Alright what did I do today on a day off? I walked like a monkey (no joke really I did), went to the post office (picked up a parcel), went to buy sushi (closed), was going to get tapioca (decided not to because I'm afraid the owner will remember me), and watch an interesting A's game on TV. Yes, I was somewhat bored and turned to that while channel surfing on my "new" TV. Why is new in quotes? Because I just moved my TV into the guest room and took the one in the guest room. The TV that I had was older than me by a couple months and it was starting to "jump". The picture did and I couldn't live with it because it was just too annoying. I finally swapped it because the one in the guest room wasn't being used and mine was acting up. I could have just used the excuse to buy a new HDTV which would have been ideal for baseball, but why bother?
Back to why I was walking like a monkey with arms swing side to side. I was holding my little Cutie and well you know what happens. Your arms feel it. And they did when I put some Ben-Gay on it. I then wish I hadn't. The disappointment I had when I arrived at the sushi place was shown. I mean I go there and I see a closed sign. I must remember that they're closed. Reviews for the place on Yahoo are pretty good. Yum Yum Fish is the name of the place.
As for swapping the TVs I just moved mine into the guest room first. I then put the cable to it to try it out in the guest room to make sure it was the TV and sure enough it was. I'm not sure how my TV would do with just the antenna minus cable, but I was too lazy to try. Then I moved the guest room TV into my room and then I had a problem. It wouldn't sit on the edge part like the old one because it wasn't wide enough. So then I had to think. I tried a phone book, but that didn't work. Then I thought about the lazy Susan and then it was too perfect. Then I had to figure out how to put the stereo back on it along with the VCR. No problems there with following the same way I had it before.
My cousin came over to find out how to solve the rubix cube. I personally don't know how. I'm lucky if I messed it up quite a bit and can make it perfect again. Oh the "punching" of the bookshelf mark is still on my finger. Hmm...that can't be a good sign.
Horoscope: The Internet can be a great resource. But it's also full of misinformation.
Reading: GTO Volume 7
Watching: Family Guy
Listening to:
Thinking about: GIANTS VS BREWERS!