The report of what I did today:
I left the house about 11.00 p.m. to pick up my friend to go to CompUSA. After we drove to the downtown CompUSA. I dropped her off and then I went to find parking. Well it was almost the same thing since I found a parking spot right away. It took me a couple of tries and the cops had to wonder what is she doing? After I park the car I go ahead and join her. It was strange seeing a bunch of teenagers or college students who don't really speak English in line waiting for the store to open. We set up a game plan while in line. We were near the Sketchers store (to give you an idea how long the line was). Then the hour arrived. They let in some people in at a time. It was in shifts and even then it was hard because the store was filled with people, but not to the point where you can't move. They only had one door open and it was the Market street side. The O'Farrell side was closed. Ok it was more than a couple, but seeing the ad and knowing what to get helped. Also knowing the layout is very helpful. The plan was this: split up and look for certain items. We would meet back up and switch items and leave the store. Time entered into the store: 12.12-12.15 a.m.
I ran into my former roommate and she helped me find the USB drive. Then next I was off to find the wireless stuff. I went my way and my friend went the other way. Her job/mission was to find the router that she needed and other items that I didn't need. I found a router (it was the wrong one) and then I asked for help to find the USB and the PC card. The girl was helpful and helped me find the items I needed. So I had the USB drive, the PC cards, and the USB adaptors. I meet back up with my friend and we tried to find the router (it took a little while with more asking) and found that. The next item was a mouse. We had to ask about that too. Over all the store personal was helpful. Except the cashier. Had NO CLUE! Probably why he's a cashier.
When everything was found we waited in line. Then I saw the SD card. I thought not a bad price for one. $29.99 AR. I need another one since the one that I'm using isn't working out too well. It's having problems reading and plus I could always do more video with a larger card. I got that too.
The items I bought were: 2 USB wireless adaptors , 2 PC cards (for wireless internet), a 512 MB SD card, and a 512 MB USB drive.
Total spent AR without tax: $ 51.94.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 265.76.
Time on receipt for check out: 12.37 a.m.
Time spent in store: 20 minutes (roughly)
After paying and leaving the store I dropped off my friend and then I headed home. I got home and was tired. I didn't have too many bags, but I couldn't believe I got most of the shopping done already. I didn't sleep until two something, which isn't wise, but that's me. I set my alarm to wake me up at 4.30 a.m. so I could be at Mervyn's when they opened at 5.00 a.m. I went to sleep or to take a nap. I woke up and I really didn't want to get out of bed. I proceed to get changed and have a quick breakfast (one small pineapple cake) and then left. The strange part was when I was getting ready I heard noise outside. My father was sitting in the living room watching TV. It was 4 something in the morning. No one is up that early. He asked me where I was heading. I thought it was obvious. Day after Thanksgiving. Taking a couple of bags to be returned. He didn't think so. I said I'm going shopping. He didn't believe me, but oh well.
I drove there and as I was getting out of the car this guy said that he was in and out in 5 minutes. I was still disoriented and just let it go. I went and got my monkey blanket, socks, and jeans. That was enough to get the $10.00 rewards card. OK it was enough for two. The amount of money I spent was over $100.00. The deal is every $50.00 you spend you get $10.00 back. Then I dropped off the stuff into the car to return the items I bought on Wednesday. Then I went back and thought, I should get some shoes. I bought two pairs and that was enough to get another $10.00. After buying the shoes I went back to the car and returned another items. I almost forgot the $10.00 card because I was heading off to the next location.
The items I bought were: shoes, jeans, socks, and monkey fleece.
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A
Actual total spent with tax: $ 181.28.
Time spent: estimate at least 1.5 hours
I did run into my aunt which was strange. 6.30 a.m. and I run into my aunt at Mervyn's. It was time for the second store. I headed over to Office Max. I parked in the garage and then proceeded to get in line. Yes, in line for the store to open. They also made you take the stairs. Nice right?
I knew two items that I wanted to get. I would end up getting four. I got the FAR 6 plug in power strip and the 64 CD case holder. I looked over the ad and thought the hard drive is kind of cheap. I picked up a 200 gig hard drive. This one person tried to trick me into getting something else. BITCH! Then I saw that they had SD cards on sale too. It was a 512 for $19.99 AR. I thought that's a better deal than the one I picked up at CompUSA. So I got that too.
