
The past 24 hours...

3.05 a.m. I shall give up on crisps and chocolate. However if there is a chocolate diet I shall be v. pleased. studying is harder than I thought. after finishing Bridget Jones and how she wrote her Christmas cards I am beginning to feel the exact same. Wonder if she has influenced me more and that would be quite bad. Have not completed even the one chapter said to be working on at around 11.00 p.m. Shame on me. Shall work on it now and hope when tired will sleep blissfully and should probably set alarm to wake me up at dawn for practice for Friday.

Sharing my textbook and at the wall when should be reading the textbook and not staring at anything. Although textbook should be priority. Will end this now and stop procrastinating. seems I have gotten senioritis and would be proper time as I am senior at university. Ok end now.

4.32 a.m. and I have finished reading the textbook! YAY! Now I can take a nice nap and then get up to do this all over again. Why is my life so screwed up? At least I have eaten no chocolate, which is a good thing. Paid for item won on eBay so that I may have it next week a little treat for myself for graduating except the fact have been git for studying.

2.50 p.m. it has hit me like a ton of bricks after looking up the word "noting" I had no idea that it was similar to note. I am serious. when I first read it I was awake and I just had no idea. honestly if I had not looked it up online I would never know what it meant. now that I do. going back to work. TV goes off because it was on to watch the Giants win and Better, set the VCR to tape Oprah today. "Noting plan," I thought was knotting plan. Yeah. See how eight hours of sleep can still screw you up? Back to work.

3.39 p.m. have almost finished outline for essay about cathedral. Only problem is going to be remembering the information. Not looking good at this point because in less than 24 hours, I will be taking my last final exam, which is strange. Now the stress and pressure has finally hit me. Better, set the alarm now or will be late to final.

chocolate 15 (maybe more losing track and from last night so would be in the past 48 hours), caffeine 1 (diet coke with lime), milk tea 3 (but including yesterday), times thought about checking e-mail 20 (v. v. bad), times checked eBay 20 (v. v. bad esp. when suppose to be focusing on final)

I have finished most of the list that I had made up yesterday. Should have had it all done yesterday but did not. Checking eBay is extremely bad since I have bid on items and then find something else for a better price. Should not have placed bid so early regret it now. Am sure when I see the dentist next he will say I have cavities and need drilling.

4.00 p.m. and I have only looked at flash cards once and finished what I started yesterday. Must look over essay information and see if I have answered everything asked then go on to next item on list. Do not have time to blog anymore. At least there is nothing on TV tonight to distract me from studying until 5.00 a.m. and one hour of sleep then eat and drive to school to take final.

Horoscope: You're feeling scattered, and so are the people around you. Cut to the quick.
Mood: STRESSED!!!!!!!!!
Listening to: VCR humming while taping Oprah.
Thinking about: Final and final essay.