today at work. I mean I still had a lot to do, but at least I'm feeling better. I talked to Carmen and she said that people never know what's going on. I mean no one knows what's going on. Filing is a mess and really they just need a day where people can just sit down a look at everything.
More on the guy who caused us to call the police. He was ticked off because he paid $5.00 for gas to drive to the office. And then he said he'd come everyday until he got his money. He already came on Tuesday. This guy is something. He is on the lease saying he'd agree to pay rent. He then moves and lets his girlfriend have the apartment, but she's not on the lease. Then we find out and kick her out and he comes in angry because he hasn't received his October rent back. He complains and says his girlfriend is homeless and living on the street.
Now it's his fault he let his girlfriend live there and his fault he didn't try to add her name to the lease. So therefore, we had the right to kick her out because she's not on the lease. I'm actually scared to see that guy again. He's Italian and so I wonder if they have a temper. He also took the phone from the receptionist and she thought he was going to hit her with it. Scary enough with him slapping the counter with his hand.
I know I'm helping improve the company with the little things, but sometimes you have to wonder if they ever notice. I wonder if they even think some of them have meaning or even like a good point for it. Oh well.
Horoscope: Why make things harder for yourself? Take a cab if you don't have time to walk.
Listening to:
Thinking about:
Mood: sick, but getting better
Your $0.02