Everyone does them and each year I think I do write some, but do I follow them? *SHAKES HEAD* No. This year will be different.
(In no particular order)
* New glasses
* New job
* Investments (retirement plan or stocks)
* New car? (This I have to call on)
* New look? (OK this one is just for fun)
* New eating habits (This one I'll have to learn to control.)
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
New Year's Eve...and Reflections of 2005...
Today is the last day of 2005. I have no idea what's in store for me next year let alone next month, but there are a few things I wanted to say before the year ended.
Here are my reflections of 2005:
I started to have a separate blog for work, but I'll break the rule a little and mention it here. It was a learning experience. Things didn't go as planned and they're going to change. I did go on two interviews and did plan on leaving once the new year started.
I have made some great new friends. It started on a message board and then it turned into the ball park. Thank you everyone. You've helped me come out of my shell for a little while.
I feel that I've changed a little. There's still parts of me that retain what I have been. Example is complaining. I learned to do that less around certain people. A brief mention and then it's over.
I hope to get better. The future and only time will tell if what I've learned I've used. I can tell you right now it's on hold right now. I still have OK vision. My right eye has become weak, but the left eye balances my right eye. Lasik is still something I want to get.
This is a strange one to put down, but it's been a roller coaster. I have been sane and then insane. Baseball proves to be the insane part of me.
I'm reflecting on this because this year has had changes which I'd like to mention. I didn't know I'd like Ray Durham. I had no idea I would be a player's "wife" (Jack Taschner). There would be one moment for one player who would leave the team (J.T. Snow). A player who would break records (Barry Bonds). I would get flipped off by a player (Miguel Cabrera Florida Marlins). Be heard on TV heckling a Dodger (Jeff Kent). Get strange looks from an ace (Jason Schimidt).
It has brought me challenges. I learned that switching jobs or positions takes a lot out of a person. I am selfish at times, but I know when to give. Christmas time is perfect for that to those that have done a lot.
It has to change or it hasn't changed much. It might have changed a little but I think it was too late.
Thanks for the memories 2005. I'll be looking forward to 2006.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Here are my reflections of 2005:
I started to have a separate blog for work, but I'll break the rule a little and mention it here. It was a learning experience. Things didn't go as planned and they're going to change. I did go on two interviews and did plan on leaving once the new year started.
I have made some great new friends. It started on a message board and then it turned into the ball park. Thank you everyone. You've helped me come out of my shell for a little while.
I feel that I've changed a little. There's still parts of me that retain what I have been. Example is complaining. I learned to do that less around certain people. A brief mention and then it's over.
I hope to get better. The future and only time will tell if what I've learned I've used. I can tell you right now it's on hold right now. I still have OK vision. My right eye has become weak, but the left eye balances my right eye. Lasik is still something I want to get.
This is a strange one to put down, but it's been a roller coaster. I have been sane and then insane. Baseball proves to be the insane part of me.
I'm reflecting on this because this year has had changes which I'd like to mention. I didn't know I'd like Ray Durham. I had no idea I would be a player's "wife" (Jack Taschner). There would be one moment for one player who would leave the team (J.T. Snow). A player who would break records (Barry Bonds). I would get flipped off by a player (Miguel Cabrera Florida Marlins). Be heard on TV heckling a Dodger (Jeff Kent). Get strange looks from an ace (Jason Schimidt).
It has brought me challenges. I learned that switching jobs or positions takes a lot out of a person. I am selfish at times, but I know when to give. Christmas time is perfect for that to those that have done a lot.
It has to change or it hasn't changed much. It might have changed a little but I think it was too late.
Thanks for the memories 2005. I'll be looking forward to 2006.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Leaky room part 2...

I'll have pictures posted of the leaks in my room. I'll also post some of the cool presents I got from friends for Christmas. Thanks guys.
It's also that time of the year where you make New Year's resolutions. I think I started mine earlier this month. Or even a couple of months ago. It was to get a new job.
Here are pictures from the old leak and the patch work to give you an idea how big it was before and what mess it made.

Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02

If my life is to just blend in and not be notice then I'm doing a good job. If I want to stand out then I'll have to do something about it. I will. I will take matters into my own hands and lead the life I want to. I will travel the world and see things I've only read about or seen in classrooms on slides.
This is the life I want to lead, but when will I lead it? When I'm grey and old or when I'm disable and need someone to take care of me? Just more questions to be answered.
