
Happy Halloween...

Trick or treat...smell my feet...give me something good to eat...if you don't...i don't care...i'll pull down your underwear. I guess that's how it goes. What did I do today? I woke up to the phone ringing and then hearing the timer go off a couple of times from the kitchen, but still slept in bed. Then I did finally wake up and get changed to go to the cemetary. It's for some Chinese thing and after that it was off to "yum cha". I smelled of smoke and was glad that I could come home and shower and wash my hair so that I don't smell like smoke anymore.

I thought the food was enough, but at the end they ordered and nother fried rice. I was shocked. We had 13 "dim sum" plates, one porridge, two noole plates, and the fired rice. That was a lot of food for 10 people. that was super crazy. All that food. I had some of the noodles and then a little bit of "dim sum" and I was stuffed.

After eating we went to Target and spent time there. After that it was off to Albertsons to buy food. Then after that it was Japan Home Center. This was the first one I've seen in California. Then it was Lowe's to buy an aloe plant. Then after that it was Sally Beauty and then finally home.

Horoscope: You don't have to know the route in advance. The important thing is getting started.
Watching: Red Dwarf
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02


'Till I Get Over You - Michelle Branch

every time I feel alone
I can blame it on you
and I do, oh
you got me like a loaded gun
golden sun and sky so blue, oh

we both know that we want it
but we both know you left me no choice

**chaque fois que tu ton va
you just bring me down
**je pretend que tu fais bien
so I'm counting my tears 'til I get over you

sometimes I watch the world go by
I wonder what it's like
to wake up every single day
smile on your face
you never tried

we both know we can't change it
but we both know we'll just have to face it

chaque fois que tu ton va
you just bring me down
je pretend que tu fais bien
so i'm counting my tears 'til i get over you

if only I could give you up
but would I want to let you off of this soapbox baby?

we both know that we want it
but we both know you left me no choice

chaque fois que tu ton va
you just bring me down
je pretend que tu fais bien, oh
so I'm counting my tears 'til I get over you

chaque fois que tu ton va
je pretend que tu fais bien
we both know that I'm not over you
I'm not over you

**(chaque fois que tu ton va, je pretend que tue fais bien)**
**(every time you walk away, I pretend that I'm okay)**


It was nice to sleep in regardless of the doorbell ringing. I still got a nice amount of hours. I woke up with a headache, but it's gone now. I've consistently wondered what I'm going to do. Working in an office wasn't something I thought that I'd be doing, but knew I'd end up there.

I'm just catching up on the stuff I taped earlier in the week. I don't really have time to watch hour long shows just before bed when I usually just watch something at 10.30 p.m. then the news and then Jay Leno then sleep. I guess I finally get the whole catch up on sleep thing since I'm doing it myself. It's not because I sleep at about 1.00 a.m. and then have to be up at 7.30 a.m. Work is just crazy the end and the beginning. I'm looking forward to it? I don't know. It's pretty crazy.

Quote of the day: "I've learned something through my years. Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."
Horoscope: Why be aloof because everyone else is? Go ahead and dance if you feel like it.
Watching: She Spies
Listening to:
Thinking about: rest & relaxation
Your $0.02


Good morning, (insert company name)...

I was the receptionist today. I couldn't believe it. The one from the temp agency was fired or let go. Too many people were against her and because the accounts payable person kept saying the person was doing the wrong thing. I don't know. I found out that she was gone when I was up front and they were talking about it and because I had to be the "receptionist".

I made a couple of mistakes, but overall it went ok. I mean I think I can answer the phones ok, but sometimes...you just have to wonder. Then I got to just sit and relax. I mean I did surf the internet, but so did others. I mean come on, who honestly doesn't surf at work?

I did get to do a few things and while I was away from the front of the office, I thought please don't let the phone ring. There were so many calls and at times they were all for the same person. They wanted to know why they owed a small amount (under $1.00) or why they owe more than $100.00. I couldn't explain to them why they owed it, but they had to talk to the accounts receive able person. All day long he had calls and people coming in to see why they owed money.

By the end of the day some people leave the office so fast you wonder where they disappeared to. Others in the office you wonder if they'll be there for another hour. If they're there on the weekend you have to ask yourself why.

Horoscope: You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. Step back a bit. It's not as bad as it seems.
Listening to:
Thinking about: soap opera!
Mood: getting better
Your $0.02


Just another day...

at work. Nothing special or interesting happened. I did hit my head again. That's just about the greatest thing to happen. I had the wrong sandwhich for lunch because I thought she heard and understood me, but I guess not. I can't really think of anything else that was interesting.

How many people does it take to change the toner for the copy machine? Four and a half. Three to try to figure it out, one to supervise, and a half person to laugh at them. =)

Oh, the car had a flat tire and I knew how to change it and stuff, but my dad acted like I didn't. Little does he know some of the little things I do know how to do.

Chinese soap operas are so addicting. =)

Horoscope: Find creative ways to stretch your resources. Cook. Or find cheaper restaurants.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02


Getting better...

today at work. I mean I still had a lot to do, but at least I'm feeling better. I talked to Carmen and she said that people never know what's going on. I mean no one knows what's going on. Filing is a mess and really they just need a day where people can just sit down a look at everything.

