at work? I've practically run out of stuff to do and there's still about another two and a half hours of work. I know that sounds odd, being at work and then having nothing to do. I can make myself kind of useful, but on the other hand I'd rather justs it at a desk and do nothing. Oh well, at least I can look forward to the game tomorrow with the Cardinals and the Dodgers. I want to see the Dodgers crushed. That'll be so sweet. They did have me a little worried last night when they were leading by one and then the game became tied. I still think that if we had to take on the Cardinals we'd have at least some shot with them.
Lunch is an hour long and I took mine at about 1.30 p.m. and now it's 2.15 p.m. so I still have about 15 minutes left. I don't know honestly what I should do. If I should look for another job, or if I should stay here. I need opinions of what can I do or what should I do. Hopefully this is a fill in spot until I can find the dream/ideal job that I want to do. They should really change my title to O.A. (office assisstant) because that's what I do. I file and I make copies and help out whoever needs help. It's not like I have a set job. Mostly it's filing, but there's not a whole lot that one can file. I mean if the files missing what can you do? Nothing. No one ever replaces a file once they're done with it and they don't have list of who takes out what and that's why there's never a file. I wonder if they even bothered to makea list to see all the building and all of the tenants or the units to see if they have a folder for it.
It's my lunch and I'm still thinking about work. I need to turn my mind off work. Funny I should mention this because at home I do the exact same thing. OK lunch is done and back to work.
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Thinking about: work..bleh