Horoscope: What's your main objective? Happiness? Wealth? Peace? Evaluate where you're going. A group of friends seems to have started their own particular type of civil war -- and, as usual, they want you to handle it. Fond as you are of taking charge, however, this isn't a category you'll enjoy, so give it a pass.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
What do I want to do with my life?
This is the million dollar question:
What do you want to do with your life?
The answer:
I don't know.
This is what I do know:
I want to do something with my life that has meaning.
I want to help others.
I want to know what I'm learning is something I can use for myself.
I want to just see if I've got the skills to do any job.
I want to know if my degree is so flexible that I can do anything.
I want to know if the job that I have now will help me get others.
I want to know if someone has the answers for me.
If someone has the answers please tell me. Maybe part of me just wants to be a robot and not have to think, but another part of me knows that I have the power to do all of this. I have control of my life, but every once in a while it seems like I'm losing control of my life. I want someone to guide me, but who can? No one knows how life is suppose to be. No one knows if they'll find their soulmate or if one even exists for them.
The questions I have for myself now:
Will I meet someone who will make me feel complete?
Will I find my soulmate?
Will I get married?
Will I have children?
Will I ever find a job that makes me happy?
Will I ever feel appreciated?
Will I end up alone?
Will I ever be able to afford a house?
Will I ever know what "love" is?
Will I ever have a car?
Will I find someone who has passion about the same things I do?
Will I ever see the world?
Where will I be in 5 years? 10 years?
There are so many more questions that I have and yet, I can't seem to think of them. I just know that when I find someone, I'll give them my full attention and be honest with them. They'll have to understand my love for baseball and that they have to share that with me or else I don't think it would work. It might work if they like sports in general and they just smile at me for giving player SHIT. They'd have to have no problem with me drooling after the players because I'd be with THEM and not the player.
This time in my life being 20 something doesn't help. There are so many questions out there and yet I don't have the answers nor can I find them. I don't know if I can be the "ideal" girlfriend. I worry about not being myself when I'm with someone. I feel like I'm a teenager, yet, the driver's license says I'm not. Will they reject me because of the way I act? Will they end it because I'm not the person they thought I was/am? There are so many more questions I have. I'll just let them run through my head for now. Time will only tell what life has in store for me as well as faith and destiny.
Watching: Family Guy
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
What do you want to do with your life?
The answer:
I don't know.
This is what I do know:
I want to do something with my life that has meaning.
I want to help others.
I want to know what I'm learning is something I can use for myself.
I want to just see if I've got the skills to do any job.
I want to know if my degree is so flexible that I can do anything.
I want to know if the job that I have now will help me get others.
I want to know if someone has the answers for me.
If someone has the answers please tell me. Maybe part of me just wants to be a robot and not have to think, but another part of me knows that I have the power to do all of this. I have control of my life, but every once in a while it seems like I'm losing control of my life. I want someone to guide me, but who can? No one knows how life is suppose to be. No one knows if they'll find their soulmate or if one even exists for them.
The questions I have for myself now:
Will I meet someone who will make me feel complete?
Will I find my soulmate?
Will I get married?
Will I have children?
Will I ever find a job that makes me happy?
Will I ever feel appreciated?
Will I end up alone?
Will I ever be able to afford a house?
Will I ever know what "love" is?
Will I ever have a car?
Will I find someone who has passion about the same things I do?
Will I ever see the world?
Where will I be in 5 years? 10 years?
There are so many more questions that I have and yet, I can't seem to think of them. I just know that when I find someone, I'll give them my full attention and be honest with them. They'll have to understand my love for baseball and that they have to share that with me or else I don't think it would work. It might work if they like sports in general and they just smile at me for giving player SHIT. They'd have to have no problem with me drooling after the players because I'd be with THEM and not the player.
This time in my life being 20 something doesn't help. There are so many questions out there and yet I don't have the answers nor can I find them. I don't know if I can be the "ideal" girlfriend. I worry about not being myself when I'm with someone. I feel like I'm a teenager, yet, the driver's license says I'm not. Will they reject me because of the way I act? Will they end it because I'm not the person they thought I was/am? There are so many more questions I have. I'll just let them run through my head for now. Time will only tell what life has in store for me as well as faith and destiny.
Watching: Family Guy
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Happy Boxing Day!
