Yeah I know that should be a given, but sometimes I just wished I was a little above average. I think I am, but not too many more points up there. How did I draw this conclusion? Well back in March there was the Test the Nation: What Is Your I.Q.? and I taped it, but just didn't get around to taking the test. I'm average for my age and average overall I suppose. The fact that I learned is that after adolescent men's brains get smaller. Ok don't blame the messenger.
That's what I spent some time doing. I guess maybe 30 minutes but if I had done it on the day of I think it would be two long hours. Well now I'm sure of my I.Q. but if only I could test to see if I have dyslexia or a certain form of it. I always thought that I was average and now I know I am. Looking back at report cards from elementary school I was average. I blended in and wasn't really good at anything. Music I think was a fluke, but I know I didn't know if I was too flat or too high.
Horoscope: You finish with more than before. Donate the surplus. The best payoff is intangible.
Watching: NEws
Listening to:
Thinking about: Why it's bad to sleep at 11.15 a.m. in the morning and having people think I slept more than that.