
The Best Damn Sports Show Period

Yes, I was watching it again this morning. I know I shouldn't, but it's hard not to. I know that sounds crazy, but I guess I'm just into sports!?! o_0 I know that in the morning I should be watching the news, but I don't really like watching the news unless it's on channel 7. Yes, I'm a picky person when it comes to the news. So sue me. =P

It's still my lunch hour and all I have done is just done a little filing and nothing else really. I'm wondering if the way the work orders are filed in the front are the best with those folders. Seems to me they should be using the hanging filefax or whatever those things are called. Any way just my $0.02 at work about work today.

Listening to:
Thinking about: how I didn't bid on an item on eBay. =(