I just thought I'd e-mail my friend to ask her how's it going and she has her ideal job and now I have to find mine. Yes I know I have to find a job and such, but right now the only way I can is probably with the right music. I know I can't put my mind into it. At first I was into it, now it's like I've given up.
I was reading articles about William Hung and I wondered how Jordan Chan could actually keep a straight face while William Hung sang. I am smitten by him. He's a bad boy but also sensitive at the same time. The strangest thing was how an article mentioned how Andy Lau touched his skin and said it was soft. That was a little bit disturbing. All articles can be read here. (If you're reading this later on you might have to check the archives a.k.a. next 25.)
Oh I did go down to 44 Gough Street which I can say did not have anything for me. Everything was mainly for those that have a degree or more experience than me. Even the temporary jobs I wasn't qualified for.
Quote of the day: Asked why he thinks he's attractive, Hung told the Apple Daily newspaper: ``I can dance and I'm sincere.'' - William Hung
Horoscope: If you get stuck, try driving in reverse. Your skills will get you out of this one.
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