we have a person here who is being disruptive could you please someone over here? Thank you.
That was my morning. I was working in the front of the office and some guy who came in yesterday came in this morning demanding for his check for this month. This was all before 11.00 a.m. so you can imagine that woke me up fast. Then the police officer comes and he says that the person would have to take it to a lawyer or something because this doesn't concern them. Wow.
I just did a quick cleaning of stuff in the front and it's really amazing how much the office manager knows about the office. I mean when someone leaves and then the person takes over I would hope that someone would say this is where this is and so on. If not make a list of what is where and such so there's at least something written.
Time and time again I've said I don't know how this office functions. I mean I'm surprised it's done so well with those that have been in and out of the office. I mean no one stays that long. Some are interesting stories and others are not. This one is the most interesting case since I've been here. Good thing I'm making a note of it. Sometimes it's good to learn from crazy people.
Listening to:
Thinking about: lunch..lunchtime =)
Mood: sick still.. =(
Your $0.02