Well for Boxing Day I got a leaky room. Yup it's back to two drips not one anymore. Boo! At least there's nothing that's really stopping me from living in the room other than that. I could sleep in the basement, but I'm sure I'd need a lot of clothes to keep me warm as well at a heat dish. Is that what those things are called? They look like a fan, but just have this brace around it with this red looking thing? Anyway, the day is just beginning and I forgot that today is Monday. Really. Do I look like a person who would give up one day to shop? Probably not, but I'm willing to give up one just so that I can just enjoy it.
No I'm not going to be one of those looking for good Christmas decorations to have for next year. I'm tempted to go out and get more PJs since the ones I wear are so-so. I think I should stop wearing what I am and get something that's cute and comfortable. (That's a bad word. I learned it from What Not to Wear." I have this adorable monkey PJ bottoms, but I have to hem them. Drat. I could spend Boxing day doing that.
Well, it's been an eventful day or night. Actually it's just beginning. And it's NOT beginning to look a lot like Christmas like that song says. That's over and today is a new day. I think I'll start to read the book I bought on Saturday.
Horoscope: Feeling detached is part of life. Sometimes, you need to give yourself some space. Still daydreaming? Well, stop it. Make some plans to go. Doesn't matter where it is -- it's time to hit the road. Inviting someone special along for the ride wouldn't be a bad idea, either.
Watching: Maid in Manhattan
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
No I'm not going to be one of those looking for good Christmas decorations to have for next year. I'm tempted to go out and get more PJs since the ones I wear are so-so. I think I should stop wearing what I am and get something that's cute and comfortable. (That's a bad word. I learned it from What Not to Wear." I have this adorable monkey PJ bottoms, but I have to hem them. Drat. I could spend Boxing day doing that.
Well, it's been an eventful day or night. Actually it's just beginning. And it's NOT beginning to look a lot like Christmas like that song says. That's over and today is a new day. I think I'll start to read the book I bought on Saturday.
Horoscope: Feeling detached is part of life. Sometimes, you need to give yourself some space. Still daydreaming? Well, stop it. Make some plans to go. Doesn't matter where it is -- it's time to hit the road. Inviting someone special along for the ride wouldn't be a bad idea, either.
Watching: Maid in Manhattan
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Merry Christmas 2005!
Merry Christmas everyone. I'm having a simple Christmas. Just hoping that I can get my act together and get some presents for my nieces and nephews. I'm a terrible aunt. I'm close to a quarter of a century and I feel much older. Yet, at the same time I don't feel like an aunt. I haven't had the time to get presents for the young ones and I might just end up getting everyone a gift card so all the parents can just shop for the kids.
I'm out of touch with what's in. I have no idea who's the new person that everyone likes. I have no idea who is the new cartoon that everyone likes. I'll just let my cousins decide what's good. My present to myself was the baseball book. I thought maybe this will help me through my toughest hours and my sanity at work. I know I'm being optimistic about things, but knowing that I have made a decision to change my life mentally wasn't easy. I'll announce it when the time is right.
Horoscope: Culturally, you have a lot of curiosity that needs to be satisfied. Be open-minded. If you don't turn off the cell phone, the pager and anything else that connects you to work, even your closest loved ones won't forgive you. Why risk it? Take the day off -- the whole, entire day.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I'm out of touch with what's in. I have no idea who's the new person that everyone likes. I have no idea who is the new cartoon that everyone likes. I'll just let my cousins decide what's good. My present to myself was the baseball book. I thought maybe this will help me through my toughest hours and my sanity at work. I know I'm being optimistic about things, but knowing that I have made a decision to change my life mentally wasn't easy. I'll announce it when the time is right.
Horoscope: Culturally, you have a lot of curiosity that needs to be satisfied. Be open-minded. If you don't turn off the cell phone, the pager and anything else that connects you to work, even your closest loved ones won't forgive you. Why risk it? Take the day off -- the whole, entire day.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Christmas Eve...
I don't think I've ever been out on Christmas Eve. The lines in Safeway and Costco were crazy. I guess people were out shopping for food or last minute gifts. Really strange to see that all. I did manage to fine a good TV. I don't know how good, but at least it's cheap. OK not cheap, but reasonably priced.
I saw a book and had to get it. I mean I didn't have to get it, but it caught my eye.
I can't wait to start reading the book. OK. I might read a little and then forget about it again. I tried to read The Da Vinci Code, but I just ended up giving it back to who I borrowed it from.
