I am sitting here reading
Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason when I know I should be reading the textbook. This book is so funny. Chapter 13 was hilarious. I was laughing out loud. If you passed by my room and heard me laughing that loudly you would think I have lost my mind. I have not and just find that this book is funny. I really cannot wait for the movie to come out. Thanks to Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth they made me laugh and smile like I have not in a while. Cheers to you two for making me laugh out loud.
I recommend to anyone who loves Bridget Jones to read this book. It is so funny. I think I will just finish this up and then study. What a way to end one thing and start another.
Horoscope: Duty calls before you're ready. Don't worry, your friends will wait for you. A job well done goes by quickly. Before you know it you'll have another feather in your cap and more free time on your hands.
Mood: Happy! =)
Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason
Listening to:
Thinking about: Finishing the book and hope it has the ending that I want.