned is that after adolescent men's brains get smaller. Ok don't blame the messenger.
That's what I spent some time doing. I guess maybe 30 minutes but if I had done it on the day of I think it would be two long hours. Well now I'm sure of my I.Q. but if only I could test to see if I have dyslexia or a certain form of it. I always thought that I was average and now I know I am. Looking back at report cards from elementary school I was average. I blended in and wasn't really good at anything. Music I think was a fluke, but I know I didn't know if I was too flat or too high.
Horoscope: You finish with more than before. Donate the surplus. The best payoff is intangible.
Watching: NEws
Listening to:
Thinking about: Why it's bad to sleep at 11.15 a.m. in the morning and having people think I slept more than that.
That's what I spent some time doing. I guess maybe 30 minutes but if I had done it on the day of I think it would be two long hours. Well now I'm sure of my I.Q. but if only I could test to see if I have dyslexia or a certain form of it. I always thought that I was average and now I know I am. Looking back at report cards from elementary school I was average. I blended in and wasn't really good at anything. Music I think was a fluke, but I know I didn't know if I was too flat or too high.
Horoscope: You finish with more than before. Donate the surplus. The best payoff is intangible.
Watching: NEws
Listening to:
Thinking about: Why it's bad to sleep at 11.15 a.m. in the morning and having people think I slept more than that.
It's 10.30 a.m. have you gone to sleep yet?
Let's see the answer to that is no. I haven't gone to bed or sleep yet. I did wake up at about 4.00 p.m. in the afternooon yesteday. I am due for one of the 20 straight stay awake things and then crash and burn the rest. I am just gald that the Giants game is almost on and that I can watch is good. I might even go to sleep before the game ends.
I just wanted to see the starting line up. I know that Bonds will be back in because he had a day of rest. Ok I give up on this too and just end it here and concntrate on the game. Go Giants!
Site of the day: William Hung as Elvis *Warning* view at your own risk
Horoscope: You have allies. They know talent when they see it. Keep earning each other's trust.
Watching: Giants VS. Phillies
Listening to:
Thinking about: Nice warm bed...mmmm...bed
I just wanted to see the starting line up. I know that Bonds will be back in because he had a day of rest. Ok I give up on this too and just end it here and concntrate on the game. Go Giants!
Site of the day: William Hung as Elvis *Warning* view at your own risk
Horoscope: You have allies. They know talent when they see it. Keep earning each other's trust.
Watching: Giants VS. Phillies
Listening to:
Thinking about: Nice warm bed...mmmm...bed
The strangest stuff you find online...
Well first of all I'd like to address all those that know I'm a night person by saying I know I should go to sleep earlier but I can't. Next I would like to say that the announcers for NBC covering the Olympic games should once in a while remind those that are tuning in late that the entrance into the stadium was done by the Greek alphabet. I didn't watch the start and was confused when it went from V to H and sat there going what?
I know I should have been sleeping but I couldn't help watch the second airing of the opening ceremonies on TV this morning. I did eventually go to sleep but not without the help of the TV. It was interesting to see the many countries that I did see go into the stadium. I didn't however catch or find the one person representing the British Isle that Jay Leno mentioned. He must have meant it was a joke.
Go Giants! You're almost on a streak. Keep it going! *Whooo* *Whooo*
Site of the day: A discussion on how each country enters the stadium.
Horoscope: A new idea gets closer. Be patient. You almost have it. You'll explain it all later.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
I know I should have been sleeping but I couldn't help watch the second airing of the opening ceremonies on TV this morning. I did eventually go to sleep but not without the help of the TV. It was interesting to see the many countries that I did see go into the stadium. I didn't however catch or find the one person representing the British Isle that Jay Leno mentioned. He must have meant it was a joke.
Go Giants! You're almost on a streak. Keep it going! *Whooo* *Whooo*
Site of the day: A discussion on how each country enters the stadium.
Horoscope: A new idea gets closer. Be patient. You almost have it. You'll explain it all later.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Great Giants game...
Yes, I'm watching baseball again. The Giants were on fire today. At first they were up two and then down four. I was thinking would this be a disastrous game or would it workout in the end? It turned out better than I thought. The Giants creamed the Phillies big time. Way to go J.T. Snow. I didn't know it would rhyme but it did.
Barry Bonds has to be mentioned because he did hit his 689th home run. Congradulations to you on that. Well done and your home run is worth mentioning because you are trying to beat records. J.T. Snow hit three in one game and that was super. A.J. does get props for ribbies. Keep it up and you'll do just fine. Overall you guys had one bad inning but made up for it in the end. Make you sure you all work out who covers what when someone goes in to get the ball.