More on the guy who caused us to call the police. He was ticked off because he paid $5.00 for gas to drive to the office. And then he said he'd come everyday until he got his money. He already came on Tuesday. This guy is something. He is on the lease saying he'd agree to pay rent. He then moves and lets his girlfriend have the apartment, but she's not on the lease. Then we find out and kick her out and he comes in angry because he hasn't received his October rent back. He complains and says his girlfriend is homeless and living on the street.

Now it's his fault he let his girlfriend live there and his fault he didn't try to add her name to the lease. So therefore, we had the right to kick her out because she's not on the lease. I'm actually scared to see that guy again. He's Italian and so I wonder if they have a temper. He also took the phone from the receptionist and she thought he was going to hit her with it. Scary enough with him slapping the counter with his hand.

I know I'm helping improve the company with the little things, but sometimes you have to wonder if they ever notice. I wonder if they even think some of them have meaning or even like a good point for it. Oh well.

Horoscope: Why make things harder for yourself? Take a cab if you don't have time to walk.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: sick, but getting better
Your $0.02

Hello police...

we have a person here who is being disruptive could you please someone over here? Thank you.

That was my morning. I was working in the front of the office and some guy who came in yesterday came in this morning demanding for his check for this month. This was all before 11.00 a.m. so you can imagine that woke me up fast. Then the police officer comes and he says that the person would have to take it to a lawyer or something because this doesn't concern them. Wow.

I just did a quick cleaning of stuff in the front and it's really amazing how much the office manager knows about the office. I mean when someone leaves and then the person takes over I would hope that someone would say this is where this is and so on. If not make a list of what is where and such so there's at least something written.

Time and time again I've said I don't know how this office functions. I mean I'm surprised it's done so well with those that have been in and out of the office. I mean no one stays that long. Some are interesting stories and others are not. This one is the most interesting case since I've been here. Good thing I'm making a note of it. Sometimes it's good to learn from crazy people.

Listening to:
Thinking about: lunch..lunchtime =)
Mood: sick still.. =(
Your $0.02


A couple of quizzes...

You are Shibahime!!

Nothing a little therapy and prozac won't fix!

Which Kare Kano Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm Mihama Chiyo!
You are Mihama Chiyo!

Which Azumanga Daioh Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

scene from All You Wanted video
You are..."All You Wanted"! You are a
very caring person who has an unfortunate habit
of falling for your best friend, even if the
feelings are unrequited.

What Michelle Branch song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Rain water in my room...

in a bucket. I can't believe I slept OK last night considering that I had to put up with the dripping noise, a phone call, and thunder. Today at work as crazy. I hit my head as stated in the last post and I don't think I recovered from it. I think if I was well I'd still have the chance to hit my head.

I started to watch the baseball game but then switched to the news because I need to know how long my cold will last. I know it'll be at least two weeks. I can't believe that the mail or stamp machine at work really had the seal feature, but no one knew how to use it. My GOD! I spend time with stupid glue sticks to seal them. Wet is better than glue stick.

Horoscope: The road may be full of potholes. Be prepared to get some mud on your tires.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: getting well...
Your $0.02

I hit my head at work...

and no one seemed to notice. I mean I think I have a nice big bruise on my head which I like because it shows people can't think when they're sick. I'm surprised I have finally hit my head. I mean the last accident I had was yesterday and smashing my finger. I think there's something to it every week. I know that I'm not the brightest, but when sick you're at your worse.

I'm sniffling and sneezing at work. I should have just called in sick, but if I left a co-worker in trouble it'd be that much harder on Wednesday. OK I just looked at the bump on my head and it's not that bad. I'll probably have a spot on my head tomorrow when I'm at work, but who even cares?

This morning was horrible. I went to bed about 12.30 a.m. and about 2.10 a.m. I was awaken by the rain. The reason is that my room has a leak. It was loud and my carpet was getting wet, so I placed a towel and then went back to sleep. Just as I almost was asleep someone calls my cell phone at like 2.30 a.m. I think I'm just cursed for the day. You can tell from the above of hitting my head.

Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep and off work...
Mood: sick and tired
Your $0.02


I'm sick...

not the perverted way, but the act of having a cold and stuffy nose. I knew it when I woke up this morning. Well, even yesterday. I don't think it helped that I didn't have a coat on and probably caught one this way. Now the stuffed up nose is not good. I don't want to get others infected, but you know you have to work. I mean I know I'm going on vacation in a couple of weeks, but still.

I just realized I'm not too social. I mean honestly, besides the one person who I speak to at cousin events there's really no one I have talked to. I do on occasion e-mail a friend from Spanish, but other than that no one. I'm all alone. I'm destined to end up alone, unless I'm sitting at the front in the reception area and a cute guy stops in, then he's either taken or doesn't like tom-boys.

Oh well. Someday my prince will come and if not I'll just keep on dreaming.

Watching: Full House
Listening to:
Thinking about: getting well...
Mood: sick and tired...
Your $0.02

A firefighter's wedding part two...

There was so I left out in the last post and here's the rest of it. The cake had a picture of the bride and the groom, but they were figures with the picture put on to it. I promise there'll be a picture for you to see. I had no idea that the cake was different styles and or flavors. I mean it looked the same on the outside, but on the inside was another story.

At the church during the ceremony the Father said he had a gift for the firefighters who usually get married. It was an axe. You know the ones that they would use if they had to get break a door down. That was just priceless when he said that both of them could use it. I don't know who'll have that when it happens when they have a fight, but I bet it'll end early.