The items I bought were: 512 SD card, 200 gig hard drive, 64 CD case wallet, and power stripe.
Total spent AR without tax: $ 79.98.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 193.65.
Next stop Walgreens. You have to be wondering, you've been up since about four something and here it is after 7.00 a.m. and you've still got energy? Yes, I do. I had to pick up some laundry detergent and a couple of DVD's. Granted the only thing for me was the DVD's, but I couldn't let my aunt carry the detergent. They were open already and everyone was grabbing stuff. I got two bottles of detergent and then I looked for the DVD's. I need to get Harry Potter and one other one. I was hoping for Runaway Bride. I was going to get About A Boy, but I thought I had it. The deal with the DVD's.
The items I bought were: 2 bottles of 50 oz. detergent and 2 DVD's.
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 15.16.
Next stop was ACE hardware. You're thinking what can you possibly get at ACE? OK I figured it would be open at 7.00 a.m. and all I'd have to do is get in and get out. I was going to get the free items. I saw a line and thought, OK maybe they're limiting the number of people going in. It is a small store. Nope they were not going to be open until 8.00 a.m. I'm standing in the rain and wind waiting for the store to open. I see a young girl with a shirt that says, "Daddy's Girl" and she's wearing a tiara. That's crazy shit there. I did get one of the two items. One was a power sander and the other was something for a screw driver. No more power sanders but they had the other thing. I bought that and left.
The items I bought were: a pack of guiding screw driver drives.
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 8.66.
I went to get a cinnamon roll. It was good. While in line at ACE I realize I lost my earphone. Now I'm ticked off. I call up the places I might have dropped it and nothing. I even go back to Mervyn's. I left my phone number hoping to have it returned. I can expect it not to be EVER.
I then tried to get what I needed from the hospital since I was near there anyways. No luck. They were CLOSED TOO! They had a sign that said they were only going to be closed on THURSDAY. Today is FRIDAY! Whatever.
Next location was Circuit City. Or was it Office Depot? Never the less I went to both. I went to Circuit City first to get some DVD's. It wasn't worth my time to dig through the pile they had. And then lines were even longer. I left. I went back to Office Depot and thought about getting the battery back up. I didn't have a newspaper and I wasn't sure. Then I notice the front of the store had one. I looked to make sure that was the one I needed. I got the last one they had on the shelf. That sucker was heavy. I also went to Sportsmart, but there wasn't anything I wanted.
The items I bought were: battery back up.
Total spent AR without tax: $ 14.99.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 65.09.
Then I went to Target. Since I failed to get the better deal at Circuit City I went to Target to get the Family Guy DVD. I got that and found a couple that I wanted too. Ok the price had something to do with it.
The items I bought were: Family Guy Vol. 2, Shrek 2, A Shark's Tale, Meet the Fockers
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 38.66.
It was back to Mervyn's to return on last item. I also had to get a present for the company dinner. I had no idea what to get. I thought about it when I was at the Mervyn's in San Francisco, but now it's for real. I just got something that I thought was cute and useful. Something that could be enjoyed. I'm not going to put down what it was because I never know who's reading this and if they'll know who I got. I also got something else that was cute. I'm not going to say what either because I'll spoil the surprise. The lines were long. I saw them and got scared. I wanted to pass, but I didn't. All I had to do was hunt down a shorter line and pay. I also don't like the fact they don't have scanners to check the prices. Annoying if you ask me.
The items I bought were: can't say.
Total spent AR without tax: $ N/A.
Actual total spent with tax: $ 36.00.
The things I failed to mention are: I was almost in an accident TWICE. Once was heading over to Mervyn's to try to find my earphone. The other was at Serramonte. The sky was dark and there was rain. If it's hard to see you have to have on headlights. But this old lady didn't think so. I had on my lights so she could see me. I think safety first. I was really ticked off. Oh I was so fumed about the old lady I forgot to lock the doors. I got lucky that the car wasn't stolen and nothing was stolen. Second time this week.
I did get home about 12.30 p.m. I think. I'm not even sure. If anyone actually totals how much was spent, I think it's at least $600.00. That's just too crazy.
Horoscope: As you get more excited about that big purchase, don't skip the research! You can absolutely trust the promises made to you now, even if they arrive from far away. You'll be just as adamant about keeping your own word, too. Respect and responsibility are in the air.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02