Image of the day:
Horoscope: You're focused and committed. Go where they understand you. These are real friends.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Barry Bonds has to be mentioned because he did hit his 689th home run. Congradulations to you on that. Well done and your home run is worth mentioning because you are trying to beat records. J.T. Snow hit three in one game and that was super. A.J. does get props for ribbies. Keep it up and you'll do just fine. Overall you guys had one bad inning but made up for it in the end. Make you sure you all work out who covers what when someone goes in to get the ball.
Image of the day:
Horoscope: You're focused and committed. Go where they understand you. These are real friends.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Dat Phan...
I wasn't channel surfing but I stumbled upon Last Comic Standing and saw Dat Phan. He was the winner from the first season. His jokes were funny and related to him. He also stated how he was tight cast in the movie Cellular and also on The West Wing.
Anyway, I think he's a great role model because he started with nothing and made his dreams come true. He has real talent and is really funny. The next guy who came one was funny as well. I honestly forgot how good it was to laugh at jokes. I guess it's been a while since I've had a nice laugh at something. I can make others laugh, but it's getting rare for me to laugh unless I'm watching a sitcom or something.
Image of the day:
Watching: Last Comic Standing
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Anyway, I think he's a great role model because he started with nothing and made his dreams come true. He has real talent and is really funny. The next guy who came one was funny as well. I honestly forgot how good it was to laugh at jokes. I guess it's been a while since I've had a nice laugh at something. I can make others laugh, but it's getting rare for me to laugh unless I'm watching a sitcom or something.
Image of the day:
Watching: Last Comic Standing
Listening to:
Thinking about:
You're So Vain - Carly Simon
(Son of a gun)
You walked into the party
Like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself go by
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you
Well you had me several years ago
When I was still quite naive
When you said that we made such a pretty pair
And that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee and...
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you
Well I hear you went up to Saratoga
And your horse naturally won
Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun
Well you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not
You're with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend
Wife of a close friend
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
(Fades out)
You walked into the party
Like you were walking onto a yacht
Your hat strategically dipped below one eye
Your scarf it was apricot
You had one eye in the mirror
As you watched yourself go by
And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner
They'd be your partner and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you
Well you had me several years ago
When I was still quite naive
When you said that we made such a pretty pair
And that you would never leave
But you gave away the things you loved
And one of them was me
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee and
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you
I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
Clouds in my coffee and...
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you
Well I hear you went up to Saratoga
And your horse naturally won
Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun
Well you're where you should be all the time
And when you're not
You're with some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend
Wife of a close friend
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
You're so vain
I bet you think this song is about you
Don't you, don't you, don't you
You're so vain
You probably think this song is about you
(Fades out)
Are people so quick to judge?
[09:1224] them: hey who is this
[09:1239] me: you don't know?
[09:1255] them: this is bens step sista andrea who is this
[09:1304] me: oh i'm a friend of ben's
[09:1312] them: who r u
[09:1321] me: jennifer
[09:1345] them: jenifer who
[09:1349] them: ur a bitch
[09:1355] *** them signed off at Fri Aug 13 09:13:55 2004.
**them is not their actual screenname.
I was the one who was messaged first. I thought maybe my friend was on. But as you read it was his stepsister. She was a quick one to judge me. She doesn't even know me. She signs on with her stepbrother's account and judges me. Wow. Is that the thing to do in the south? I didn't even have time to respond in the six to seven seconds before she called me a bitch. Man I wasn't even given and chance and already judged. This world is just getting more and more disturbing. If you don't know the person why speak to them? If you're nosy and just want to know and then judge them so fast then why waste your time?
My two cents is why are you even using someone else's account and then judging them when you don't even know them. Why bother to take the time to curse someone out when you have not the slightest clue who they are and where they are. I don't think I'll ever talk to strangers again for a while. Losing faith in yourself and the world is funny because I don't have a religion and if I had to pick one it'd be my own. Life is bitter and unfair, but if you don't like it and end it what would everyone remember you for? Being the one that took the easy way out and not caring about the others that you left behind. That you were selfish and did it all for themself. Don't take life for granted.
[09:1239] me: you don't know?
[09:1255] them: this is bens step sista andrea who is this
[09:1304] me: oh i'm a friend of ben's
[09:1312] them: who r u
[09:1321] me: jennifer
[09:1345] them: jenifer who
[09:1349] them: ur a bitch
[09:1355] *** them signed off at Fri Aug 13 09:13:55 2004.
**them is not their actual screenname.
I was the one who was messaged first. I thought maybe my friend was on. But as you read it was his stepsister. She was a quick one to judge me. She doesn't even know me. She signs on with her stepbrother's account and judges me. Wow. Is that the thing to do in the south? I didn't even have time to respond in the six to seven seconds before she called me a bitch. Man I wasn't even given and chance and already judged. This world is just getting more and more disturbing. If you don't know the person why speak to them? If you're nosy and just want to know and then judge them so fast then why waste your time?
