I have finished Bridget Jones’s Diary. I also noticed that the way I spelled diary it was dairy and no one seemed to notice or care or even tell me that. That is the problem with spell check. It can only catch words that are spelled wrong not used wrong. Someone should get that part changed. I am now going to start reading Bridget Joes The Edge of Reason. I cannot wait for the movie to come out. I feel can relate to Bridget so much and so little. The way she hates her job while I do not really like school. She has no boyfriend and the same with me.
I guess that is where our similarities end except she cannot cook nor can I. she smokes and drinks while I do not smoke but do have an occasional drink. I had a so-so day. I will try and get some homework or studying done tonight. If all goes according to my plans.
School or class was difficult to sit still because I was tired from lack of sleep. I believe I broke my record for lateness the night before school with 3.00 a.m. without an exam to study for or a paper to write.
Horoscope: You're really good at keeping a secret, and that quality is going to come in handy right about now. No matter how tempting it is, don't let any important details emerge. There's more to it than you're aware of.
Mood: So-so.
Watching: The Bachelor
Listening to:
Thinking about: If Trish really is a gold digger. *shrug*