There is a replica of the Rosetta stone in the library. I had not notice it until there was nothing running on it filling it with color. I only noticed that last week. It didn't even look familiar until then. I looked at it somewhat carefully and then thought I saw the real thing in London. How ironic is that?
Do beans grow on trees? Who keeps calling my mobile with a Caller ID Blocked number? Questions that go unanswered. They called yesterday twice around 10.30 in the morning then again at 7 pm in the evening and once again this morning at about 10. If I find out whom it is...they will hear cursing!
I am driving home and I get another call like that. I get another just after 8.00 p.m. I hate the caller! Let it be known! Driving home was ok. I swear I did not see the C.H.P. on the motorcycle. He just came out of nowhere. Well not anywhere only because I was not looking at the rear view mirror and I should have. I went to see if they had more of my monkey shirts because they are super cute. Ok I have a slight monkey thing going on. I do not own a lot of stuff with monkeys, but not so sure now.
"Surprise draws you all together. Bystanders interact. Hidden qualities come out." - Horoscope