My two cents is why are you even using someone else's account and then judging them when you don't even know them. Why bother to take the time to curse someone out when you have not the slightest clue who they are and where they are. I don't think I'll ever talk to strangers again for a while. Losing faith in yourself and the world is funny because I don't have a religion and if I had to pick one it'd be my own. Life is bitter and unfair, but if you don't like it and end it what would everyone remember you for? Being the one that took the easy way out and not caring about the others that you left behind. That you were selfish and did it all for themself. Don't take life for granted.
Chinese zodiac...
Did you wonder why there were only 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac?
Did you wonder how they were picked?
Did you wonder why there was no cat?
Did you wonder if you were similar to your Chinese zodiac?
I didn't think about this until my brother finished watching an anime called Fruits Basket. I thought he was crazy, but then again after he started to ask if anyone knew how they were chosen or why these animals no one really had the answer. Remembering that my brother's friend was Buddhist or at least his mom was I decided to search for the answers to those questions that my brother had.
His mother said it was based on their traits. The rat is the first and then the ox etc. You can find out if you are similar to your animal. I looked mine up and said somewhat true and then some were very true. You can be the judge if you know when your friend was born and if you're not sure look here. I guess what's strange is that I'm most of what they say. I don't agree with most but that's how it is.
Site of the day: The Chinese zodiac
Horoscope: Solitude is sexy. Thinking is a pleasure. Stretch out those flashes of brilliance.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Did you wonder how they were picked?
Did you wonder why there was no cat?
Did you wonder if you were similar to your Chinese zodiac?
I didn't think about this until my brother finished watching an anime called Fruits Basket. I thought he was crazy, but then again after he started to ask if anyone knew how they were chosen or why these animals no one really had the answer. Remembering that my brother's friend was Buddhist or at least his mom was I decided to search for the answers to those questions that my brother had.
His mother said it was based on their traits. The rat is the first and then the ox etc. You can find out if you are similar to your animal. I looked mine up and said somewhat true and then some were very true. You can be the judge if you know when your friend was born and if you're not sure look here. I guess what's strange is that I'm most of what they say. I don't agree with most but that's how it is.
Site of the day: The Chinese zodiac
Horoscope: Solitude is sexy. Thinking is a pleasure. Stretch out those flashes of brilliance.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Big bundle of joy: Baby born at 13lb 6oz
By LIZ HULL, Daily Mail 10:08am 11th August 2004
Mothers everywhere will spare a sympathetic thought for Trisha Lightwood.
After an eight-hour labour, she has given birth naturally to one of Britain's biggest-ever babies.
Sean entered the world at a thumping 13lb 6oz - the weight of the average three-month-old.
He already has a hearty appetite and, at less than two weeks old, is wearing clothes made for infants up to six months older.
Last night, his 37-year-old father Mark said: "We couldn't believe it when the doctors told us how much he weighed. To say we were shocked is an understatement. "Neither Trisha nor myself are big people so for Sean to be so big is astounding."
Fight for life
Mrs Lightwood, 38, suspected her baby was large when her weight soared from 10st to 15st during her pregnancy. But she didn't know how large until doctors at Liverpool Women's Hospital decided to induce the birth on July 29 as Sean was ten days late. After a difficult delivery, he had no heartbeat, had stopped breathing and was beginning to turn blue.
But doctors massaged his heart and he was taken to the special care baby ward where nurses had to find an incubator big enough for him.
At first the couple, from Childwall, Liverpool, feared Sean's brain had been starved of oxygen and damaged.
But tests proved there were no serious complications and he has since made a full recovery.
Mrs Lightwood said: "When he was being born I could hear the midwives shouting it was a big baby, but I had no idea how big.
Not the biggest
"I didn't have an epidural, just some gas and air and diamorphine at the start of the labour. It was quite painful, and worrying when Sean came out blue, but he had a decent-sized umbilical cord which sustained him and he soon came around.
"I think the midwives were a bit shocked by his size. I'm feeding him every three hours. I did start breast- feeding, but that just got too much and we are on bottles now."
The Lightwoods, who also have a two-year-old daughter Jenny, have been forced to return the baby clothes they bought for Sean and exchange them for larger sizes.
Dame Lorna Muirhead, a retired midwife, former president of the Royal College of Midwives and trustee of mother and baby charity Baby Lifeline, said: "I spent 40 years delivering babies and only saw a 13pounder once. They are very, very rare."
Despite his size, Sean is not Britain's biggest baby. That honour belongs to Guy Carr, from Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, who weighed in at 15lb 8oz in 1992 - although there were reports of babies weighing over 20lb in Cornwall and Crewe in the 19th century.
