Yeah I know that sounds cheesy, but I could not help it. That is because I do have a mission today. My mission is to find out what happened to my floppy. The drive over to San Jose was ok. Road kill was horrible and lucky I was in the fast lane and not next to the slow lane. I do not know what it was, but it did not look too happy. I was driving like a maniac. I found parking and I found my missing CDs. They were under the driver’s seat just as I left them the other day. I just could not find it until today. I have some coffee and I guess I am just waiting to see what happens in the day.
Now that I have a little less pressure on me (ta Herb =)) I hope I can finally put all of my attention into school. It will be like before, except now I have a good friend who I can complain to about school (sorry Herb). Make it a great day. (Whom did I get that one from? Why am I using it? I blame it on TV and commercials!)
"What a grouch you are. Allow yourself to shine in private. Release always helps." - Horoscope