Felix, a short hair kitten, waits for food at the opening of the Meow Mix cafe for cats in New York City, August 17, 2004. The cafe, which will be open for five days, is an experimental concept that features a new line of cat food. REUTERS/Jeff Christensen
August 17, 2004
Yu Zhenhuan waits for an interview beside his hospital bed in Shanghai August 13, 2004. Yu, who is China's hairiest man, has 96 percent of his body covered with hair. The current Guinness record holders -- a pair of Mexican brothers -- have a record of 98 percent hair cover. Yu underwent ear surgery in Shanghai last week to remove hair that caused him to lose part of his hearing. The hirsute 26-year-old Yu, who uses the name 'woolboy' for his email, has hair all over his body, save the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet. He has an average of 41 hairs per 1 sq cm (.16 sq inch), a condition doctors term 'atavism'. TO MATCH FEATURE LIFE CHINA HAIRBOY REUTERS/Claro Cortes IV
August 19, 2004
A black bear has been found passed out at a campground in Washington state after guzzling down three dozen cans of a local beer, a campground worker says. This file photo pictures a black bear. REUTERS/Mike Cassese