I had actually taken these pictures when I was out at lunch. I walked over to buy my lunch. I ate it and still had some time left. I decided that I wanted to see how much the playground has changed since I'd last been there in 1995. That was about 10 years ago. I know they took out the swings that used to be around the aread in front of that slide. There was sand there and two swrings. I don't remember if they had the smaller swings, but they had the regualar ones. They also painted it orange and it used to be just the plain color.
They also got rid of the sandbox and moved the swings over there. I remember there used to be a sandbox there. I don't know abuot the structure they have there. I don't remember that at all. I think there might have just been slides, but it's been so long I don't remember.
Horoscope: You're busy, but don't forget to fit in a nap here and there. You need relaxation! You've been wistful, nostalgic and downright sappy -- qualities you've always found irritating in others, and downright despicable in yourself. At the moment, thought, those feelings have taken a back seat to passion, and maybe even anger.
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Your $0.02