Brower was hilarious in the top of the seventh. He kept running and running from first to home. Hilarious stuff. Ducked around third because the ball was being tossed. And when he goes into the club house bonds does this thing with his hand of circling. So funny.
I am now trying to get over the bruise behind my left knee. I have no idea how I got it and it remains a mystery. I know I did not get it on Saturday at graduation or before it. Oh well. I hope it goes away. It is a pain to have one there since I sit oddly on the chair (crossed Indian style and like one leg up as if I will wrap an arm around it).
I enjoyed the game. I did not even stress out when one of the Diamond Backs hit a homerun. Was not even tripping over it and you are Looking good Giants. Makes me wish I followed the team more. Looking back, I did follow then in elementary school and middle school. I believed my cousin who was a softball player influenced me.
The stuff that you learn while reading other people's blogs. I had no idea that Jonathan Brandis passed away last November. It was ruled a suicide. I remember I had the biggest crush on him. I remember when he was on SeaQuest DSV and he was cute. I do not understand the whole baseball jersey with the Marlins on it but I guess it was because of where he was located in the show. Rest in Peace. Here are more details.
Horoscope: Sometimes you're easily distracted when discipline calls, but not now. You can't afford the luxury of spacing out. Your conscience is working overtime.
Watching: What Not To Wear
Listening to:
Thinking about: How one can take thier own life.