The cost of war...
I was watching the news today and they had an informal townhall like meetting with President Bush. To quote almost his exact words, "I gotta get back to the White House to make sure we're spending money wisely." However this site Cost of War shows how much is actually being spent. How is it that we have unlimited (it seems like it) funds for war, but nothing for health care and other more useful services?
Granted those who are trying for the Olympics don't deserve to train in fear if they don't do well, but what about the others? Hundreds have died for something that never exsisted in the country in the first place. There are rebels who refuse to aknowledge that there is a new government. Also after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 and finding out only one of the U.S. senators have a child serving in the military is proof that the government does not really care who dies for something that doesn't exsists.
Please go out and vote. If you haven't registered to vote do so here if you're in California. If you want a different America vote for who you think will do a better job. You have seen Bush try it for four years, but can someone else do it better for the next four?
Horoscope: Be sincere. Judge carefully, if at all. Keep a friend instead of making a point.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Granted those who are trying for the Olympics don't deserve to train in fear if they don't do well, but what about the others? Hundreds have died for something that never exsisted in the country in the first place. There are rebels who refuse to aknowledge that there is a new government. Also after seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 and finding out only one of the U.S. senators have a child serving in the military is proof that the government does not really care who dies for something that doesn't exsists.
Please go out and vote. If you haven't registered to vote do so here if you're in California. If you want a different America vote for who you think will do a better job. You have seen Bush try it for four years, but can someone else do it better for the next four?
Horoscope: Be sincere. Judge carefully, if at all. Keep a friend instead of making a point.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
A swollen cheek...
Not butt of course. =) It's on my face. =( It's been there since before I went to sleep. Must be that evil mosquito when it was in my room. I didn't even notice it until Sunday when I finally killed it or was it Saturday. That moquito deserved it. Anyway, reading about Dustan Mohr and watching the highlights that helped saved the game was spectacular. He is definately worth whatever it was we paid for him.
Yeah, I know I'm on a Giants theme somewhat. That's dedication for making all of those catches and so artisicly. Maybe I'm just bored and have nothing to type and thought about this since I watched the highlights a few times. I saw the new schedule for next month for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and can't believe that we're going to get more UK editions! I'm so excitied and I just can't hide it! I know I stole that line from a song.
Story of the day: The real man at the terminal in Paris
Horoscope: High ideals satisfy you privately. Keep the good vibes in play. Listen to your body.
Listening to:
Thinking about: creating a plan for job hunting...
Yeah, I know I'm on a Giants theme somewhat. That's dedication for making all of those catches and so artisicly. Maybe I'm just bored and have nothing to type and thought about this since I watched the highlights a few times. I saw the new schedule for next month for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and can't believe that we're going to get more UK editions! I'm so excitied and I just can't hide it! I know I stole that line from a song.
Story of the day: The real man at the terminal in Paris
Horoscope: High ideals satisfy you privately. Keep the good vibes in play. Listen to your body.
Listening to:
Thinking about: creating a plan for job hunting...
Lots of baking...
Yeah I did some baking today. I made cheese cake cupcakes. Something I haven't made in a long time. I didn't eat any, but I'm sure they're yummy. I know because there are two missing and I'm sure my brother ate them. I also made bread sticks. Those I tossed in at the same time as the cheese cake because it needed the same temperature.
So I made cheese cake cupcakes and bread sticks. Wow. That is the most baking I've done in a while. The Giants game was great. Go Dustan Mohr! Hermy did his job. Noah was good at keeping Sosa hitless. Over all a good day. I can't wait to try one of my cheese cake cupcakes.
Quote of the day: You can pick your friends
You can pick your nose;
But you can't pick your friend's nose! - EllaMenopee
Horoscope: Your resources are not unlimited. Be thrifty with your time and energy.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
So I made cheese cake cupcakes and bread sticks. Wow. That is the most baking I've done in a while. The Giants game was great. Go Dustan Mohr! Hermy did his job. Noah was good at keeping Sosa hitless. Over all a good day. I can't wait to try one of my cheese cake cupcakes.
Quote of the day: You can pick your friends
You can pick your nose;
But you can't pick your friend's nose! - EllaMenopee
Horoscope: Your resources are not unlimited. Be thrifty with your time and energy.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
News items that are interesting...
