The laundry update is that I did fold some of it. the rest was just tossed back into the laundry thing. The morning commute was odd. I left the house at 6.53 a.m. and arrived at 7.43 a.m. That is a four-minute difference from yesterday. I found parking which is always good. I can’t believe that mornings are so difficult. I had a hard time getting out of bed because I did not want to believe that it was 5.45 a.m. already. The toughest part about school I guess is the commute. Ok that is a total lie, but the papers that I have to write and the exams I have to take. The best part about school is leeching off the T1 connection.
I do not know if I should make anymore Albertsons runs to buy chicken broth. I mean do I really need more than the seven dozen cans that I have bought already? Maybe will ask my aunt if she needs any, however I do not have a lot of beef cans. It does not matter anyway since it goes down the same way right. I do not know if I can watch “O” on my laptop since the DVD drive is really loud. I should at least try or get the video! Aww but I hate rewinding. Oh well.