I guess I'll just have a lot of pictures up with my hair only. Kind of boring if you ask me. But oh well I guess that's how it is sometimes. Oh wait! It just dawned on me that I have pictures of cute people. So I guess I'll do that today. I get paranoid when I'm in my room of flies and spiders. Well guess what? I won the spider thing. Odd how my spider sense is a little off, but I did have this odd bite yesterday. I wonder if the cause was from the spide that was near my bed? Good thing I saw it fast and captured it then proceeded to torture it. I also think I have spider bites on my face, but that's another story (along with possible West Nile? no I didn't have it after all).
Ok well the plan is this:
1. Finish watching Virtues of Harmony II and part of 20/20 and then sleep.
2. Wake up watch game (must have phone alarm to wake me up or set stereo).
3. Hand wash some clothes and take advantage of the semi heat.
4. Put pictures up of cousins.
5. Whatever else is left to do.
Go Giants!
Here's something that was on my Xanga post and I recieved a comment and didn't know about until I looked about the Giants. Sunday, June 20, 2004
10 reasons it's better to be a Giants fan than a Dodgers fan:
1. "The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant!"
2. Two words: Barry Bonds
3. If you're a Dodgers fan, you probably live in Los Angeles
4. The Say Hey Kid
5. Fog beats smog any day
6. Does No. 71, 72 and 73 ring a bell?
7. A cable car, sourdough bread, a foghorn -- and that's just inside the ballpark
8. Balls don't splash in Chavez Ravine
9. When was the last time L.A. made the playoffs?
10. The Wave restricted to McCovey Cove
you must really be a fan...or
you're just awfully excited...
Posted 8/5/2004 at 8:46 AM by tinathai
i'm a big time Giants fan! GO GIANTS! BEAT LA!!! BEAT LA!!
Posted 9/24/2004 at 3:41 PM by daria1501
Horoscope: If you find yourself out at sea without a breeze, power up the motor. Innovate.
Watching: Virtues of Harmony II
Listening to:
Thinking about: sleep and the black eyes I have (kinda)