August 5, 2004
Baba Ganoush stares at her reflection in a mirror as her sibling Tabouli crouches below her, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2004, in San Francisco. These two kittens are the first cats cloned by chromatin transfer, a new cloning technology developed by Genetic Savings & Clone, a pet gene banking and cloning company, who produced the kittens as a precursor to production of the first batch of cat clones for the public. It will cost $50,000 to have your cat cloned. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)
August 6, 2004
They say blondes have more fun, but redheads will have the edge on Sunday when they get into London Zoo for free to view a rare new-born ginger-coloured monkey.The endangered south east Asian Francois Langur monkey, called Laa Laa, pictured in this handout photo, has typical baby orange fur which in six months will turn a glossy black. REUTERS/London Zoo
August 8, 2004
San Francisco Giants (news) centerfielder Dustan Mohr (news) stretches to make a diving catch to rob Moises Alou (news) in the eighth inning in San Francisco on Sunday, Aug. 8, 2004. The Giants won, 6-3. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
August 8, 2004
Koko, the 230-pound gorilla who converses in sign language, admires her new kitten in this April 2, 1985 file photo. Koko received a clean bill of health after a full medical examination, Saturday, Aug. 7, 2004. (AP Photo/Ronald Cohn, National Geographic (news - web sites) Society/File)
Baba Ganoush stares at her reflection in a mirror as her sibling Tabouli crouches below her, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2004, in San Francisco. These two kittens are the first cats cloned by chromatin transfer, a new cloning technology developed by Genetic Savings & Clone, a pet gene banking and cloning company, who produced the kittens as a precursor to production of the first batch of cat clones for the public. It will cost $50,000 to have your cat cloned. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)
August 6, 2004
They say blondes have more fun, but redheads will have the edge on Sunday when they get into London Zoo for free to view a rare new-born ginger-coloured monkey.The endangered south east Asian Francois Langur monkey, called Laa Laa, pictured in this handout photo, has typical baby orange fur which in six months will turn a glossy black. REUTERS/London Zoo
August 8, 2004
San Francisco Giants (news) centerfielder Dustan Mohr (news) stretches to make a diving catch to rob Moises Alou (news) in the eighth inning in San Francisco on Sunday, Aug. 8, 2004. The Giants won, 6-3. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
August 8, 2004
Koko, the 230-pound gorilla who converses in sign language, admires her new kitten in this April 2, 1985 file photo. Koko received a clean bill of health after a full medical examination, Saturday, Aug. 7, 2004. (AP Photo/Ronald Cohn, National Geographic (news - web sites) Society/File)
It was a mosquito...
I saw it once. I saw it twice. I heard it near my ear. I thought it was a fly. I don't see it until today. I killed it and thought it was a fly. I look carefully and it was a mosquito. I guess that would explain my face having a bite and itching a little. Knowing that it's dead makes me feel a lot better. No more bites in the early mornings and more buzzing and flying around.
I woke up unnaturally. The doorbell rang and I wanted to say, "Go away!" That didn't happen. I had a semi-lunch and then went back into my room. So the only good thing is that the mosquito is gone.
Quote of the day: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," - President Bush
Horoscope: The lake is large, and once you've circled it, you're right back where you started.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
I woke up unnaturally. The doorbell rang and I wanted to say, "Go away!" That didn't happen. I had a semi-lunch and then went back into my room. So the only good thing is that the mosquito is gone.
Quote of the day: "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we," - President Bush
Horoscope: The lake is large, and once you've circled it, you're right back where you started.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne
so much for my happy ending
Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something you said?
Don't leave me hangnin'
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you care
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done
He was everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of the memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
You were everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
You were everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something you said?
Don't leave me hangnin'
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you I'm difficult
But so are they
But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do
You were all the things I thought I knew
And I thought we could be
You were everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you care
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done
He was everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of the memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
You were everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
You were everything, everything
that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be
But we lost it
All of our memories so close to me
Just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
So much for my happy ending
I'm a KLUTZ...
In the past 72-96 hours I have hurt myself more than the average person. I have hit a cardboard box at least three times, hurt the same toes twice, and managed to hurt my left ankle (think a splint or something while jumping down and landing.) That was at the theater. It was not that high but when I landed I felt it. Did I forget to mention earlier in the week I stepped on a toothpick?
I don't know if it's me or if it's karma telling me I shouldn't have left the house. Maybe I should get a job? What is it? Bake food in the middle of the night? Yes, I have done that and just last night around midnight. I should either get a place that is safer or just be more careful.
Quote of the day: Samantha: Donger's here for five hours, and he's got somebody. I live here my whole life, and I'm like a disease. - Sixteen Candles
Horoscope: Put on some insulation. Bring a blanket. It's cold out there!
Listening to:
Thinking about:
I don't know if it's me or if it's karma telling me I shouldn't have left the house. Maybe I should get a job? What is it? Bake food in the middle of the night? Yes, I have done that and just last night around midnight. I should either get a place that is safer or just be more careful.
