Needless to day I can rushing with adrenaline for tomorrow. There is the free stuff and good deals out there. My shopping list so far: 400 black cds, two 2.4 GHz cordless phones, Altoid strips, cd visor holder, some RAM for my computer, slim cd cases, a microphone (can’t find the one I have and paid $3.00 for), a power strip with surge protection, pens, and another mini portable hard drive. Most of the stuff will be F.A.R. (Free After Rebates) or cost a little after rebates. Under $10.00 is a good guess unless the item is expensive. Mind you, I have not calculated the amount for the postage and also the tax, but still very good deals.
I actually programmed the universal remotes. It is just much faster to use the codes they provide instead of doing a code search. Whoever thought about just pressing one button forever is stupid. I now have a universal remote to control my TV, VCR, and even my stereo. Now I have sleep for my TV! I am so happy. Now I can watch TV and have it go off! Yay! So excited! I love the new remote!
Well I better shower and then get to bed because I have an early wake up.
“It only gets better from here. You’re doing this for you. Praise is welcome, though.” – Horoscope