I did sleeping somewhat earlier this morning that usual, but not much. I did wake up early, but not by choice. Let's just say KFRC and the doorbell has something to do with it. Not really my choice or idea to wake up after just maybe six hours of sleep. Well I'm off to Walgreens and then going to buy some sunflower seeds. I have no idea why, but maybe because after seeing the bird I'm more bird like?
Off to the post office to mail a package again and then a little shopping. Tapioca is definitely called for since I'm yawning like mad and I need to be awake when the Giants take on the Rockies. Go Giants!
Horoscope: How will you ever know if someone's interested if you don't get up the nerve to ask?
Listening to: Dancing Queen - ABBA
Thinking about: Sleep, wonderful glorious sleep. Also I'm done with 22 episodes of Armed Reaction! Whoo hooo!