He's so nice! Yes, I got to meet him! The highlight of the day. He's so nice! Yes, I know I said he was nice already, but he's cool. He asks everyone how they're doing and then signs. He's so sweet. If you're getting the impressions of a crush well, I admire him. He's already wiser than me and not by much since we're close in age. If Barry Bonds can praise him so can I.
I was able to see the game and all and catch Lou Seal doing some great dance moves. I can't believe it's crazy when Bonds hits a HR. I mean honestly he's great. He has the makings of a legend like the sign. OK maybe it's just me being star struck twice in a game. I mean sitting so close to team was crazy! Seeing Lou Seal use a water cooler bottle and banging on the Giants dugout roof. It was a good game except one call by the umpire. I'm like what the hell? He made up for it later in the game and he also had to be escorted out of the stadium, but it's ok.
I loved shouting and almost lost my voice, but it just became horse-ish. The dumbest thing was these four girls sitting in the front row. They're like cute butt 57 (or insert number)! They weren't into the game and was just there because it was something to do. I can't believe high school girls are like that. Walking in with Coach and Louis Vuitton purses like they're all that. No respect for the sport. I mean they're like he's cute and he's cute. Please learn something before you go to the game. You'd think they could learn names once at the park by looking at the jumbotron.
The best part had to be the heckling to the umpire 88. Someone said did you look with you good eye? And towards the end we said that he's a bum or something. Then it was Milton Bradley (yes I know it sounds like the board game maker) and someone said, "Candyland and Chutes and Ladders.) That was just funny. I was laughing at that guy. It's true that those games are made by Milton Bradley. At least he's not Coco Crisp.
Listening to: She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Thinking about:
Mood: depressed but when am I not? At a Giants game ;)