Today is the last day of 2005. I have no idea what's in store for me next year let alone next month, but there are a few things I wanted to say before the year ended.
Here are my reflections of 2005:
I started to have a separate blog for work, but I'll break the rule a little and mention it here. It was a learning experience. Things didn't go as planned and they're going to change. I did go on two interviews and did plan on leaving once the new year started.
I have made some great new friends. It started on a message board and then it turned into the ball park. Thank you everyone. You've helped me come out of my shell for a little while.
I feel that I've changed a little. There's still parts of me that retain what I have been. Example is complaining. I learned to do that less around certain people. A brief mention and then it's over.
I hope to get better. The future and only time will tell if what I've learned I've used. I can tell you right now it's on hold right now. I still have OK vision. My right eye has become weak, but the left eye balances my right eye. Lasik is still something I want to get.
This is a strange one to put down, but it's been a roller coaster. I have been sane and then insane. Baseball proves to be the insane part of me.
I'm reflecting on this because this year has had changes which I'd like to mention. I didn't know I'd like Ray Durham. I had no idea I would be a player's "wife" (Jack Taschner). There would be one moment for one player who would leave the team (J.T. Snow). A player who would break records (Barry Bonds). I would get flipped off by a player (Miguel Cabrera Florida Marlins). Be heard on TV heckling a Dodger (Jeff Kent). Get strange looks from an ace (Jason Schimidt).
It has brought me challenges. I learned that switching jobs or positions takes a lot out of a person. I am selfish at times, but I know when to give. Christmas time is perfect for that to those that have done a lot.
It has to change or it hasn't changed much. It might have changed a little but I think it was too late.
Thanks for the memories 2005. I'll be looking forward to 2006.
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Your $0.02