Merry Christmas everyone. I'm having a simple Christmas. Just hoping that I can get my act together and get some presents for my nieces and nephews. I'm a terrible aunt. I'm close to a quarter of a century and I feel much older. Yet, at the same time I don't feel like an aunt. I haven't had the time to get presents for the young ones and I might just end up getting everyone a gift card so all the parents can just shop for the kids.
I'm out of touch with what's in. I have no idea who's the new person that everyone likes. I have no idea who is the new cartoon that everyone likes. I'll just let my cousins decide what's good. My present to myself was the baseball book. I thought maybe this will help me through my toughest hours and my sanity at work. I know I'm being optimistic about things, but knowing that I have made a decision to change my life mentally wasn't easy. I'll announce it when the time is right.
Horoscope: Culturally, you have a lot of curiosity that needs to be satisfied. Be open-minded. If you don't turn off the cell phone, the pager and anything else that connects you to work, even your closest loved ones won't forgive you. Why risk it? Take the day off -- the whole, entire day.
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Your $0.02