What did I lose? All my bookmarks! Oh the horror! It was a shock to me. I expected that it was just an error and so I even restarted. That didn't help. At least I had an old one and was able to use that. That's the problem with bookmarks. You make it personalized and then when they're gone to cry about it. I'm so sad about that. I woke up to have crappy cable. Maybe it's just my TV telling me get a new one.
I woke up expecting to see the replay of a good catch by Dustan Mohr. I wasn't so lucky. I thought I had it fixe dand then it crapped out again. Oh well. At least I'm watching the game now.
Go Giants!
Horoscope: Some things demand immediate attention. Don't wait for them to signal you again.
Watching: Giants VS. Diamondbacks
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