I woke up this morning thinking not a bad night?s sleep. I have yet to start on my paper. I know that is bad. I said I would for the past three hours or something since I have been up. I will work on the bibliography. I have to find my notes and I have a list with six things to do. I might have it up to ten now since I have other things to do. At least the wanker that has been calling my mobile stopped. *knock on wood* because I would be very annoyed if they called me. They called twice yesterday once while I was in class and the other while I was eating dinner.
I have the plans down for Saturday in an e-mail. I should e-mail back saying I will be one of the interviewers. I had better work on my paper first. I had better not make it a habit to blog a lot because it seems like I am at least 3 to 4 times a day if I include xanga. I already dubbed the tape that had me painting a small closet. I have had lunch so there really is not an excuse not to work on my presentation/paper.
One note to those that drive on 280: what I said yesterday about the C.H.P. stepping up patrol units is true because my brother noticed them. Then again, he did almost hit a police officer so I think they are coming after him for that. He did not hit the officer, but almost swiped him.
"Stand by your friends. Be patient and supportive. Keep your intellect alive, too." - Horoscope