
Good morning, (insert company name)...

I was the receptionist today. I couldn't believe it. The one from the temp agency was fired or let go. Too many people were against her and because the accounts payable person kept saying the person was doing the wrong thing. I don't know. I found out that she was gone when I was up front and they were talking about it and because I had to be the "receptionist".

I made a couple of mistakes, but overall it went ok. I mean I think I can answer the phones ok, but sometimes...you just have to wonder. Then I got to just sit and relax. I mean I did surf the internet, but so did others. I mean come on, who honestly doesn't surf at work?

I did get to do a few things and while I was away from the front of the office, I thought please don't let the phone ring. There were so many calls and at times they were all for the same person. They wanted to know why they owed a small amount (under $1.00) or why they owe more than $100.00. I couldn't explain to them why they owed it, but they had to talk to the accounts receive able person. All day long he had calls and people coming in to see why they owed money.

By the end of the day some people leave the office so fast you wonder where they disappeared to. Others in the office you wonder if they'll be there for another hour. If they're there on the weekend you have to ask yourself why.

Horoscope: You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. Step back a bit. It's not as bad as it seems.
Listening to:
Thinking about: soap opera!
Mood: getting better
Your $0.02