I have had a chance to look over the BF ads and they are OK. They're not great, but I can't compare it to last year since I wasn't here. I can compare it to 2003 and that was GOOD. OK not GOOD, but decent. I have figured out a plan and what to get. It's crazy when it's one person doing it and not more. I wrote up what I'm going to get at each store and what time each store opens. I made mental notes of when I'm going to leave a store to head over to the next store. I have drew out the plan to almost an artform. I am crazy.
I just learned that CompUSA is opening at MIDNIGHT! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Now the plan is to find out what they have and go and buy it. I can't lose on the deals for wireless cards again! I am going to head out and report everything that happened tomorrow.
Horoscope: You need to start digging before you can see the truth. First, find the facts. It may not be Valentine's Day, but the tone of the messages you've been receiving from a long-distance loved one might make it seem that way. Behave accordingly -- and carefully.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
What a day...
After I left work I went to my appointment with physical therapy. No this isn't a joke. I have physical therapy. I still need to take care of myself as well, but it's hard to. I mean I need to get up and stretch and I should probably put in the desk tray at home I know it'll help me out, but I just haven't had the time. I'm trying to get the tools that I need to fix myself. By that I mean to loosen up my shoulder area.
My plan was this after leaving the visit: to get to the place where I can buy the "Pinky Ball" and then use it. The only thing I have now to ease the pain in my left shoulder (which she worked on) are those wooden massagers. I try to sleep on it to relive the stress. Anyway, I get there and I find a spot. I go to the one in front of a driveway and it was too small. I tried to reverse, but some jerk took my spot. Nice right?
I turn around the block and contemplated a meter but thought better of it. Then I parked on Scott Street. I noticed a lot of helicopters around, but I had no idea why. I went to try and find the office, but they were closed. Just my luck right? I get back to my car to find something out. Something that doesn't happen to me a lot. I forgot to lock the door. I did put "The Club" on the car, but I forgot to lock the door. Yes, I'm a FUCKER. I only realized this when I got back to the car. I saw the doors unlocked. I thought, "What's gone from the car? Is the stuff in the trunk still there?" I looked and checked and everything was there. Thank GOD!
I then went to Mervyn's and went on a rampage. I bought almost everything in sight. I got a pack of socks, jeans, and a monkey fleece throw. It's soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! I mean it comes with a monkey and that thing is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo soft! I held on to that sucker and it made me warm and it was smooth. I don't think I bought anything else, but when I tried to pay there was a huge problem. My Discover Chimpanzee card.
The lady who rung me up with the chimpanzee card swiped it a few times and still had no idea what was wrong with it. She just couldn't say, "Miss I think this card is no good. Do you have another one?" I knew before hand it might have been a problem. It was a good thing I had my Mervyn's card. It's from 2000, but it works. It does look like a gift car, but it does say on it: Valued Cardholder Since 2000.
This has to be my favorite picture that I'm going to put up. It's of a TURKEY! It GLOWS! How cute is that? When I was taking the picture, I saw a poodle up in the window. It didn't even bark at me. It took me a couple shots before I got this one. I saw a car just stop and go, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Horoscope: One of your favorite spots is having business problems -- pay a visit soon. A long-distance emotional revelation is due -- the one you've been waiting for, in fact. Your world is set to change for the better, and it's going to happen soon, so get ready.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
My plan was this after leaving the visit: to get to the place where I can buy the "Pinky Ball" and then use it. The only thing I have now to ease the pain in my left shoulder (which she worked on) are those wooden massagers. I try to sleep on it to relive the stress. Anyway, I get there and I find a spot. I go to the one in front of a driveway and it was too small. I tried to reverse, but some jerk took my spot. Nice right?
I turn around the block and contemplated a meter but thought better of it. Then I parked on Scott Street. I noticed a lot of helicopters around, but I had no idea why. I went to try and find the office, but they were closed. Just my luck right? I get back to my car to find something out. Something that doesn't happen to me a lot. I forgot to lock the door. I did put "The Club" on the car, but I forgot to lock the door. Yes, I'm a FUCKER. I only realized this when I got back to the car. I saw the doors unlocked. I thought, "What's gone from the car? Is the stuff in the trunk still there?" I looked and checked and everything was there. Thank GOD!
I then went to Mervyn's and went on a rampage. I bought almost everything in sight. I got a pack of socks, jeans, and a monkey fleece throw. It's soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! I mean it comes with a monkey and that thing is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo soft! I held on to that sucker and it made me warm and it was smooth. I don't think I bought anything else, but when I tried to pay there was a huge problem. My Discover Chimpanzee card.

Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
George Bush look alike...
You decide:
George Bush
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02

Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I miss weekends...
I miss weekends where you can just hang out with those you care about. My mind has checked out for good. It's only focused on having fun.
Anyway, I opened my package to find Dangles. He's like a little baby! He's smooth and cute. I love him. He's just as cute as my piggy I bought.
What do I do when I get home? I check eBay of course! I saw some interesting items. Of course it has to do with monkeys. Here are some items I found interesting:

Final price with shipping: $36.95
Horoscope: Every day needn't be a breeze. It's the tough ones that teach you the most. When you have something to say, holding it in just isn't your style -- even if it's something intense, potent and life-changing -- like what you have to say to someone right now.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Anyway, I opened my package to find Dangles. He's like a little baby! He's smooth and cute. I love him. He's just as cute as my piggy I bought.
What do I do when I get home? I check eBay of course! I saw some interesting items. Of course it has to do with monkeys. Here are some items I found interesting:

Horoscope: Every day needn't be a breeze. It's the tough ones that teach you the most. When you have something to say, holding it in just isn't your style -- even if it's something intense, potent and life-changing -- like what you have to say to someone right now.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02

I received Dangles yesterday. I am so happy! I woke up early today wishing that I was somewhere else. Escape is what I just want to do. I mean just disappear and don't ever want to be found again. Either alone or with someone. I know that sounds insane, but that's my brain right now.
I did some laundry today and I hope that it'll last me a while. It also as hit me that I am just too into monkeys. Someone has to stop me OR I could just have a wish list of what I want and have my cousins get it for me for Christmas. I do need to get gifts for all of my cousins. I wonder what everyone wants. It'll be hard for the teenagers, but the others it shouldn't be that bad.
The Simpsons and Family Guy weren't bad. American Dad was a little too much. The gun thing was just strange. The Simpsons showed me that Lisa can be a rebel and that she just wants to be accepted.
I watched the news to find out that Steve Young got his Hall of Fame ring. That's great and he looked like he would cry. Congrats to you.
Horoscope: Innovation can be intimidating, but be brave. These new ideas will enrich you. You've never been fond of people who don't take their responsibilities seriously. If there's someone who answers that description in your life -- well, they won't be there for long.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Baseball As America...

I thought about changing the trophy to have it say Giants on it, but then thought better. The item I think I want was maybe some Omar Vizquel salsa. I swear it's real! I'm trying to land some from the Cleveland fans. I saw other items, but this really stood out.

I also saw the scouting report for Mark McGuire. The funny part was they had the sign to hide his weaknesses, but it showed all of his strengths. He was drafted right out of high school. I hope I have the right person. I also saw the different types of season tickets they had in the past. Some were charms and that isn't a bad idea. I mean if they had that now it would be easier on the ticket takers. I think that it would be hard to tell which ticket is fake or not.
I saw pictures from the Battle of the Bay and different ads that showed that San Francisco wanted a baseball team. They had the San Francisco Seals jersey and it was super sweet looking. I saw the world's most expensive baseball card. See the card here. I saw a Mickey Mantle card. There was so much information there that I just soaked up like a sponge. There were pieces from movies and food that players endorsed. I mean all that information was great.
The cap that Juan Marichal and Gaylord Perry for their milestones and even an autograph Barry Bonds baseball #597. There was just so much there. The old seats from some of the ball parks that aren't there anymore. The demo of how to throw a knuckle ball, curve ball, fastball, and sinker? I'm not sure about the last one, but they have the first three for sure. You could also see the different bats and how they evolved. If you can go check out the exhibit I would suggest you do it. It's Cooperstown but closer.
Oh the neatest thing that I saw today was this:

Here are some pictures I found online of the exhibit. Pictures were NOT ALLOWED:

Horoscope: You've got some hot stuff on your plate right now -- deal with it quickly. Balancing the needs of a personal relationship with your work duties isn't usually as stressful for you as it is for the rest of us; you're good at it. But at the moment, it may take a bit more effort. Be prepared to stay up late.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Good bye Scottie Hottie...

