The last bit is actually from a title of Weird Al’s Running With Scissors. What will pay off? What investigation are they talking about? What good feeling should I have? As I was driving to school with some what crazy people on the road because I seen to end up with the crazies I was thinking about Disney’s portrayal of happy endings. Ok it was not today this morning but yesterday morning or afternoon when I was listening to my CD that I had burned. At my request for suggestions for my CD, my friend suggested The Little Mermaid’s Under The Sea. Granted I did not have the rest of the soundtrack (because I have been behind in updating my mp3s) on Disney soundtracks, but I thought that almost all of the Disney movies have happy conclusions. Even the “people” ones do too. Is Disney trying to get all little children to believe that this is true or is this gimmick?
That is my rant and rave over my horoscope and the whole Disney thing. I forgot to mention earlier when I was driving that I had the strangest drive. It was when I was near San Mateo and Half Moon Bay that there was this sudden burst of fog. It started on what seems like a ram but also a bridge at the same time. There is a lake near by and so that had fog too. It looked so inviting that you just wanted to swim in it. The trees surrounding had white frosty looking tops. While passing all of that fog and looking back it looked like I was leaving wonderland. I wish I were able to stay there because it looked like my dreamland.