I had a little bit of food and two servings. Did not eat a whole lot since I was tired and had no had caffeine in my system. Lovely I think because I was a walking zombie and just like little Brandon who just awoken from a nap. I felt about the same as he looked.
After food or babysitting we left to go to Target. Nothing to buy but it was just nice looking. Maybe because I am too picky about what I wear. A line from Clueless You see how picky I am about my shoes and they just go on my feet. Of course, that has nothing to do with clothes because I am not that picky about the shoes that go on my feet.
Anyway I had better get back to studying. I will post up a picture of my little cousin cutie. =)
Horoscope: If you're feeling frustrated, try to blow off some steam and then persevere rather than giving up and walking away. You might not be trying the right angle.
Mood: Mixed. Undecided.
Watching: Iron Chef theme is curry.
Listening to:
Thinking about: My cutie pie Brandon. =)