Horoscope: Initiate a new tradition in your life. Your spiritual ideas should play a key role. Put a hold on any and all projects you've been considering that involve financial commitments. This just isn't the time to sign on that type of dotted line. Forget business for a day or so.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I saw a book and had to get it. I mean I didn't have to get it, but it caught my eye.

Horoscope: Initiate a new tradition in your life. Your spiritual ideas should play a key role. Put a hold on any and all projects you've been considering that involve financial commitments. This just isn't the time to sign on that type of dotted line. Forget business for a day or so.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Happy Festivus...
Festivus is a nondenominational holiday featured in an episode of Seinfeld, a popular American television sitcom of the 1990s. The holiday was a plot device in episode number 166 of the show, titled "The Strike", which first aired on December 18, 1997. Many people, influenced or inspired by Seinfeld, now celebrate the holiday, in varying degrees of seriousness. Some do it religiously, others do it in good tidings in their respect to Seinfeld.
According to Seinfeld, Festivus is celebrated each year on December 23, but many people celebrate it other times, often in early December. Its slogan is "A Festivus for the rest of us!" An aluminum pole is generally used in lieu of a Christmas tree or other holiday decoration. Those attending participate in the "Airing of Grievances" which is an opportunity for all to vent their hostilities toward each other, and after a Festivus dinner, The Feats of Strength are performed. Traditionally, Festivus is not over until the head of the household is wrestled to the floor and "pinned."
Horoscope: Today, every challenge you encounter will be a chance for you to impress people. They're not just your boss, they're someone you've been entertaining romantic thoughts about for as long as you can remember. Before you let it all out and mention what's on your mind, better be sure the feelings are mutual.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
According to Seinfeld, Festivus is celebrated each year on December 23, but many people celebrate it other times, often in early December. Its slogan is "A Festivus for the rest of us!" An aluminum pole is generally used in lieu of a Christmas tree or other holiday decoration. Those attending participate in the "Airing of Grievances" which is an opportunity for all to vent their hostilities toward each other, and after a Festivus dinner, The Feats of Strength are performed. Traditionally, Festivus is not over until the head of the household is wrestled to the floor and "pinned."
Horoscope: Today, every challenge you encounter will be a chance for you to impress people. They're not just your boss, they're someone you've been entertaining romantic thoughts about for as long as you can remember. Before you let it all out and mention what's on your mind, better be sure the feelings are mutual.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Depression is BAD...
When you're depressed you'll do just about anything. I'm sure I'll feel this way for a while and it's not going away. The way I deal with it is shopping. What do I buy? Monkey stuff of course. I bought a monkey charm today. This is the second monkey item I've bought in two weeks. Last week it was a charm and a necklace to go along with it. Today it's just a charm. I have a sickness and I need to cure it.
Well I got to the point where I wanted to buy a rock with the word "imagine" and "believe" and maybe "faith" on it. I am tempted to do so. They look inspirational. I need that right now. I'm at a place where I don't know if I want to work any more. I would rather work for minimum wage and be happy rather than sad and depressed. I think I need a shrink.
Horoscope: Sometimes, they are just too demanding. Put your foot down -- stand up for yourself. It might feel that way, but you're not really between a rock and a hard place. You're being given a chance to show what you're made of. In reality, you have it made, and so does the person you're so intent on challenging.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Well I got to the point where I wanted to buy a rock with the word "imagine" and "believe" and maybe "faith" on it. I am tempted to do so. They look inspirational. I need that right now. I'm at a place where I don't know if I want to work any more. I would rather work for minimum wage and be happy rather than sad and depressed. I think I need a shrink.
Horoscope: Sometimes, they are just too demanding. Put your foot down -- stand up for yourself. It might feel that way, but you're not really between a rock and a hard place. You're being given a chance to show what you're made of. In reality, you have it made, and so does the person you're so intent on challenging.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Break Away - Kelly Clarkson
Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out my window
Dreamin' of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray
Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanting to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I prayed I could break away
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get on board a fast train
Travel on a jetplane, far away
And break away
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Out of the darkness and into the sun
I won't forget all the ones that I love
I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging round revolving doors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me
But, gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, break away
[chorus 2]
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye, gotta
Take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Break away
Break away
And when the rain would fall down
I'd just stare out my window
Dreamin' of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray
Trying hard to reach out
But when I tried to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanting to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I prayed I could break away
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get on board a fast train
Travel on a jetplane, far away
And break away
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Out of the darkness and into the sun
I won't forget all the ones that I love
I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging round revolving doors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me
But, gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, break away
[chorus 2]
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye, gotta
Take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And break away
Break away
Break away
I hit 10,700 posts!