The banquet was held at The Empress of China. when you arrived, you were able to get yourself a premixed drink along with sushi. Man that was good. I even made a joke to the guy who was working the sushi saying that he didn't want help because he probably wanted to hit on the ladies himself. The favors were butteryfly cookies and also chocolate moldings of a fire hydrant, an axe, a fire truck, and fire helmet.

At a wedding when someone starts to bang on a dish or something the bride and groom are suppose to kiss. Well, my cousin was extra sneaky. She had names already drawn for that purspose. Here's how it went down with the kissing. The first couple did a stipe tease some what. Then the bride and groom had to copy what they did as an example of how to kiss. Man that was just priceless.

They also showed a DVD of how they were when they were little. It was priceless seeing my cousin and her brother together. Some of those pictures I haven't even seen before. After that it was the first dance.

The first dance was just as crazy. They danced to the song and the theme of the wedding which was A Moment Like This and that was from 2001 when Kelly Clarkson won American Idol. The person sang it live and accapella. Then they wanted to dance, but then they had to go and greet the guest when they left the banquet.

I was able to see someone from high school. She's not related to my cousin, but she does have the same last name. She's going to S.F.S.U. and getting a dietician degree. She's better than me and she has a job at St. Francis hospital. She has to work on the weekends, but at least she gets weekdays off. She has been back to Lincoln to see the Colonel, but I haven't. I should make it a point to do that soon.

Horoscope: Don't agree to help someone out until you know what it is you're getting involved in. (this applies to me today)
Listening to:
Thinking about: food..lunch time...
Mood: sick =(
Your $0.02


A firefighter's wedding...

lived up to everything that I thought it should be. Of course, noone told me I had to be the one that stopped the grom fomr coming into the house. That was totally last minute for me to think of something. Thanks to bows and my great thinking on my feet I was able to make the groom look silly.

The things he did wrong were:
1. Tried to give just straight cash in a WHITE envelope. Tthat's a no-no in Chinese custom.
2. Couldn't sing on key or follow along to lyrics privded to him for the song You Light Up My Life
3. Didn't know how to corrdinate the bows on himself that I made him wear.

Otherwise it was pretty good. I saw cute little people and I myself was dressed up. I had second thoughts when I left the house, but by then it was too late. So the number of jobs tha tI had to do today were three I believe.

Jobs done:
1. Think of way to punish the groom before entering the house.
2. Take the bows off the pews after the ceremony.
3. Be a "partcial" usher to stop people from walking on the white paper.
4. Carry flowers to the restaurant.
5. Blow up balloons (but they ran out of air, so that didn't count.

Wow looking back on the list I did many things. Didn't have to worry about the gift table at all. So overall a good day. It was sunny after all the weather reports. The party favors were good. The hats worked out and I should have gotten a picture of it, but I didn't. I did get a picture of the cake. The itinerary just went down hill at the church. Nothing started on time. More on this later in part two of a firefighter's wedding.

Horoscope: You're unusually adept at what you do. Try to be an example to others.
Listening to: Vivaldi
Thinking about:


Since the last post...

I've seen the Red Sox take the first game away from the Cardinals, done two loads of laundry, folded and put away clothes, vacuumed my room, the hallway, kitchen, and bathroom, and did a couple of rebates. I know I've done a lot and that's a good thing. Oh I also voted too. The envelope is sealed and ready to be mailed.

I'm looking forward to the game tomorrow and since I know that the restaurant had a bar area with sports I'll just hang out there. I don't think I'll be missed. It's a happy occasion and so everyone will be pissed I'll just sneak away. Hopefully there will be someone there who'll want to watch the game with me and help me out. =) Wishful thinking on my part.

Watching: Father of the Bride (ironic no?)
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02

I'm so tired...

that I didn't want to get out of bed today. Honestly, if I didn't wake up that would have been ideal. I missed Oprah last night and forgot that Hugh Grant and Colin Firth were on it to talk about Bridget Jones's Diary the sequel. I just realized that when I found my phone with the reminder. How sad for me.

I did get my hair dyed nice and red which is how it should be. It looks black in the dark but in the light it's red. I know it won't last long, but its nice to have on special occasions. I guess I am a girlie girl. Scary thought since most of the time I dress tom-boy-ish. Who wears cargo pants and like sweatshirts to work? I know I do only because it's cold and I have to be on the floor sometimes.

Tomorrow is the big day. I haven't decided what I'm going to wear. I know what kind of jacket I'm going to wear, but clothing wise nope. I better do a couple of loads of laundry since I'm so worn out during the week. I better remember my two days that I worked that I have yet to be paid.

Picture of the day:
Horoscope: You're unusually adept at what you do. Try to be an example to others.
Watching: World Series Cardinals VS. Red Sox
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep
Your $0.02


Craziness and a slow day...

There was nothing really for me to do in the morning. I mean I had to finish up what I started yesterday, but after that it was just do whatever I wanted. No real photocopying needed which was good except when I was looking over a statement. Then it was just sit and decide what I would eat for lunch. I then get lunch and it's cut short by helping out the receptionist. I think I better think twice before doing that.

Overall I spent part of the day doing nothing. Plus side I got help and so my job became faster. My lunch made me so full and it was only $2.80. I'll give you a clue and say it was a drink and some food. Not exactly lunch, but I had it while I was a student back in elementary school and also in middle school I think. It's been a while so I don't quite remember.