Quote of the day: Samantha: Donger's here for five hours, and he's got somebody. I live here my whole life, and I'm like a disease. - Sixteen Candles
Horoscope: Put on some insulation. Bring a blanket. It's cold out there!
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Odd things I've seen this week...
The fact that I can remember is already something. First I saw a man holding the handled to what appeared to be a wire inspired pumpkin with children in it. Then there were really tiny go-carts. This was all on Tuesday.
My favorite item that I saw for that day were shoes that looked like this:
I want a pair, but the only thing I'd end up doing is something silly like those Budweiser commercials to burn a carb by opening and closing my toe. Time to get ready to leave the house and mail a book and a letter.
My favorite item that I saw for that day were shoes that looked like this:
I want a pair, but the only thing I'd end up doing is something silly like those Budweiser commercials to burn a carb by opening and closing my toe. Time to get ready to leave the house and mail a book and a letter.
The day after...
The day after I watched Little Black Book I thought it might be best sometimes not to know the past. Also that Carly Simon can't always solve everything, but most of the time yes. So music is a form that can help you sort out stuff. I have to agree. Whenever I am feeling blue I do turn to music to solve it, but not the way that Britney Murphy's character does.
If I'm feeling blue I do listen to music to cheer me up. The oddest thing is that when I'm heart broken or just really down I listen to love songs. I don't know if that's just the way I cope with it, but maybe it comforts me. When I was stressed in middle school the song I listen to was I'd die Without you or Set A Memory A Drift. Those were the songs by P.M. Dawn. that could calm me down. It was almost always on the radio and always calmed me down. Sounds silly I know, but it works. Music does help you with your ups and downs. It will not judge you, but help you with the pain you're going through.
Image of the day:
Horoscope: If your baggage seems too heavy, shift the burden. Redistribute your load.
Watching: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Tonight Show Olympics
Listening to:
Thinking about:
If I'm feeling blue I do listen to music to cheer me up. The oddest thing is that when I'm heart broken or just really down I listen to love songs. I don't know if that's just the way I cope with it, but maybe it comforts me. When I was stressed in middle school the song I listen to was I'd die Without you or Set A Memory A Drift. Those were the songs by P.M. Dawn. that could calm me down. It was almost always on the radio and always calmed me down. Sounds silly I know, but it works. Music does help you with your ups and downs. It will not judge you, but help you with the pain you're going through.
Image of the day:
Horoscope: If your baggage seems too heavy, shift the burden. Redistribute your load.
Watching: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Tonight Show Olympics
Listening to:
Thinking about:
News items that are interesting...
July 30, 2004
A pet groomer trims the dyed fur of a poodle at a pet grooming parlor in Chongqing, southwestern China, July 30, 2004. Pet grooming, including haircut and coloring, starts at 300 yuan (about $36) for small dogs. REUTERS/Issei Kato
August 2, 2004
A squirrel allows his legs to dangle freely as it lounges on a section of fence in Alexandria, Va. Sunday, Aug. 1, 2004. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
August 4, 2004
U.S. President George W. Bush (news - web sites) holds an ear of raw sweet corn that he ate on a visit to the Bettendorf farmers' market during a campaign stop in Iowa, August 4, 2004. Bush is on a three-day campaign swing through middle America in the hotly contested states of Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio and Michigan. REUTERS/Jason Reed US ELECTION
August 5, 2004
U.S. President George W. Bush (news - web sites) has told a roomful of top Pentagon (news - web sites) brass his administration would never stop looking for ways to harm the United States. Bush is pictured in a July 31 file photo. REUTERS/Mannie Garcia
August 5, 2004
A wooden stamp is presented to photographers by the Swiss postal services on Thursday Aug. 5, 2004 in Zurich. Designed by Thomas Rathgeb, a graphic artist who works for Swiss Post, the stamps are made from 120-year-old pines felled in northern Switzerland. (AP Photo/Keystone, Eddy Risch)
A pet groomer trims the dyed fur of a poodle at a pet grooming parlor in Chongqing, southwestern China, July 30, 2004. Pet grooming, including haircut and coloring, starts at 300 yuan (about $36) for small dogs. REUTERS/Issei Kato
August 2, 2004
A squirrel allows his legs to dangle freely as it lounges on a section of fence in Alexandria, Va. Sunday, Aug. 1, 2004. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
August 4, 2004
U.S. President George W. Bush (news - web sites) holds an ear of raw sweet corn that he ate on a visit to the Bettendorf farmers' market during a campaign stop in Iowa, August 4, 2004. Bush is on a three-day campaign swing through middle America in the hotly contested states of Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio and Michigan. REUTERS/Jason Reed US ELECTION
August 5, 2004
U.S. President George W. Bush (news - web sites) has told a roomful of top Pentagon (news - web sites) brass his administration would never stop looking for ways to harm the United States. Bush is pictured in a July 31 file photo. REUTERS/Mannie Garcia
August 5, 2004
A wooden stamp is presented to photographers by the Swiss postal services on Thursday Aug. 5, 2004 in Zurich. Designed by Thomas Rathgeb, a graphic artist who works for Swiss Post, the stamps are made from 120-year-old pines felled in northern Switzerland. (AP Photo/Keystone, Eddy Risch)
Why me?
