
Go Giants!

Great game last night. I thought there would be trouble when Tomko game up two HRs (home runs) in the 1st. It wouldn't matter because the Giants would come back again and again 9 times total. Feliz was the big surprised. I was pointed out on how Feliz is doing and when I'm a fan of Mohr's that Mohr wasn't doing so well either. I don't look at stats that much compared to everyone else. I just do it based on day to day. I could look at stats, but then I'd more informed. I do look look at stats, but not too often.

Anyway it was a great game. I loved it. OK I'm starting to sound like a broken record. We have taken one game from the Astros, but can we take another? We shall have to wait until 7.15 p.m. to find out. Noah Lowry is going to pitch.

Horoscope: Finally -- the tough part is over. Now you're ready for the good stuff. (Finding a job? Or school?)
Watching: WNN
Listening to:
Thinking about: Game 2 against the Astros