While at home I took apart a mouse. You know the part with the spring that allows the mouse to move? Then with my luck of being klutz free for a couple of days I step onto the spring. Fun right? Mostly just another day. I'm so worn out at work from just sitting and talking I'm just glad the weekend is here and I'm able to just relax. Oh I forgot about the wedding on Sunday. At least I'll be able to get some pictures of everyone all dolled up. I guess there'll be pictures of me dressed up too. Yikes!

Horoscope: This foolproof scheme? Examine it carefully. Don't lose your shirt.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: work.
Your $0.02


Crazy day...

I started to copy stuff and I spent like two hours doing that. I then had to file stuff and make more copies. I swear I spend a majority of time in front of the copier. I had to find out prices for printer ink or toner or whatever it's called and it's been in the working for three weeks now. That's not important now. Then at the end of the day I'm looking over reports to make sure the statements were done right. Too bad I made bad copies and or missed one on the occasion, but you have to remember I was copying when the machine was broken.

Even at lunch today I had to do something and this was during my LUNCH! On the plus side before I went to take lunch I think I was told I might get a better position at work. The office manager said to think about it over the weekend. What a better time than watching the World Series?

I'd think I'd consider the administrative job. I mean if the rumor about a bonus is true then I'm IN! If not, well I'd like to think of it as a stepping stone. I'd learn a lot and if I ever decided to have many properties at least I'd know the law and how to use it to my favor? I think I'll stick with this. It was my first job and now it can be my real job. Thank you Lincoln and your Academy of Finance department for introducing me to real estate.

Horoscope: Someone is thinking about you. And it isn't who you expect it to be.
Watching: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Listening to:
Thinking about: work and sleep (more work than sleep)
Mood: tired
Your $0.02


The Sox win the Pennant!

OK baseball is still in me. Once the World Series happens what then? It was sweet how the Sox won the game. I mean I think that they deserve it. After a long drought or not really, but having the chance to go back is good. At least they beat the "evil empire". I did run into a wall with my elbow. I'm still klutzy.

At work it was crazy. I mean if I was there longer I could have a little more pull, but since I'm still a newbie it'll be hard. Everyone wants to improve the office, but I doubt someone will even listen. I worked so much that I had no idea what time work ends. I mean it's so crazy with closing the books. The plus side the copy machine is working better after it had a breakdown yesterday when I was copying.

I'm looking forward to game one of the World Series. I might as well watch to take it in and learn a little about off season baseball. Too bad I have work and can't follow the game there. Oh well. If I catch it on TV then I'll be one of the lucky ones.

Site of the day: He's A Lady
Watching: Seinfeld
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Your $0.02

Brain dead...

at work. I couldn't even spell a name after someone told me how to spell it. Then before that I had to simply find a matching proposal for the work order that was already done. (It's like they give an estimate and or what they did and the work order is us paying them off after they get the job done. It also has the task they had to do.)

I swear this was during and before I had some caffiene in me. I don't know what is going through my head. Sometimes I wonder if I'm even suppose to be here or how I even function. I did finally have some caffiene in me and yet I'm still not awake. I think I better stop sleeping at about 1.15 a.m. to be more awake at work. I know I don't know how I did it before, but school is starting to look very good right now.

Trying to decide what I should have for lunch is becoming a real chore. If I could not take lunch and just get off work an hour early I'd be so much happier. Time and time again I wonder what exactly is my title in the office. I should really look for a new job or something that would interest me. Who am I kidding? I'm so lazy I probably won't. I might stay here for a while to see how it goes and hope that maybe I might be able to move up.

I also have to wonder if the weather reports are even accurate at all. They said it would hail and there would be thunder showers or something of that sort. It's actually bright and sunny outside with some clouds. Got to love the weather reports when they're accurate, but mostly they don't.

Horoscope: Raise more questions than you answer. People are intrigued by mystery.
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep


Rain and copying...

What did I wake up to? Rain. I was cold yesterday morning, but today I wasn't as cold. Thank god, but I didn't want to get out of bed either. I did get up and leave the house on time. A ride to work helps me out a lot. I mean at least I don't have to spend it on a bus and then having to transfer especially when it rains.

Today at work I had to answer the phone. Scary! I had no idea what to do. I'm like what do I do now? I felt really bad. I just wished one of the other people in the office picked up and not me. I was happy filing and like I don't know what else I do, but doing something. Then I had to find stuff and make copies. It's just oh so fun. (Being truly sarcastic now.)

After my lunch I ended up making copies to help out the accounting department if you can call it that. Account payable is more correct I think. I make copies and more copies. I swear I was irritated by the copy machine. I hate it. The auto feeder works and then it doesn't work. It's a pain when I had to do everything the old fashion way. You know lift up the cover to place it and then copy it? At once point I just made stuff double sided, because I couldn't bother to reset the copy thing when I didn't have to have it two sided. I didn't even end work on time because of the stupid copying of bills and stuff and I was not happy. I did write a sign saying if you were to copy using the auto feed (before it died on me) that you had to hold it down. It worked for the most part and because the boss said to do it. Then while I was using it, it died and then I made another sign. It says: "The auto feeder is broken. If you have to use it use the one in the front of the office. Thanks." Something like that. Then I put a little note saying: "Try it if you dare!!" as a joke, and to show that whoever wrote it has a sense of humor. I'm not sure how some will react, but I thought it was funny.