I did it this morning. At about 1.19 a.m. Sad I would look at it.
Member Since: 8/13/2004
Posts: 10700
Last Visit: Dec-16
I am sad.
Quote # 1 of the Day:
Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought. ? Napoleon Hill,
1883-1970, American Speaker/Motivational Writer/Author of "Think and
Quote # 2 of the Day:
You have powers you nevër dreamed of. You can do things you nevër
you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the
limitations of your own mind. ? Darwin P. Kingsley, 1857-1932, American
Quote # 3 of the Day:
To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two
proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind. ?
Hazlitt, 1778-1830, English Writer and Essayist
Horoscope: If change is good, why does it feel so important to keep things the same right now? Change is on the horizon -- change of the most major kind. You're completely in charge of getting the show on the road, and you'll meet absolutely no resistance whatsoever getting started. Why fight it? Don't stop yourself.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Member Since: 8/13/2004
Posts: 10700
Last Visit: Dec-16
I am sad.
Quote # 1 of the Day:
Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought. ? Napoleon Hill,
1883-1970, American Speaker/Motivational Writer/Author of "Think and
Quote # 2 of the Day:
You have powers you nevër dreamed of. You can do things you nevër
you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the
limitations of your own mind. ? Darwin P. Kingsley, 1857-1932, American
Quote # 3 of the Day:
To be capable of steady friendship or lasting love, are the two
proofs, not only of goodness of heart, but of strength of mind. ?
Hazlitt, 1778-1830, English Writer and Essayist
Horoscope: If change is good, why does it feel so important to keep things the same right now? Change is on the horizon -- change of the most major kind. You're completely in charge of getting the show on the road, and you'll meet absolutely no resistance whatsoever getting started. Why fight it? Don't stop yourself.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I got a monkey necklace!
OK. I've really lost it now. I was watching the news on Wednesday and they said they would have an opening kind of for those that watch channel 7. It was the Jewelry Mart. I went in and saw lots of nice things. None that I could afford (I could, but it was just nice to look).
I went into a store and found a watch that I used to wear "religiously" until the wrist band broke. I did replace that, but then it just stopped working altogether. I think I still have the watch somewhere.
I saw so many of them and just thought back to when I got mine at Montgomery Wards (Wards), which closed down I believe. It really made me think back to when I wore that watch all the time. I wore it every day until it broke down.
I didn't think I'd find anything to buy, but I did. I found a sterling silver monkey charm and thought I had to have it. I then looked for a necklace to go along with it. I took a couple of them and tried them on to find one that matched and then I purchased it. Did I mention that it was half off? Who could refuse something like that? I am just way too into monkeys.

This looks almost like the one I have. Clearer than the pictures I took.
Horoscope: The sooner you deal with the issues at hand, the sooner they'll become history. You may spend some time alone, but you're not lonely. You've got some pet projects to finish up at home, and no shortage of admirers who wouldn't mind spending an evening with you. You're just picky, that's all.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I went into a store and found a watch that I used to wear "religiously" until the wrist band broke. I did replace that, but then it just stopped working altogether. I think I still have the watch somewhere.

I didn't think I'd find anything to buy, but I did. I found a sterling silver monkey charm and thought I had to have it. I then looked for a necklace to go along with it. I took a couple of them and tried them on to find one that matched and then I purchased it. Did I mention that it was half off? Who could refuse something like that? I am just way too into monkeys.

Horoscope: The sooner you deal with the issues at hand, the sooner they'll become history. You may spend some time alone, but you're not lonely. You've got some pet projects to finish up at home, and no shortage of admirers who wouldn't mind spending an evening with you. You're just picky, that's all.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
Laurel Hill Playground...

I had actually taken these pictures when I was out at lunch. I walked over to buy my lunch. I ate it and still had some time left. I decided that I wanted to see how much the playground has changed since I'd last been there in 1995. That was about 10 years ago. I know they took out the swings that used to be around the aread in front of that slide. There was sand there and two swrings. I don't remember if they had the smaller swings, but they had the regualar ones. They also painted it orange and it used to be just the plain color.
They also got rid of the sandbox and moved the swings over there. I remember there used to be a sandbox there. I don't know abuot the structure they have there. I don't remember that at all. I think there might have just been slides, but it's been so long I don't remember.
