Well I did finally wake up about 1.30 p.m. or 2.30 p.m. the time I am not exactly sure but most likely the second one. The Giants game was good except I missed Mr. Barry Bonds home run number 674. Coors field is tricky. You are either the comeback team or the team that does all the running.
I then was treated to numerous phone calls that kept coming in after the phone was back on the hook. One right after another and then the call to my cell phone was a shock. It was to get a facial. So I was treated to a facial. I needed one sort of. While on the way I received an email from one of the jobs I applied to. I am schedule for an appointment or interview on either Friday or Tuesday.
Jobs applied for since 5/28 to present - 7
Number of replies since 5/28 to present - 1
Horoscope: The sun is out. The clouds have lifted. So what are you waiting for? Buy yourself a kite.
Watching: News
Listening to:
Thinking about: Job interview on Friday or next Tuesday. My choice.