OK baseball is still in me. Once the World Series happens what then? It was sweet how the Sox won the game. I mean I think that they deserve it. After a long drought or not really, but having the chance to go back is good. At least they beat the "evil empire". I did run into a wall with my elbow. I'm still klutzy.
At work it was crazy. I mean if I was there longer I could have a little more pull, but since I'm still a newbie it'll be hard. Everyone wants to improve the office, but I doubt someone will even listen. I worked so much that I had no idea what time work ends. I mean it's so crazy with closing the books. The plus side the copy machine is working better after it had a breakdown yesterday when I was copying.
I'm looking forward to game one of the World Series. I might as well watch to take it in and learn a little about off season baseball. Too bad I have work and can't follow the game there. Oh well. If I catch it on TV then I'll be one of the lucky ones.
Site of the day: He's A Lady
Watching: Seinfeld
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Your $0.02