Horoscope: You're busy, but don't forget to fit in a nap here and there. You need relaxation! You've been wistful, nostalgic and downright sappy -- qualities you've always found irritating in others, and downright despicable in yourself. At the moment, thought, those feelings have taken a back seat to passion, and maybe even anger.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02
I bought a monkey!

Quote # 1 of the Day:
It is not your aptitude, but your attitude, that determines your
? Zig Ziglar, American Sales Trainer and Motivational Author/Speaker
Quote # 2 of the Day:
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of
and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and
controversy. ? Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968, American Civil
Leader and Nobel Prïze Winner
Quote # 3 of the Day;
It is funny about life: if you refuse to accept anything but the very
you will very often get it. ? W. Somerset Maugham, 1874-1965, British
Novelist and Playwright
Horoscope: Family and career are clashing -- postpone any upcoming business trips if you can. Isn't love grand? Sure is. You're about to share that sentiment with someone dear to your heart -- someone who doesn't necessarily know that yet. You'll want to make a great, big fiery display of it, too. Go for it.
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Your $0.02
Cleaning Sunday...
I thought I should get my room cleaned up since it's been a while since it's been cleaned. I mean I could see a socks on the floor and my desk top (actual one, not computer) anymore. I also figured I had to do some laundry because I was running out of socks. I'm also running out of work clothes too.
When I was done cleaning I saw the most horrific thing. A spider with EYES! I'm SERIOUS! It was creepy looking. I wonder if it's the one that I sucked up in the vacum cleaner the other night that was in the guest room. I caught it and then tossed it in the toilet. My room does look a lot better. I can see the bottom of my desk, I took out the recycling and I vacumed my floor. I did get to take out the laundry I had in my bag for a week. That wasn't too pleasant. I should do that laod of laundry as well. I think I have to change my sheets too. I haven't done that in a while.
I know I'm gorssing a lot of you out. How can this girl live like this? Easy. I was overworked and underpaid (still underpaid) and I finally had some time to clean it up. It took me a couple of hours, but I got it done. I think I want to start knitting again, but I don't think my arm would be OK with that.
**The second line of my horoscope is dead on. I am in a shopping mood. I have bought so much stuff in the past two months. OK make it these past 5. I swear I'm impulsive and I have one more item I want to acquire. It'll take some time, but I'll get it next week. I need to get my MONKEY!
Horoscope: You won't get the positive outcome you were hoping for, but you'll still be happy. For the next couple of days, you'll be in the mood to shop -- even more so than usual -- especially for anything that's totally unique. And don't even pretend you won't love the raised eyebrows your purchases will inspire.
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Your $0.02
When I was done cleaning I saw the most horrific thing. A spider with EYES! I'm SERIOUS! It was creepy looking. I wonder if it's the one that I sucked up in the vacum cleaner the other night that was in the guest room. I caught it and then tossed it in the toilet. My room does look a lot better. I can see the bottom of my desk, I took out the recycling and I vacumed my floor. I did get to take out the laundry I had in my bag for a week. That wasn't too pleasant. I should do that laod of laundry as well. I think I have to change my sheets too. I haven't done that in a while.
I know I'm gorssing a lot of you out. How can this girl live like this? Easy. I was overworked and underpaid (still underpaid) and I finally had some time to clean it up. It took me a couple of hours, but I got it done. I think I want to start knitting again, but I don't think my arm would be OK with that.
**The second line of my horoscope is dead on. I am in a shopping mood. I have bought so much stuff in the past two months. OK make it these past 5. I swear I'm impulsive and I have one more item I want to acquire. It'll take some time, but I'll get it next week. I need to get my MONKEY!
Horoscope: You won't get the positive outcome you were hoping for, but you'll still be happy. For the next couple of days, you'll be in the mood to shop -- even more so than usual -- especially for anything that's totally unique. And don't even pretend you won't love the raised eyebrows your purchases will inspire.
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Your $0.02
I think the name says it all. It also confirms with this post: http://www.forums.mlb.com/ml-giants/messages?msg=63335.1 she is the S.O.B. (Sorry Old Bitch) in the bleachers. It's scary to know she posts on the message board. It's even scarier that you know it's her and that she reads and writes.
I think I'll go stay in hiding on the board. I should also not draw attention to myself.
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Your $0.02
I think I'll go stay in hiding on the board. I should also not draw attention to myself.
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Your $0.02
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