Good bye Mr. Eyre. You made it. You were one of the two Scotts on the team that we loved. I'll miss you. You were laid back and nice. I'm glad I got to meet you at the picnic. You have made this past season a joy to watch. Even though we didn't do so well, you were the light that guided us until the end.
We will miss you greatly. I enjoyed your song at the park. It made me remember my roots in rock music. It bring tears to my eyes right now thinking you'll no longer be a Giant, but that you're a Cub now. You were a Giant with a "Giant" heart. I'm sorry we let you get away, but we understand that your boys mean a lot to you. Good luck in the windy city and if you see A.J. there don't forget to give him a kick in the ASS if he's pompous to you about the World Series.
Scottie Hottie...I bid you farewell and godspeed. (No I'm not religious.)
Horoscope: Whittle down some of your responsibilities and free up some time for a recharge. Is friendship really all there is between you and that certain someone you've known for what seems like forever? If you're not sure, investigating the options now wouldn't be a bad idea.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Eyre rewarded by Cubs for resilience

CHICAGO -- One of the first things Scott Eyre did when he knew he was going to the Chicago Cubs was to check the team's 2006 schedule. Eyre wanted to know when he'd be back in San Francisco because he doesn't want to let the kids down at Charles Armstrong School.
They can expect a visit in May.
In May 2002, Eyre began taking medication for attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). He didn't know he had it until the previous month, when Tim Hughes of the Toronto Blue Jays medical staff suggested Eyre talk to someone about it during an off day in Tampa, Fla. Eyre never thought he had a problem.
"No, I was just me," he said Friday at Wrigley Field, where he was introduced as the newest member of the Cubs' bullpen.
The free agent reliever signed a two-year contract with the Cubs on Thursday night that includes a player option for a third year. If the option is picked up, the total package is worth $11 million. The deal includes a $1 million signing bonus, and will pay Eyre $2.7 million in 2006 and $3.5 million in 2007. The player option year in 2008 is for $3.8 million.
Eyre wouldn't be such a valuable commodity if he hadn't been diagnosed and learned how to deal with ADHD.
"There were little things, like someone tapping on the back of your chair, that would drive me nuts," Eyre said. "Now it doesn't bother me at all. Nothing bothers me. I drive, listen to the radio, listen to my wife talking and the kids do what they would do. I was lot grumpier, I guess, as my wife describes it. Now I'm a lot more happy."
He's also a better pitcher. From 1997-2001, before he was diagnosed, Eyre had a career 5.50 ERA, giving up 139 earned runs in 227 1/3 innings over 95 games. From 2002-05, he gave up 102 earned runs over 252 2/3 innings in 313 games for a 3.63 ERA.
"You get critics who say, 'You grew up as a pitcher,'" Eyre said. "I'm sorry, but you don't get your ERA two points different in three years or whatever by learning. It doesn't happen like that."
And that's part of the message he delivers to kids who also are struggling to deal with ADHD or attention deficit disorder (ADD). The difference? As Eyre talked on Friday, he was constantly moving his hands. He's a little hyper.