I come home to watch some post season baseball. I know I thought after the Giants were out of it I didn't have anything to watch, but I wonder if the Giants can become the team that the Red Sox are now. I started at about the 3rd inning. No runs scored and then the Sox put some runs on. Then one of the balls hit out was ruled a home run. Then I knew the Yankees had to fight to come back. Then towards the end of the game A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez) slapped the ball out of the pitcher (Arroyo) and they ruled him out because of it. Then fans started to throw baseballs and stuff onto the field and the riot police of the N.Y.P.D. came to prevent anything from happening.

Interesting day and night over all. I started to watch He's A Lady and some of the those guys were scary. Some were I don't know. Seeing them get un-dolled was scary. I hope guys that watch the show have a better appreciation for their significant other. I take time to get ready, but I'm simple and don't have much make-up to put on. I mean I have a lot, but in the end I'm too lazy to put most of it on. Sorry guys I'm just a plain person.

Horoscope: You're finally getting the recognition you deserve. This is exactly what you wanted. (am I??)
Watching: He's A Lady
Listening to:
Thinking about:

Funny story at work...

I was going to put this in my blog entry but I forgot until now. I'm at the front part of the office, when I hear this:

"Hey Landa. This lady from ___ Sacramento Street has a skunk in her wall." - Jessica

That made me laugh already. Then it gets worse.

"The lady said that this isn't the first time it's happened. She had one get into her wall a few years ago. It started to chew on some of the wires and now she has no electricity in her (room)." - Jessica

"Call X-Pest (or Pest-X) and see if they can get rid of it." - Landa

"I don't think they will. I think they don't handle skunks." - Jessica

"Try Teminix then." - Landa

"What about animal control?" - me

"I don't know how she could have a skunk crawling in her wall making noise. Wouldn't her place stink?" - Jessica

I don't know what happened, but that was pretty funny. Calling Terminix for skunk removal.

Listening to:
Thinking about:


Another ordinary day...

or so I thought. I went to work only to spend most of it refilling paper everywhere and like copying stuff. That was the best part. I think I liked the part where I could just spend some time at the desk and read the MB (message board). I couldn't believe how fast the day went and thought it was slow, it did go by somewhat quick.

The copier decided to have a breakdown and although I'm not an E.E. major, I knew what was more or less wrong with the copier. Overall an easy day. Got to do nothing and hide when the heads aren't in the office, which is great.

I came home to watch baseball. I'm rooting for the Sox and they did well. I was rooting for them. It was sweet when they won and now they're heading to New York. Something good came out of watching the Sox. They've won in extra innings and it's good.

Horoscope: No rainstorm can last forever -- so don't give up hope of seeing the sun again.
Watching: Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Listening to:
Thinking about:


Game 4 of the ALCS...

is still going on. I don't know what time it started, but it's on the 12th inning. That's pretty long. Time right now on the east coast is 1.11 a.m. That's insane. Though it is an interesting game. I'm just going to stick with something I taped last night.

Today it finally rained. Which reminds me I have to look for my umbrella now before I forget. Back to the game and the Boston Red Sox take it. Yay! I'd like to see them take it from the Yankees. Good to know hard work prevails and that having last outs is a blessing. Watching TV and then the news and then off to bed.

Horoscope: Your to-do list will be much shorter if you finish some of the things you started.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: bed time
Mood: tired

Carry On - Nick Lachey

Hopeless, wondering if anybody noticed,
Feeling like you're drifting out of focus
Cause you're hopeless
You're just a hollow soul.
Crying, feeling like a part of you is dyin,
Reachin for the strenth to keep you tryin
Still you're cryin
You're livin in the cold.

Say goodbye to the people
You don't need in your life
Say goodbye to the heartache
And darkness of the night
Say hello to the risin of the sun
There will always be a brighter day
You got to carry on

Fire, burning with the passion it desires,
Suddenly you're hands are reachin higher
You're on fire
Your love has made you whole

Say goodbye to the people
And poison in your life
Say goodbye to the heartache
And trouble and strife
Say hello to the love thats just begun
There will always be a brighter day
You have to carry on

And no man is an island
You can't go on alone
When you're heart starts breakin
You need to come back home
We're all lookin for somethin
The search for the one
On and on and on and on

Hopeless, wondering if anybody noticed,
Feeling like you're drifting out of focus
Cause you're hopeless
You're just a hollow soul.

Say goodbye to the people
You don't need in your life
Say goodbye to the heartache
And darkness of the night
Say hello to the risin of the sun
There will always be a brighter day
You got to carry on

Say goodbye to the people
And poison in your life
Say goodbye to the heartache
And trouble and strife
Say hello to the love thats just begun
There will always be a brighter day
You have to carry on


Phones, doorbells, and more...

woke me up. I really just had to get up to use the facilities and then head on back to sleep. I tried to, but it didn't happen. I just ended up lying in bed tossing and turning to try to get back to sleep. I ended up just watching TV until it was time for The Wonderful World of Disney with a Growing Pains TV movie. It was good watching them again. I did watch a little bit of the Yankees/Red Sox game and it was interesting in the third inning. Then it was ugly in the end. I saw the results on the news.

Tomorrow is another day and staying up late tonight will be a challenge. I wonder how late I can stay up to. I'm hoping the Sox can beat the Yankees (or the evil empire). Funny I should mention this because I was watching the Saturaday Night Live on E! and they had the Yankees in it. How the manager or the owner person (not sure but the guy who makes purchases) was asking the Tampa Bay manager how to spell the names of his players. That was just odd and they ended up having to defeat aliens for some reason and even the alien could be bought. Shows how TV Fun House can immiate life well in cartoons.