Ok I bought a pair or set of bookends that are limited to 200 in the whole world and only 200. No this isn't a joke or anything. This is the real deal. Well I woke up this morning to check e-mail and found out the person who I bought it from dropped it. They said while they were packing it dropped. So they believe that we wouldn't want it. i mean we have to respond to them, but they're issuing a refund if we say we don't want it anymore. So now in the world the number of bookends is 199/200. There isn't two hundred because we know someone broke one set.
Anyway tonight is the advance screening of Little Black Book. I have no one to go with (maybe not sure at this time.) I might just go see it alone. It's a chick flick and I kind of want to watch it. Let's just see how it goes.
Quote of the day: Asked by a reporter how he would spend his first million dollars, Hung turned to his mother, who said, "Tell her you are going to use it for your kids and their education." - William Hung's mother
Horoscope: Hints won't work this time. You'll have to be blunt. Bludgeon, don't nudge.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Anyway tonight is the advance screening of Little Black Book. I have no one to go with (maybe not sure at this time.) I might just go see it alone. It's a chick flick and I kind of want to watch it. Let's just see how it goes.
Quote of the day: Asked by a reporter how he would spend his first million dollars, Hung turned to his mother, who said, "Tell her you are going to use it for your kids and their education." - William Hung's mother
Horoscope: Hints won't work this time. You'll have to be blunt. Bludgeon, don't nudge.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Time spent doing nothing...
I just thought I'd e-mail my friend to ask her how's it going and she has her ideal job and now I have to find mine. Yes I know I have to find a job and such, but right now the only way I can is probably with the right music. I know I can't put my mind into it. At first I was into it, now it's like I've given up.
I was reading articles about William Hung and I wondered how Jordan Chan could actually keep a straight face while William Hung sang. I am smitten by him. He's a bad boy but also sensitive at the same time. The strangest thing was how an article mentioned how Andy Lau touched his skin and said it was soft. That was a little bit disturbing. All articles can be read here. (If you're reading this later on you might have to check the archives a.k.a. next 25.)
Oh I did go down to 44 Gough Street which I can say did not have anything for me. Everything was mainly for those that have a degree or more experience than me. Even the temporary jobs I wasn't qualified for.
Quote of the day: Asked why he thinks he's attractive, Hung told the Apple Daily newspaper: ``I can dance and I'm sincere.'' - William Hung
Horoscope: If you get stuck, try driving in reverse. Your skills will get you out of this one.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
I was reading articles about William Hung and I wondered how Jordan Chan could actually keep a straight face while William Hung sang. I am smitten by him. He's a bad boy but also sensitive at the same time. The strangest thing was how an article mentioned how Andy Lau touched his skin and said it was soft. That was a little bit disturbing. All articles can be read here. (If you're reading this later on you might have to check the archives a.k.a. next 25.)
Oh I did go down to 44 Gough Street which I can say did not have anything for me. Everything was mainly for those that have a degree or more experience than me. Even the temporary jobs I wasn't qualified for.
Quote of the day: Asked why he thinks he's attractive, Hung told the Apple Daily newspaper: ``I can dance and I'm sincere.'' - William Hung
Horoscope: If you get stuck, try driving in reverse. Your skills will get you out of this one.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
As much as I love the post office, I wish that they could deliver in the afternoon. I just do not like being semi-awake and having the doorbell wake me up. I guess I can live on five hours of sleep, but that's usually not me at all.
Anyway I am proud of myself. I walked from my house all the way to Jamba Juice (which was closed for remodeling boo!) (Sorry Jade I stole that from you.) Then I went from there to Sunset Supermarket and then from there I went home. The total is about three and a half miles.
That has got to be some sort of record. This is not including going in and out of stores. I was bored and I thought I could work up a thirst for tapioca milk tea. I did end up finishing it. My goal now is to walk every other day around town or around the resvior.
Ok I don't know honestly how long I can keep that up but at least a mile every other day. If Jamba Juice was open I'd have more of a reason and more of a challenge. From my house to Jamba Juice is about 1.3 miles. I don't know if it is more or less since I go up and then down a lot of stairs. Well if I ever go there for a Jamba Juice. The thing is that they do not open until the 18th of the month. I don't know if I can last that long without a Jamba Juice. I probably can since I haven't had one since April or something.