"In San Fran, I've had numerous kids or parents who say they take this [medication] now because of you," Eyre said. "One kid's dad said, 'He doesn't want to take [the medication] because the kids make fun of him.' I looked at [the kid] and said, 'How do your friends know you take it?' and he said, 'I told them.' I said, 'Tell them you don't take it any more, and take it at home and they'll never know.'"
Eyre wants students to know they aren't alone, and he'll reiterate that message when he sees the kids at Charles Armstrong School in Belmont, Calif. The Cubs will be in town to play the Giants May 9-11, 2006.
"I made them a promise that if I wasn't a Giant next year that I would still come back and visit them, so I have to go back and visit in May," Eyre said. "I already looked at the schedule to see when we're in San Fran."
Eyre is willing to talk to children in the Chicago area as well.
"[The kids] didn't care if I wasn't Barry Bonds or Jason Schmidt," Eyre said. "They cared that I played in the big leagues and I had ADD or ADHD, and that I made it to where I was. That's rewarding to me to see a kid smile like that."
The Cubs are smiling now that Eyre is part of the relief corps. His agent, Tommy Tanzer, said every Major League team called to inquire about the left-handed reliever.
"I was getting headaches every day from the stress," Eyre said. "How do I pick a place to play without knowing what the clubhouse was like?"
The good-natured lefty, who will be a perfect complement to Chicago closer Ryan Dempster, played for Cubs manager Dusty Baker when the Giants plucked Eyre off the waiver wire in August 2002. He helped San Francisco reach the World Series that year.
Eyre talked to Baker and also got good vibes from conversations with new teammates Glendon Rusch, Jerome Williams and Neifi Perez. Rusch told him about a team dinner the last weekend at a Houston steakhouse that all but one player attended, and that player missed it because he was sick.
About a week ago, Eyre checked in with Baker again.
"All he said is, 'Did you sign yet? We're going fishing,'" Eyre said. "I've got a nice fishing partner."
The lefty decided to leave the Giants because it was just too long a commute to his Bradenton, Fla., home. Twice this year, he left San Francisco after a Sunday day game, flew to Florida, spent the Monday off-day playing with his two sons, ages 7 and 5, then flew to Arizona to rejoin the Giants. The Eyres have a seven-acre spread in Florida that is home to two horses, three dogs, two cats and a turtle.
"I love my wife and kids very much and this is closer to home," he said of Chicago. "They have a good team, and [Cubs general manager Jim] Hendry made it almost impossible to say no. The negotiations were 45 minutes long. We had dinner, I walked out in my Greg Maddux autographed jersey and said, 'How do I look?'"
Eyre had gotten Maddux to sign a jersey this summer, not knowing he'd be the right-hander's teammate a few months later.
Eyre gave the Giants credit for his success.
"Felipe [Alou] showed a lot of faith in me," said Eyre, who led the National League in appearances. "I'd have a bad game or give up an inherited run or something, and it didn't matter what I did on Monday, I was pitching Tuesday. I was the go-to guy. That instilled confidence in myself. I hope I can do the same thing here in Chicago."
Original article can be found here.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Fumbles the Monkey...
Today I received Fumbles in the mail. He's one of my latest additions to my monkey collection. He's small and cute and is fresh in his ziplock bag.
Through the jungle, high and low
Up and down and around I go
Look at me swing from tree to tree
Won't you come and play with me ?
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02

