
Job hunting and website surfing...

You never know what you find online until you do a search for it. I added a link to Sixteen Candles the movie because it was airing this weekend and I just thought it would be nice to have. I do not believe I have mentioned I added a news section on the side. It will be updated when something significant happens in the future. Examples would be weddings, birthdays, concerts, and whatever else I feel like. I wonder whom actually, if anyone reads my blog. I know one person does and I am thankful for that, but it is strange having someone reading about what goes on in you life.

I have decided I have to "grow up". No more acting immature and torturing my brother and I know he would love to hear that. I guess it is time to act 23 *shudder* and not 16 (if not 16 than under 20). I know I do not look 23 but 16 or something (I will stick with 16 because I do somewhat get mistaken for that rarely though) but I act like a typical high school student. Ok I dress like one or not one but I guess I have to say good bye to teenager and hello adult.

So starting today, I will be more mature (or try to) and look for a job. First, I have fix up the old resume that is horrible looking. After that, I will apply for a job that I am sure I can do well at. Applying for a job that you are good at is a good thing right?

Horoscope: The currents are taking you in a new direction. Follow the river. Don't fight it.
Mood: Tired.
Watching: TV
Listening to:
Thinking about: J-O-B.