Horoscope: Remember, the cash machine doesn't give free money. Keep an eye on your wallet.
Listening to:
Thinking about: getting up early to go job hunting.
Mood: tired
Anyway I am proud of myself. I walked from my house all the way to Jamba Juice (which was closed for remodeling boo!) (Sorry Jade I stole that from you.) Then I went from there to Sunset Supermarket and then from there I went home. The total is about three and a half miles.
That has got to be some sort of record. This is not including going in and out of stores. I was bored and I thought I could work up a thirst for tapioca milk tea. I did end up finishing it. My goal now is to walk every other day around town or around the resvior.
Ok I don't know honestly how long I can keep that up but at least a mile every other day. If Jamba Juice was open I'd have more of a reason and more of a challenge. From my house to Jamba Juice is about 1.3 miles. I don't know if it is more or less since I go up and then down a lot of stairs. Well if I ever go there for a Jamba Juice. The thing is that they do not open until the 18th of the month. I don't know if I can last that long without a Jamba Juice. I probably can since I haven't had one since April or something.
Horoscope: Remember, the cash machine doesn't give free money. Keep an eye on your wallet.
Listening to:
Thinking about: getting up early to go job hunting.
Mood: tired
Horrible wake up...
Yes I know its the same story all the time. This time it was the radio with a bloke telling stories. I mean who in their right mind would turn it up in the kitchen or near because they can't hear it while others are sleeping (floor is marble which will echo)? So I hear this mumbling of something I am still not awake. I pass on making lunch and instead make myself a milk tea and wait until the Giants game is on.
what my mother said is true. The older you are the more selfish you are. Well that's only the case with my father. He didn't care I was sleeping but turned down the volume on the TV and just decided to turn up the radio. I suffer but it's ok because I don't work anyway. I need to find a job soon. This is just getting stupid. I wonder when I will ever get enough sleep? Rhetorical question but also not.
Horoscope: People are uncertain what you mean. Be clearer. More verbs, fewer adjectives.
Listening to: Lizzie McGuire
Thinking about:
what my mother said is true. The older you are the more selfish you are. Well that's only the case with my father. He didn't care I was sleeping but turned down the volume on the TV and just decided to turn up the radio. I suffer but it's ok because I don't work anyway. I need to find a job soon. This is just getting stupid. I wonder when I will ever get enough sleep? Rhetorical question but also not.
Horoscope: People are uncertain what you mean. Be clearer. More verbs, fewer adjectives.
Listening to: Lizzie McGuire
Thinking about:
Over It - Anneliese Van Der Pol
How could you know
That behind my eyes a sad girl cried
And how could you know
That I hurt so much inside
And how could you know
That I'm not the average girl
I'm carrying the weight of the world
So can you get me outta here
Take me away
We'll jump in the car
Drive til the gas runs out and then walk so far
That we can't
See this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
Over It
I'm playin the role
Of the happy girl
But no one knows
Inside I'm alone
But I would never let it show
I get everyday
Too much work and not enough play
Over and over
It's always the same
But you can make everything OK...
Take me away
We'll jump in the car
Drive til the gas runs out and then walk so far
That we can't
See this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
Over It
Over it
And when the world is closin' in
I can leave it all and just walk away
I can always start all over again
I am closer to a better day
Take me away
We'll jump in the car
Drive til the gas runs out and then walk so far
That we can't
See this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
Take Me Away
Take Me Away
Take Me Away
We'll jump in the car
Drive til the gas runs out and then walk so far
That we can't
See this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
Over It
Over It
I am Over It
That behind my eyes a sad girl cried
And how could you know
That I hurt so much inside
And how could you know
That I'm not the average girl
I'm carrying the weight of the world
So can you get me outta here
Take me away
We'll jump in the car
Drive til the gas runs out and then walk so far
That we can't
See this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
Over It
I'm playin the role
Of the happy girl
But no one knows
Inside I'm alone
But I would never let it show
I get everyday
Too much work and not enough play
Over and over
It's always the same
But you can make everything OK...
Take me away
We'll jump in the car
Drive til the gas runs out and then walk so far
That we can't
See this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
Over It
Over it
And when the world is closin' in
I can leave it all and just walk away
I can always start all over again
I am closer to a better day
Take me away
We'll jump in the car
Drive til the gas runs out and then walk so far
That we can't
See this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
Take Me Away
Take Me Away
Take Me Away
We'll jump in the car
Drive til the gas runs out and then walk so far
That we can't
See this place anymore
Take a day off
Give it a rest
So I can forget about this mess
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
If I lighten up a little bit,
Then I will be
Over It
Over It
I am Over It
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