Up and down and around I go
Look at me swing from tree to tree
Won't you come and play with me ?
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
No not the Red Sox or the White Sox. I'm talking about regular socks that go on your feet. I went shopping today knowing that a certain store has sales on Wednesdays. I went and I saw items I had to have. OK not had to have, but needed. By the title of the post it was socks. I looked at the prices for girl socks and women's and they were the same. When I looked at the prices for boys they were cheaper. HOW COME?! WHY?!
Long story short I ended up with boy socks. Who's going to know what's on my feet? If they are boy socks or girl socks or even women's' socks? One entry about socks. What am I thinking? Or am I at all?
Horoscope: If you feel like you're attracting flighty people, take a break from socializing. Being critical of your own or your coworkers' performance at work won't get you anywhere. Sure, you expect perfection, but that's not always possible. Don't blame anyone if things don't work out.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Long story short I ended up with boy socks. Who's going to know what's on my feet? If they are boy socks or girl socks or even women's' socks? One entry about socks. What am I thinking? Or am I at all?
Horoscope: If you feel like you're attracting flighty people, take a break from socializing. Being critical of your own or your coworkers' performance at work won't get you anywhere. Sure, you expect perfection, but that's not always possible. Don't blame anyone if things don't work out.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Heartbreaker Part 2...
As I was sitting at home thinking about baseball (it's the off season and I didn't count down the days until opening day) I thought about my hubby. There's fantasy and reality. Reality is that he's married with a son. He's been married for two or three years. He grew up in the Midwest and so he's a good guy. If he did try anything I'd be flattered, but offended at the same time. I'm sure he's a nice guy and that's why he has a wife and they have a son together.
I'm happy with what I have and what I don't have. Life is good. People to hang out with on weekends and those that care about me. Baseball is only half a year long. Friends are all year long. I have the orange madness to keep my company and the monkey thing. Sure I look like a crazy person with a thing for monkeys.
In the end it's best the he's married and he's just my crush. It's like all the teenage girls out there back in the 90s when Leonardo DiCaprio was "god" to them. I think I'm like that too with baseball players. To me they have a job and you have to respect their privacy. Baseball players, football players, movie stars, musicians, and just regular TV personal should have a star quality. They are "larger" than life, and what they do is their business.
I'm just rambling now I wish Jack the best and hope he's happy and his son is healthy. I hope he loves his wife enough to not feel the need to cheat. I'll just have a fantasy where Jack is my husband. I'll have reality where there is someone for me. I'm thankful for reality and not fantasy.
Horoscope: "The love of flowers is really the best teacher of how to grow and understand them." - Max Schling
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Your $0.02
I'm happy with what I have and what I don't have. Life is good. People to hang out with on weekends and those that care about me. Baseball is only half a year long. Friends are all year long. I have the orange madness to keep my company and the monkey thing. Sure I look like a crazy person with a thing for monkeys.
In the end it's best the he's married and he's just my crush. It's like all the teenage girls out there back in the 90s when Leonardo DiCaprio was "god" to them. I think I'm like that too with baseball players. To me they have a job and you have to respect their privacy. Baseball players, football players, movie stars, musicians, and just regular TV personal should have a star quality. They are "larger" than life, and what they do is their business.
I'm just rambling now I wish Jack the best and hope he's happy and his son is healthy. I hope he loves his wife enough to not feel the need to cheat. I'll just have a fantasy where Jack is my husband. I'll have reality where there is someone for me. I'm thankful for reality and not fantasy.
Horoscope: "The love of flowers is really the best teacher of how to grow and understand them." - Max Schling
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Your $0.02
More monkeys!

I have this thing for beanie babies now. The crazy is long gone, but mine has only just begun. I'm pretty sure this thing with beanie babies will only get a little worse until I get all the monkeys.
Horoscope: Sharing news of your day means nothing unless you share your feelings about it too. You'd never admit it, but you tend to be superstitious, especially about sharing secrets. At this point, you need to spill the beans, and do it now -- maybe even twice.
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Your $0.02
You know it's almost Christmas when...
you see Home Alone on TV. I mean come on. Only for the past 10 years or so it's been on around Thanksgiving. This year they started early. They always have the first one on TV. Then it was the second Lost in New York. I thought about watching other things, but it's not the same.
I checked my football hobby of just picking out winners and seeing which week I did really well. It's only to pass the off season, but I don't follow football to know or even care.
Horoscope: If the timing doesn't feel right, postpone. Give yourself some time to prepare. You've been thinking about asking a family member for advice, but you're not sure they're the right person to approach. Once you ask, though, you might be surprised to find that they can help more than you'd imagined.
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Your $0.02
I checked my football hobby of just picking out winners and seeing which week I did really well. It's only to pass the off season, but I don't follow football to know or even care.
Horoscope: If the timing doesn't feel right, postpone. Give yourself some time to prepare. You've been thinking about asking a family member for advice, but you're not sure they're the right person to approach. Once you ask, though, you might be surprised to find that they can help more than you'd imagined.
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Your $0.02

