While reading on a Chinese radio website that translates news articles that are in Chinese into English for those that cannot I stumbled on one about William Hung. He is the "Idol" that is a joke and not taken seriously. He was offered by Aladdin Casino and Resort to perform six days a week for twenty minutes and only two songs. That comes out to $83.00 per minute each night. Hung says that it is too little money and thinks he can get more. The report says that it would be unlimited time he would be part of the V-The Ultimate Variety Show. this would also make him world famous and a star almost as big as Celine Dion.
Is he crazy? I mean that is easy money. And u can make a lot in a year. That is $520,000.00 a year if my math is right. He is insane for not taking this deal. He would be singing like he wanted to and plus he would be doing somewhat karaoke style and so I am surprised he could pass up this opportunity. Bad decision on his part.
Horoscope: Replace' should have,' 'could have' and 'would have' with 'must' and 'shall.' Set aside the meaningless things that will eat as much of your day as you feed them. Spend your time on what makes you happy. The moment you free yourself from the same old routine, you can't help noticing what a beautiful world it is. People seem friendlier and more interesting that usual. Maybe they're always like this and you never tuned in until now. You can't see how you'll ever go back after learning all these things. Fresh energy from the stars makes you efficient and attractive.
Mood: Grr...anouncers on ESPN suck.
Watching: Sharks VS. Flames
Listening to:
Thinking about: Cheechoo and Nabokov to keep up the good work.