Horoscope: If you find yourself lost, backtrack. Did you examine every option?
Listening to:
Thinking about:


Almost left early...

but I didn't. I just stayed but like the last 20 minutes or so I just sat and talked. I just did the best that I could. I did do as much as possible and did keep myself busy. The copier is crap. I mean it was fixed on Thursday or Wednesday and it's still screws up. I don't know if it was even really fixed. The auto feeder doesn't work sometimes and papers jam up.

It took who people and five to ten minutes worth of time to unjam the copier. Lord I think they need to either get a new one or get the guy who fixed it to fix it again. The magnet doesn't even want to keep the cover close. That's not good when you're using the auto feeder.

I'm tired at 11.08 p.m. at night. It should tell you that I do work hard at work. Walking and going back and forth in the office and now I know I'm suppose to help the front of the office though I spend most of my time in the back of the office. *shrug*

Horoscope: You'll never remember it all if you don't write it down. Make a list. Prioritize. (and why didn't I get this before I went to work?! oh well.)
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: tired



and more scanning. I started some of this yesterday, and today I had more to scan. Not only was I scanning the same thing but from different folders, but I had to do other things as well. I'm doing a few things at once and at times it boggles even myself. I was scanning stuff from folder from back in the day (1987) to the present. The office manager asked me to scan the items and she didn't think it would take that long. I even worked during my lunch hour while eating. She said, "You don't have to scan all that just from about 1999 to the present." I swear she should have told me sooner. It's not like I couldn't have used better judgment, but they don't know what's really going on. No one has a clue what is where and what is.

During lunch or after lunch I was talking with a couple of co-workers and they said it's like no one cares in the office. You just do what you have to do. Of course when the property managers are in you work a little harder, but when they're not you just don't even bother. I mean one said did you work as hard as when you first started? I've only been there since the 29th of September, but I'd have to say more or less the same. I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off sometimes, but yes, when I have to. It's just that the moral in the office is bad. I mean no "parties" in the office for the holidays and the one that was at the boss's house wasn't that great. There wasn't much food and it wasn't until 2.00 p.m. until there was "real" food to be eaten.

I'm so tired and T.G.I.F. tomorrow. Honestly, I'm glad the property managers weren't in and I could listen to the radio and stuff over the internet. I'm so good at using the computer to my advantage. OK bragging rights isn't good. I should make a mp3 just to listen to at work. Too bad I only have the desk on Tuesday and Thursdays. C'est la vie as the French say.

Horoscope: You aren't as far behind as you think. And the rest will go faster than you imagine.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: tired and tired still


No pay...

yet. I just realized that last week I was suppose to put in this week's hours on the time card. Man, that's bad. I don't like the way they do the time card. It's just annoying. I still haven't told my supervisor I'm going on vacation. Oops, my bad. I'll have to say something tomorrow. It was strange when I was multitasking (yes, I can do that at work, but not at home go figure) and the boss/owner asks me if I'm busy. I think I was. I was scanning and trying to looking through pages for stuff they didn't file correctly and so I pay the price. How nice of them to find me these meaning less tasks.

I was suppose to call to get a price estimate on the toners and stuff and well, I haven't. I'll do it tomorrow. I already made a couple of phone calls and so it's good to take a break. Tomorrow is a little more scanning and like meetings galore. I'm not sure if I'm going to get promoted to receptionist since I was told I had to learn other people's job. Is that a good thing?

Horoscope: Why email something you wouldn't say out loud? Write it down. Stuff it in a drawer.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:


A little baseball news...

This was in an article about Barry Bonds getting some minor surgery.

"He did pretty well from a medical standpoint," said Conte. "Barry is a special animal."

I find that the best line out of the whole article, but then again I'm looking for some humor. I did end work doing a little bit of stuff before the end of the day at work. The scanning actually happened and I'm surprised I guess.

I know I'm not appreciated at work and me working fast and efficient won't pay off for me. I'm actually an O.A. (office assistant) according to my friend who had this job before me. Anyway, I guess being helpful is good. It makes time pass by a lot faster.

I did notice smoke outside when the door was open. The reason was because there was/is a fire near Yolo Valley in Marin. I hope no one is hurt and it was started on purpose I hope they find the person. On another note about fire, my old middle school there was a first started by two "genius" a 6th grader and a 7th grader. Sad.

Horoscope: You can't decide this one by committee. You need to make an executive decision.
Watching: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Listening to:
Thinking about:

The Best Damn Sports Show Period

Yes, I was watching it again this morning. I know I shouldn't, but it's hard not to. I know that sounds crazy, but I guess I'm just into sports!?! o_0 I know that in the morning I should be watching the news, but I don't really like watching the news unless it's on channel 7. Yes, I'm a picky person when it comes to the news. So sue me. =P

It's still my lunch hour and all I have done is just done a little filing and nothing else really. I'm wondering if the way the work orders are filed in the front are the best with those folders. Seems to me they should be using the hanging filefax or whatever those things are called. Any way just my $0.02 at work about work today.

Listening to:
Thinking about: how I didn't bid on an item on eBay. =(

I watch...

