Yes am bored. I can think of one thing I should be working on but my wrist seems to disagree with me. I just set the chair a lot higher than it has been. I hope that this will help with my typing. So now I plan on working on my paper. I swear I turned off the heat like 3 hours ago. I mean the tenant downstairs is not even there so what is the point. It is not like I’m freezing. I mean if I was I’d turn it on, but it’s not so why is it on? I swear people think that gas is unlimited. He is a guy and guys can deal with the cold except when it happens then they are wusses. I guess could say that I could probably bake in my own room with the way it is set up. My desk is right under or in front of the heater. So if my feet are cold I can place it right under the heater to warm them up. If I am colder than that, I put on a pair of socks. I have already had breakfast/lunch and even my milk tea with a regular cup of hot tea. All this is not good for me, but I have drank water too. Just wanted a little change with tea is that a crime? Before I know, it will be 5.00 p.m. and my day will have been wasted.
"You're good. No one suspects anything. See how much longer your luck holds." - Horoscope