One was before the Woodside exit in the slightly faster lane. Then before Moody Road there was something run over in the very fast lane. I was glad both times; I was not in either of the lanes. I am so tired. I just hope I remember where I parked the car this morning. I parked pretty well. Of course, I am a lazy parker and choose the easiest spots to park. That is the one that is the quickest to pull into and takes me about five minutes or so to get perfect. I hope to have a great day, but I know it will be a long one.
I checked my e-mail this morning and was surprised to find that my cousin was pampered in Southern California. Free massages, acupuncture, and chiropractors for everyone at the camp and I am jealous of that. I am going to head off to class and then sleep if I can.
"Brightness dims. Find the goodness in everyone." - Horoscope
I had the horoscope all done, but then I logged out and I only typed what I could remember. How sad am I for forgetting? I just hope I get it sent to me again in the next 10 minutes.