The Best Damn Sports Show Period every morning. I mean that's odd right? I mean why would I watch it? OK there's a slight catch. A.J. Pierzynski is on it, but that's partly it? Who knows. I'm just finding myself more and more strange. Brain is fried from this nice heat. Tomorrow I shall not wear something too warm or I'll bake in the office.

OK time for bed. Tomorrow will be a long day.

Watching: The Best Damn Sports Show Period
Listening to:
Thinking about:


How I spent my Columbus Day...

I spent it sleeping and then cleaning. No surpirse right? I will also spend it watching 7th Heaven because I love that show. I know I'm stuck in some warped world where I enjoy watching stuff that teenagers do. I plan on sleeping early and maybe getting a load of laundry done again. Nothing else new to report, but I wonder what everyone's reaction will be tomorrow when they ask where was I? I wasn't feeling well on Sunday and that's why I didn't go on Monday, because I still wasn't feeling too well. I guess I could use that as an excuse.

Actually I didn't want to get out of bed today. It was just nice and warm. You know how it is, when it's cold and you're in bed and you don't want to get out? It was one of those feelings, but the sun was out and it was kind of shinning in my room so I had to get up. At least I'll have a more productive day.

Horoscope: The middle of the road is no place to be. Pick a side and stand there.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: tired



I knew when I woke up this afternoon something wasn't right. Ken Caminiti was a student from San Jose State and he was found dead of a heart attack. I then find out that Christopher Reeve died as well. Just a sad day over all.

The only thing that I think is worthy of mention is that the L.A. Dodgers have been eliminated from the playoffs. I'm glad at least one good thing happened. I should mention that the 49ers did win in the end. I'm shocked, but then again I don't follow football. Maybe I will now, but we'll see. I won't understand the plays and such only scoring.

Your sand castles have all been swept away. What can you do but start rebuilding?
Watching: Miss Congeniality
Listening to:
Thinking about:


Oddly enough...

Today I woke up to go to my cousin's bridal shower. I guess I wasn't expecting to be given more "wedding duties". It's crazy because not only do I have to help out at the wedding (probably at the banquet) but now I have duties before the wedding. I have to be the person who hands the tea out in the tea ceremony. What?!?

I wonder why her brother doesn't get any duties while my brother, cousin, and myself have stuff to do. If I could be a person that reads a passage I'd be happy. Only one thing to do and then I'm done. Let's see what else. I did get to see wedding pictures of the bride and groom plus a fire turck (it's a given) and they were nice. The backgrounds and such. Wow.

I came home hopeing to see some baseball. You know the one where the Bums become the Bums? That didn't happen because it was "Lima time". (Lame I'm telling you.) The Bums took a game. There's always tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. I'm rooting for the Cardinals and not because it's the Giant fan part of me, but it's because they have a bad record for these things.

On the plus side I did get a facial tonight and so I'm a little more relaxed and tired and worn out. Usually I'm wide eye and awake. Maybe becuase I don't have caffiene in my system.

Horoscope: You two can't take this argument any further. Time to bring in an ombudsman.
Watching: Virtues of Harmony II
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep


What to do...

at work? I've practically run out of stuff to do and there's still about another two and a half hours of work. I know that sounds odd, being at work and then having nothing to do. I can make myself kind of useful, but on the other hand I'd rather justs it at a desk and do nothing. Oh well, at least I can look forward to the game tomorrow with the Cardinals and the Dodgers. I want to see the Dodgers crushed. That'll be so sweet. They did have me a little worried last night when they were leading by one and then the game became tied. I still think that if we had to take on the Cardinals we'd have at least some shot with them.

Lunch is an hour long and I took mine at about 1.30 p.m. and now it's 2.15 p.m. so I still have about 15 minutes left. I don't know honestly what I should do. If I should look for another job, or if I should stay here. I need opinions of what can I do or what should I do. Hopefully this is a fill in spot until I can find the dream/ideal job that I want to do. They should really change my title to O.A. (office assisstant) because that's what I do. I file and I make copies and help out whoever needs help. It's not like I have a set job. Mostly it's filing, but there's not a whole lot that one can file. I mean if the files missing what can you do? Nothing. No one ever replaces a file once they're done with it and they don't have list of who takes out what and that's why there's never a file. I wonder if they even bothered to makea list to see all the building and all of the tenants or the units to see if they have a folder for it.

It's my lunch and I'm still thinking about work. I need to turn my mind off work. Funny I should mention this because at home I do the exact same thing. OK lunch is done and back to work.

Listening to:
Thinking about: work..bleh

William Hung...

still has fame. I can't believe it. I'm losing it anyway since I'm tried and should be sleeping. He's not fading and his CD due out next month is titled: Hung for the Holidays (yes I know that's a bad title). Hopefully at work I have an easy day.

Horoscope: Just because you fell off once, don't give up. Get back on that horse and ride.
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep


A closet, some sneezing, and two cuts...

is what I got today. I was in a closet cleaning it up. I sneezed and blocked myself into a closet. That wasn't fun at all. The plus side there's a men's watch (looks nice but doesn't work), a leather jacket (been there since day one), and an umbrella in case it ever rains and I don't have on. I cut myself twice on the same hand on two different fingers. I'm just wonder what the count is for paper cuts and such up to date.

I made a list of stuff that I had to do and I ended up doing what I had to do. There's really nothing to do at work. Honestly I sort of get paid to do simple tasks that anyone can do. Filing is just stupid because everyone just gets the file and gets what they need and are too lazy to put it back. Putting information into the folder is also my job, which once again could be eliminated if they were writing up the lease and took the folder and put it in to make sure we had one.

