I don't think I've ever been out on Christmas Eve. The lines in Safeway and Costco were crazy. I guess people were out shopping for food or last minute gifts. Really strange to see that all. I did manage to fine a good TV. I don't know how good, but at least it's cheap. OK not cheap, but reasonably priced.
I saw a book and had to get it. I mean I didn't have to get it, but it caught my eye.

I can't wait to start reading the book. OK. I might read a little and then forget about it again. I tried to read
The Da Vinci Code, but I just ended up giving it back to who I borrowed it from.
Horoscope: Initiate a new tradition in your life. Your spiritual ideas should play a key role. Put a hold on any and all projects you've been considering that involve financial commitments. This just isn't the time to sign on that type of dotted line. Forget business for a day or so.
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