While nicely awoken to the sound of phone beeping to remind me of the game I thought I had better get up. These past 24 ? 48 hours have been spent doing nothing of importance to help for final. The guy downstairs is back which means I will not get lovely sleep tonight although Herb has theory about body clock is adjusted to time regularly slept. All I know is the cupboard doors will be removed if constant slamming is happening during nights which I need sleep.
I turned on the TV hoping to see something good, but I did not. I did flip back and forth between the Giants and the Sharks and I liked the Sharks more. Something about the roaring of the crowd and the excitement of the game. Ok granted the Giants were down and the Sharks were leading 4 to 1 at the time but it was just more exciting. Oh my gosh. Have I become one of those people who likes to sit on bum and watch sport all the time? dear me I hope not. Paid my mum on items bought and find out that I am out roughly $300.00 total. The amount to go into bank after all that was sorted out is $45.00. This year I had a little bit more for New Years. Figuring out that I have stuff on eBay that I wish to purchase will probably make me break even with zero dollars made this year. Ok Chinese New Year is not holiday it is a job. So is Christmas too. Just figured have to give brother $20.00 for Mother?s day present which means I am still good. What can I get with $25.00?
I know I cannot get a Sharks ticket to see them play but I can get a ticket for a Giants game. The pluses and the minus to all of this. One bit of scary news. I woke up and decided must make or boil hot water. Went to the dining room table to get water container thing that keeps the water hot. I did not notice a spider on it or near it. Pouring the water into the cold water container I then saw a giant (exaggeration but for me it was giant) spider floating inside the water. How creepy is that? Chills just thinking about it. Granted it was roughly 1.30 p.m. in the afternoon but who would expect to see something like that. It was not as if the spider was dangling down and I had not seen it but it was probably on the spout of the thermos. Then when I opened it, it fell in. needless to say the water was then poured out and I will look before I pour, but I wonder if that were to happen during the mornings would I scream and wake up the whole house.
Enough already and time to get back to studying. New Simpsons tonight and I have school tomorrow. lucky not a midterm. Go Sharks! No one commented on my hair yesterday in the words of Stephanie Tanner, "How Rude!" Maybe because it was not red enough or it was the lighting.
Horoscope: Security is an utmost concern. The most responsible decisions aren't always fun.
Mood: Feel like doing nothing.
Watching: Friends
Listening to:
Thinking about: Nothing. Not in the mood to think. Would rather finish Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason than homework.