In the past 72-96 hours I have hurt myself more than the average person. I have hit a cardboard box at least three times, hurt the same toes twice, and managed to hurt my left ankle (think a splint or something while jumping down and landing.) That was at the theater. It was not that high but when I landed I felt it. Did I forget to mention earlier in the week I stepped on a toothpick?
I don't know if it's me or if it's karma telling me I shouldn't have left the house. Maybe I should get a job? What is it? Bake food in the middle of the night? Yes, I have done that and just last night around midnight. I should either get a place that is safer or just be more careful.
Quote of the day: Samantha: Donger's here for five hours, and he's got somebody. I live here my whole life, and I'm like a disease. - Sixteen Candles
Horoscope: Put on some insulation. Bring a blanket. It's cold out there!
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