I myself would just say that getting through school was hard. Thanks to my friend Allan and Jon who both were in the same graduating class as me. Congratulations on a job well done. You both deserved it and worked hard for it. Thanks for being there when I needed someone to talk to, to get through the bad times and ugly times. Thank you both for just being there when I needed support. Without you two I do not know if I would have made it this far.
To those that made my life hell, I am now going to try my best not letting the past get in the way of my future. I am free from all of you and this is closure. I forgive you all for having the cops take down my personal information over a disturbance call when it was not my fault but it did make cry and that is when I knew I need out. Because of that, I have strived to go for what I want and how I want my life to change.
What happened was this. The roommate who I hate had a woofer, turned it up (stupidily at 11.00p.m.), and was not courteous to the other people in the building. Security came up and knocked on the door but they did not hear it. Then someone called the police and pretty much that was it. However, the thing is why would have the bass up loud at night? Stupid is as stupid does. Common sense should have been used but was not with this person. Might I also add she was the oldest in the apartment?
Sometimes it takes many bad times for good times to happen. I cannot deny I want good things and good times but if I have to wait then I shall learn to have patience.
Here is what really happened today. Arrived to get in line for the shuttle to take us down to the football field (nice in a college sort of way) and then I had to look for my group. The unlucky part was that I was in the wrong part and ended up running to where I was suppose to be. Graduation was to start in a little while. I took a risk and thought maybe I could see my friend in the foreign language part but he was not there.
Sitting in the sun baking was not fun. The "wave" was a disaster as in we could not even get that right. Beach balls were fun. I could not tell how many were behind me but there was at least five from my count looking ahead. When it was time for each college to get up all sorts of things were thrown. There was the program torn up, paper in square shape (I believe), flour or corn tortillas, and confetti. The largest group had to be business. We were big until they were announced.
All in all a memorable graduation with the help of tortillas. Did I forget to mention that I could not sleep at all last night? Then when I did, I had to wake up. It was just one of those nights.
Horoscope: The modern world is a marvel. There's no end to the information at your disposal.
Mood: Tired. =(
Listening to:
Thinking about: Sleep.