Alright let's start out with brownies. I made some! They look good and I think this is the way I'm going to make them from now on. I used the pie trays instead of those smaller ones that you get when you order food by the pound. Then I saw a commerical that caught my attention the link is below for the actual item. I thought I was seeing things, but I wasn't.
I did my laundry last night and now I have to fold it. I don't think I'll be sleeping early if I fold it before I sleep. I should just leave it for later today.
Site of the day: Sweating the Spirit I don't know seems like something I can do?
Horoscope: Sometimes how high you can jump is less important than that you keep jumping.
Watching: WNN (World News Now)
Listening to:
Thinking about: baseball...I don't think I could learn stats, but knowing names of plays is pretty easy. Next thing to learn might be what they bat and stuff.