There wasn't leaking room part one. At least I don't think so. If I did it's now part two. I have had the worse luck with rain and rooms. This room that I'm in since I moved it has almost always leaked. When I first moved in it was huge. Now it's smaller, but slowly growing. I had no idea another location would start up just before the new year. I guess it's new year new leak?
I'll have pictures posted of the leaks in my room. I'll also post some of the cool presents I got from friends for Christmas. Thanks guys.
It's also that time of the year where you make New Year's resolutions. I think I started mine earlier this month. Or even a couple of months ago. It was to get a new job.
Here are pictures from the old leak and the patch work to give you an idea how big it was before and what mess it made.

Horoscope: Your last accomplishment is still being praised, but don't rest on your laurels. Don't tell your secrets to anyone but those you truly trust, even though it's a holiday evening and everyone's feeling just festive enough to trust everyone else. Keep the conversation lighthearted and cheerful.
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Thinking about:
Your $0.02