Stats for ASIMO -
Height: 4 feet tall (I'm taller! Yay!)
Weight: 100 pounds. (No commenet.)
Movement: can dance hula and disco. (W00T!)
Made by: Honda
My horoscope is right about the buying things. I am buying everything and anything on eBay which is bad. I am not part of a couple so I do not know why that is in there. They cannot assume everyone has a significant other while I am a mere Singleton.
Don't make any confidences, because they could set off unpleasant conversations and cause you irreparable damages. Your life as a couple will be very pleasant if you pay attention to your remarks. You'll show much sympathy and kindness to people around you. It'll be stronger than you -- you won't be able to resist the pleasure of buying everything that you like, from the most insignificant thing to the most beautiful object of collection; don't be surprised if you have a difficult time at the end of the month.
Mood: ?
Watching: Giants VS. Pirates
Listening to:
Thinking about: ASIMO!!!!