My hubby is married! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Here's how I know. This is the information that I found:
Jack Gerard Taschner...graduated from Racine (WI) High School...drafted by Anaheim in 37th round of 1996 First-Year Player draft, but did not sign...earned communications degree from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh...was perfect 13-0 over 3 seasons with Titans, helping school to trio of WIAC titles...fashioned 7-0 mark with 1.51 ERA and 79 strikeouts over 53.2 innings in 1999...married (Miriam)...son (Gradin, Aug. 16, 2003).
I'm heartbroken, but it wouldn't have worked out. He's who he is and I'm who I am. It's just nice to know that he's married and happy. If he's not he can always find me. ^_^
I know that's wishful thinking, but you never know. I saw Fever Pitch and Bull Durham tonight. Bull Durham was ok. I learned a lot from that movie. I learned how to be a "home team ho" as some of us have given that term to those that show "the goods" to the home players for attention.
Fever Pitch was ok. I could relate to Jimmy Fallon's character because I'm that die hard fan. If the Giants were like that then I'm sure that I could go to those extremes. I could see myself getting a lot of Giants gear and just having a room or the house decorated to the extreme. I'm seriously thinking about painting my room orange. That sounds nutty, but it's something different.
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Your $0.02

Horoscope: You do not have to sacrifice family for career. Keep your priorities where they are. A family member you haven't seen or spoken to in what seems like forever is about to contact you, and one conversation will be enough to convince you that you're overdue for a visit. So will you be traveling, or will they?
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Your $0.02
My Monkey hobby...

I also went downstairs to check out the color of the basement room and it's ORANGE! OMG! It's perfect for the "orangest monkey"! I'll have to see if there's any paint left and paint my room orange. Dear God I think I've lost my mind. The orangest monkey shall be me?!
Monkey Items so far:
Monkey Bags/purse/messenger/tote: 4
Monkey T-Shirts: 4
Monkey Sweatshirts/hoodies: 3
Monkey Socks: 1 pair
Stuffed Monkeys: 3
Monkey key chains: 2
Monkey phone strings: 7
Monkey charms: 2
Monkey phone case: 1
Monkey picture frame: 1
Monkey bobblehead: 1
Monkey banks: 2
Monkey solar head bobble: 1
Monkey beanie babies: ~7?
Monkey first day of issues: 3
Monkey stamps: 2 sets
Monkey red envelope opener: 1
Monkey nail clipper: 1
Monkey PJs: 4
Monkey postcards: 2?
I never realized I had so much monkey stuff. Ok it's not a lot, but it's still more than I would have thought. I need monkey shoes, sheets, pillow cases, duvet, and everything monkey!
Horoscope: When you're running neck-and-neck with others, use your creativity to gain an edge. If you've got a favor to ask of a sibling or neighbor, here's a tip: Put a little sugar on it. At the moment, we'll all be especially susceptible to sweetness, and if anyone knows how to work the crowd, it's you.
Listening to:
Thinking about: MONKEYS! OK I'm lying. I'm thinking about the weekend where I can spend it with friends.
Your $0.02
Lightning strikes twice?
It was after work and I was standing at the corner waiting for a ride home. I notices these flashes of light and thought maybe it was the cable where the buses run, but then thought better when I saw some more. I thought back to when I was younger (elementary school) and saw a bunch when I was on my way to school. I only wish I had a camera when I was that young. I love seeing lightning. I know it's dangerous, but it's different and unique.
On the drive home there were a couple more times when the lightning hit. The only reason why I knew was because the radio had a little bad reception. I saw some and wonder how much more there would be. If I could just stare at that a lot I would.
I miss the simple days where I could just hang out and just stare at the sky. Looking up at the clouds trying to find people and animals. I like taking pictures of clouds too. Sounds silly, but that's something fun to do. Take picture of clouds.
Horoscope: You're still feeling exhilarated and enthusiastic when it comes to spending money, but you really need to be careful about it -- and this isn't something anyone ordinarily needs to tell you. Your smart attitude about money qualifies you to give friends some wise advice.
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Your $0.02
On the drive home there were a couple more times when the lightning hit. The only reason why I knew was because the radio had a little bad reception. I saw some and wonder how much more there would be. If I could just stare at that a lot I would.
I miss the simple days where I could just hang out and just stare at the sky. Looking up at the clouds trying to find people and animals. I like taking pictures of clouds too. Sounds silly, but that's something fun to do. Take picture of clouds.
Horoscope: You're still feeling exhilarated and enthusiastic when it comes to spending money, but you really need to be careful about it -- and this isn't something anyone ordinarily needs to tell you. Your smart attitude about money qualifies you to give friends some wise advice.
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Your $0.02
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