I can complain a lot about work, but at least I have a job. I don't know if I should go to the company BBQ this Monday since we don't have work. One of my co-workers asked me if I was going. I said I wasn't sure. She said well if you don't go you'll have to come into the office. I said sure! (I was being real and sincere she probably thought I was nuts.) I guess I could come up with work to do at work. I know the office needs to up like organized, but I'm one person who tries to make it look right or something I just I don't know. I'm an odd person.

Horoscope: You had the answer on the tip of your tongue. Now the question itself has changed.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: tired...need sleep.
paper cuts: 4 on left hand (every finger but thumb) 1 on right hand
stabbed myself with my finger: 1
cut finger with scissors: 1


I've been complimented...

at work. It's about a week since I started and I got my first compliment. Whoo hoo. I think I did get one on Monday when I finished moving all the folders, but hey whatever. Mondays are rough and it's "hump day" and so everything is looking better.

I did inventory sort of and just ordered what I wanted. Hey, I'm calling in the order so I think I should be able to and because someone said I could. Thanks Carmen here are your props. I can't stand blue ink. I just got two boxes of black. I ordered boxes, folders, labels, pens, and stamps. It's ok I'll get used to it. I should make a floppy for the stuff that I do or keep track of. That's a good idea and I should write that down. They had correction tape for the typewriters but never put them in. How bad is that for me?

The shock came to me when I turned on the computer. It's running Windows 98. I think it says it all about the computers. I did pretty well and got a lot accomplished and I did slack off kind of.

Horoscope: The judge and jury are assembled. Make sure you have all your facts in order.
Watching: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Listening to:
Thinking about: work. uh oh. I'm a workaholic?


More paper cuts and walking...

Ok it's not all bad, but still. I had marks on my arms and had to do the stupidest thing. Today it was one or two paper buts and once with scissors. I know I'm such a klultz. Oh well. At least I'm done moving the files. Lord they're not too bright when they said you moved it fast. Yes, I moved it fast, but I also had to check the items to make sure they were in order. It's not that hard. I swear. Some people give you part of the directions and expect you to read your mind. I know it sounds stupid, but they are.

I'm drained and tired when I get off work. It's bad when you think about work after work. Off to bed to get some sleep. Five hours of sleep just isn't cutting it, but at least I'm learning to cope.

Horoscope: What's the point of gossiping about friends? Would you want them to do the same?
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: work...I know I'm sad


Moving day...

OMG I'm tired! I worked all day. All I did was move stuff up and down and around. That was pure fun. Oh I also had to make the rest of the folders from last week. Then tomorrow I'll have to move the folders again. My arms are dead and my feet hurt. I walked a lot in the office. Up and down stairs. I have no cart and no box so it's whatever I can carry. Horrible really. Even the bosses are like how are you doing? Doing ok? Yeah it's not you moving it. It's your idea but I do the work. They probably think I'm a high school student or something.

Glad to be home and I walked from work to the Rite Aid on 16th I think. That's some serious walking. I think I got a few paper cuts too. Pure punishment. It's only my third day and already hurt. Those scratch like things don't count nothing just sensitive skin that's all. Tomorrow I get to go in for more. I guess I'm full time??

Horoscope: Having strong opinions is one thing. But can you back them up with solid evidence?
Watching: Virtues of Harmony II
Listening to:
Thinking about: Laundry. (did some yay!)


Great memorable game...

I woke up early today thinking it's a new day and I can forget what happened yesterday. I was right. I was rewarded with some great baseball. The Giants owned the Dodgers today. Total about 5 home runs from different people. Grissom, Feliz, Cruz, Ellison, and Durham all hit them. It was just sweet. Ellison with his first major league home run and all the rookies or most of them got some playing time. That was great to see.

Dustan Mohr was able to play and take over Barry Bonds's position once the result of the Houston / Colorado game was final. He didn't get a hit, but knowing he's back on the field means he'll be training hard during the spring.

Horoscope: Don't waste time with idle chitchat. Place your order. Get to the point.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: Spring trainning.



The game was good until it got ugly. Tomko pitched a gem. The team did great except it fell apart in the end. My god how could things change so fast and so quickly? I've been bummed since the game ended and while listening to the end of the game on the radio and hearing Celebration it was just too much.

Kuip sounded tearful when he was speaking. I felt bad at that moment because he made the games worth watching because he called a great game and put the baseball feeling aside to be a professional. Who knew that the Giants wouldn't be able to hold on to the lead.

Tomorrow's another day.

Horoscope: That word that's been on the tip of your tongue? Suddenly, like magic, there it is.
Watching: Virtues of Harmony II
Listening to:
Thinking about:



Filing and packing stuff and typing isn't my thing. Well the typing wasn't. I had to move files and that really wasn't fun. It was nice that during the lunch hour we could just sit and chat. That was the best. Then reality came back after I went back to the office after my lunch. After work all I could do was think about the game. Waiting for the bus was like torture!

Game started and It was a great game. Honestly I couldn't watch anything else. I was on the edge of my seat the whole game. It was great taking down the Dodgers. It was really rewarding after a hard day at work. I thought that was the best thing. Even watching the highlights gave me the goosebumps.

Horoscope: That word that's been on the tip of your tongue? Suddenly, like magic, there it is.
Watching: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
Listening to:
Thinking about: